
◇We Meet Again...♡

Instead of training, Kole wondered around the room. It looked like a wetlands with a lot of dead trees. "This place looks... depressing... and scary...." Kole whispered to himself.

Kole sat down, and tried to form a waterball. It didn't work. The water just slid away from his paws. "The element has to remind you of... something. I think... water reflects from sadness and peace." Kole said to himself. So he sat down, and relaxed his body and mind.

Kole closed his eyes, and formed a huge waterball. Lark rushed over saying, "What are you doing!?" Kole said, "Doing stuff without you." Lark flinched and said, "You really are Claudius... fine I'll train you. Again. Just put the ball down. Gently." Kole put the ball down and got proper training from Lark. A few hours later, Kole said, "Thank you Lark. For teaching me. Again."

Lark sighed and said, "I'm sorry for fighting with you. I will be better to you from now on." Kole said, "Oh it's-" Then there was an explosion. Lark, Edward, and Kole rushed outside to see a pink cheetah and Blaze in the sky. "T-that's mom!" Shouted Kole. Edward said, "Blaze! Get down here!" Bella looked at Kole and shouted, "What are you doing with that Soul Snatcher!?"

Mr. Nafario ran in front of Kole and shouted, "I know that you're wrong! This is Claudius! You changed him back into a child!" Everyone there started murmuring about what he said. Bella turned to Blaze and growled, "How did you guys find out!?" Blaze said, "He showed signs that he learned from us when he was a child in the past." Blaze shot a beam of fire at Bella, and it went straight through her ear.

"That was for putting my fire out." Then Blaze's fire cloud dissapeared and he started falling. Before he hit the ground, Forest caught him and said, "I got him!" Bella's ear started bleeding. She roared and then she was surrounded by rings of fire. Kole's ears lit on fire and he shouted, "We have to stop her!"

Bella with an evil gaze stared at Kole and said, "You ruined everything you brat. You saved the world countless times. We could've ruled the world... but you were in the way..." Bella threw a pink fireball, and everyone dodged.

However, one of the dens caught on fire and Lark shouted, "Go over there! I have to seal this fire!" Mr. Nafario, Kole, and Blaze moved to another spot near Bella. Kole threw a blue fireball at his mother, and she shrieked in terror. Bella growled so deeply, that it caused an earthquake. The ground split in half, separating Kole and Blaze from Mr. Nafario. Forest created a giant leaf, and all of the animals climbed onto it to escape.

Bella quickly turned her head, and threw a fireball at the leaf. Forest was about to defend the people, but Kole threw another fireball and pushed the pink one out of the way. Bella swooped down and grabbed Kole's neck. She whispered, "Don't. Play. Hero..." The flames on Kole's ears turned blue, and then his entire body caught on fire. Bella screamed in pain as she jerked her paw away from Kole.

Bella slowly raised her arm, and saw that her whole paw disintegrated. Bella's eyes turned back to normal, and they were full of tears. A dark cloud fell over them, and it started raining. A moment later, Bella dissapeared and Kole said, "Did... did we win?" Blaze ran up to Kole and hugged him tightly. "Oh my god you used blue fire and disintegrated her PAW!"

Edward said, "We can't fix this place without Milo... Blaze can you fly?" Blaze said, "Nope. Bella destroyed one of my sources of power."

Blaze's eyes lit up and said, "Kole you do it!" "Huh!?" Kole shouted confusingly. Blaze said, "Go on go on! Make a fire cloud!" Kole tried to make a fire cloud, but it quickly faded away. Edward said, "It seems that Kole needs to learn how to make a proper fire cloud."

Mr. Nafario shook his head and shouted, "He can learn by himself. Right now we need to find Milo." Kole said, "Blaze can I come?" "Absolutely not!" Blacksmith was coming from the right, jumping over the gaps the earthquake caused. "Why not?" Kole asked. Blacksmith stood beside Kole and said, "Not without me you won't."

Kole smiled widely and purred. Blaze said, "Alright alright. Enough with the mushy stuff. Let's go!" Forest made a sturdy vine bridge, so Kole, Blaze, Blacksmith, and Edward can cross the wide gap. Kole asked Edward, "Who is Milo anyway?" Edward said, "Milo is a very cocky tiger. However, he is the master of the last element you need to learn." Kole with a brave face said, "Alright!" Blacksmith asked Mr. Nafario, "We're going through the Winter Forest, correct?"

Mr. Nafario nodded and said, "It's too dangerous to go through the mountain at this time of year. Those birds there are hungry for flesh." Kole looked at the direction of the mountain and thought, "Will I ever go there?"

Kole shook his head and thought, "No... it would be too dangerous. Let's just follow the others."

Apologies for the extra long delay. Words for this chapter haven't been coming to me very much, so I had to think of what's going to come next. The next few chapters will have to be pre-written, so it might take a while for the next chapters to come out. Farewell, and stay tuned!

kitoon_unofficialcreators' thoughts
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