

Time was always a bit weird for me to keep track of. Now I don't means they days or hours but how quickly it had gone by. Things seemed to be going so well.

A place where I felt safe.

SLASH----- Demonic screeching

But that was no longer the case.


The smell of Burning flesh and the ever present order of fresh blood. Turning to look as I tighten my grip on the short sword and pulled it out of the neck of a Clannfear. Many of the guards were currently fighting other Daedra while some who could use magic shot spells from afar. As buildings near the Broken gate were burning.

Alawion had been teaching me her form of magic at Clearpine pond. I had been surprised when we had first went there. A Lone Spriggan had appeared from one of the trees. preparing for the worse until Alawion placed one of her hands on my shoulder to calm me.

With each stride she took towards the Spriggan who seemingly kept calm. She reach out her hand, Touching its wooden face. she motioned for me to come close, and as I did with weary step. My gaze observed it's dark wooden form. a light shine of gold with the humming sound of insects came from it. A lone branch like antler on the right side of its head, while the left one was shattered. Only a stump of it remaining.

"Normally I would have taken you Grove to introduce you to one of these creatures. Thankfully this ancient one has been living close by." Alawion commented while guiding my hand towards the Spriggans chest. "Tradition dictate that we would travel to a place blessed by Y'ffra, yet I feel no such place in Skyrim. " I looked at her with confusion.

"Worry not, for now sit so that I can test if you are able to learn what little I know." I couldn't help but feel nervous while staring between them. This form of magic was something that had interested me and given what little I know of magic would greatly help me so it was nothing but a boon.

Only if I was able to learn it. With a sigh I sat before them both. My memory of that even halting as One of the guards near me was killed by a imp how then charged at me. As I relaxed my hold on the short sword it vanished from thin air and in it place a spear appeared. As it fell I grabbed it with both hands, gripping it as I took my stance and dodged a small fire ball that was thrown at me.

My eyes glowing a bright yellow as I charged forward. The imp had taken to the air and avoid my thrusts. But by doing so its wings were pierced by Arnovai arrows. As it fell from the sky I placed myself underneath it and aimed my spear towards its head.

A Claw had slashed my back, leaving large gashes on my back and shirt. forcing me to drop my spear and fall forward. Raising me head a clannfear beak was closing down on me as its head slid off its head and landed on me. It's blood spilling for its neck onto me.

"Come on, lass I'm not to late!" Shouted a nervous voice. Turning my attain to them it turned out to be Gersg who was holding a large swords with two hands. His Priest friend rushing behind me and placing his hands that glowed a bright yellow on my back. It Healing and closing my wounds.

"Watch out!" I shouted as another's Daedra charged at us. Gersg turning towards it and with a shash forcing it to stop it's charge, the creature taking a few steps back. Raising my hands as a bright green light manifested as I willed my magica forward, Many thin vines shit from the ground and latched it self around the creatures leg.

It struggled but with ever step it took many of the vines snapped in half. Not missing this moment Gersg rushed forward with his blade towards his side, Slashing forward he removed the creatures legs. The priest helping me up as we retreated back up the city.

Mp 120/ 400

Nature magic

Vine trap lvl 2

Earlier this day everything had seemed so normal I thought as guards rushed passed us towards the civilian that were hurt and helping them passed the second city gate towards safety. Arnovais was only a bit further up and seemed to be on her last arrow as she held it notched and ready. Alawion voice coming from behind as she held her bone bow.

"We need to get to the second gate." her eyes darting from side to side while seeming calm. "These beast were only the start I fear. Best we group up with the guards and report about the gate that opened at Clearpine pond." We were lucky to have had made it back here I though while remembering what had happened.

Past event

"Focuses, and feel the magica in nature" Alawion said as she sat behind me and the old Spriggan sat in front. I had been holding it's hand while pushing my magic through one side of it as it did the same on the other.

"Remember this is not like other magic where you must learn the structure of a spell, But more like a story you must learn." And as she began to tell the story once more I again felt the magic in the air. This story was geared to helping me summon a forest creature from the daedric plane. This would be the second story I would learn.

Thankfully once I've memorized it and the flow of the magi in the air I wouldn't have to repeat it. But it was become late and I still wasn't able to get a hang of it. But suddenly there was a force of chaotic magic in the air. It swelled and gathered towards the hill. Alawion got to her feet and dragged me up as well.


Suddenly a red flash appeared, blinding me for a bit. The sound of creatures growling and loud buzzing of insects was all I heard for a bit before my eyesight cleared.

A large black spiked structure piller appeared. With a vortex of red and black energy was considerate in the center. around it were what appeared to be dinosaur like creature that was slamming its head towards the Spriggan who shot a swarm of green insects beam.

"We need to leave now" was the last thing I remember as I followed after Alawion.

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