
Chapter Eighteen - Guilty Pleasures

Genevieve looked like the type of woman who indulged in salads and detoxes and had a very berry smoothie for breakfast every morning. I thought of her as one who counted her calorie intake to make room for a skinny latte or a piece of dark chocolate for a taste of pleasure. I never in a million years would've thought that she would eat a six inch sub all by herself, accompanied by iced-tea and pickles. Her appetite was something that has clearly taken me by surprise, and I found myself liking her a little more than I should have.

The way she moaned against the bread made me stare grudgingly at the wheat-based product. It got to explore her lips, play twister with her tongue, and touch every corner of her mouth while I sat by idly with nothing to do but stare. The time has come when Killian Rhodes was jealous of bread. That was how much being around Genevieve effected my sanity. I enjoyed every minute of it.

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