
°•.Rocks N' Stuff.•°

Early in the morning, everyone woke up so they can stay cool up until noon. "It's so hot!" Ice complained. Blaze said, "I know you've been living in the snow for a long time, but you need to stop complaining. FOR ONCE!" It was getting hotter each hour. Blaze and Kole could withstand the heat, but everyone else was literally melting.

Blaze was getting stressed because the sand under his paws turned into glass. Mr. Nafario picked a few up along the way, and Ice was trying to ignore the fact that Blaze's paws were hotter than the desert heat. Lark was trying to cool himself off with water, but after a few minutes, the water would get too warm. After five long hours, Mr. Nafario pointed at the horizon and said, "We're here!" There was a very green and lush jungle up ahead. Lark, Ice, and Blacksmith instantly ran to the jungle. Blaze asked, "You aren't going to rush in there old man?" Mr. Nafario said, "Just because I'm old, it doesn't mean that I'm frail." Kole agreed with that statement and Blaze just groaned. The three finally got to the jungle where Ice, Lark and Blacksmith were. Kole said, "It's really cool here." Mr. Nafario said, "That's because this is one of the lands. Just like the Plains." Blacksmith said, "Yeah... we're finally here..." Kole went to get a drink of water, and Blaze stayed instead of going with Mr. Nafario to find Milo, the Master of the Rocks.

Lark said, "I wonder if Milo got bigger.." Blaze said, "Lark, there is no way that furball with a brick for a brain got bigger." Kole sat down and asked, "Can you tell us more about Milo?" Lark said, "First of all, he is a tiger, but not just any tiger. He is a Golden Tiger." Kole and Ice were intrigued, and Blacksmith was curious about what a Golden Tiger is.

Blaze said, "That's why I call him a fur ball. He's the fluffiest tiger I've ever seen." Then Blacksmith said, "Then his kind must be near to extinction because of the humans, yes?" Blaze nodded, and Lark said, "Humans no longer exist, but his kind is having trouble reproducing, so we considered it voodoo to talk about it around him."

Blaze nodded once again, and said, "It's rare for a tiger to have a power to control rocks. That's usually what wolves or bears use, but us masters are different after all." Blacksmith said, "Now that I think about it... it is strange. A fox using fire, a wolf using water, Kole can use literally every element, and Ice can use ice and water powers." Then Lark asked Blacksmith, "Say

... do you use magic at all?"

Blacksmith said, "I never thought about using magic, so I don't really know." No one noticed, but Lark was a tad excited about that fact. Suddenly, there was a loud, but faint, "Blaaaaze! Laaaaark!" Then the jungle started trembling. All of the birds nearby flew away, and it looked like the bugs on the ground were running away as well.

Suddenly, a massive white and cream tiger with very fluffy fur with the strong sent of honey pounced on Blaze, and started laughing. Then he said, "Long time no see!" Blaze sighed and while struggling to breathe, he said, "Yup... he got much bigger..." Then he looked at Kole and said, "Claudius is here too! What a treat!"

"So this is Milo?" Blacksmith asked, slowly inching closer to the tiger. Mr. Nafario suddenly appeared and said, "Yup. This is Milo the Tiger. The Master of the Rocks." Milo got off of Blaze and said, "Pleasure to meet you. What are your name?" Ice bounced up and said, "My name is Ice! I can use ice and water powers!"

Milo stared at him wide eyed, and Blacksmith said, "I'm Blacksmith, but you can call me Smith. I'm the navigator." Milo said, "That's good. Lark and Blaze have very bad sense of direction." Lark just kind of looked away, and so did Blaze. They weren't even denying it.

Mr. Nafario said, "Oh ho ho! They do, don't they? Anyway, Milo I need you to train Claudius again." Milo was confused at first, but he shrugged it off and said, "Okay! Let's go to the Green Temple!"

A Golden Tiger is a tiger that is extinct, but it is said that they still exist.

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