
All Hail, The Emperor!

After witnessing the poisonous cloud quickly filling up the distance between them, Kace and Grugda knew it was time to run. They did not dare to look back because there was no need to. They could feel the ground trembling as the Hydra charged after them. If they slowed down even a little, there was a solid chance that the cloud or the Hydra would catch them.

As they sprinted down the now clear path, they could feel the intensity of the tremors growing. The broke out in a cold sweat as they understood that the Hydra was catching up to them. A low hiss sounded from close behind Kace, and a sudden breeze swept the back of his neck. He could guess that he had probably been only a short distance from becoming this monster's dinner.

"Fuck that! I'm meant to be eating you!" Kace bellowed in defiance as he suddenly sped up. 

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