
Chapter 23 - Father's Unknown Origin

"The test is coming. A test of the worthy, so be prepared."

Reya repeated the words again and again in her mind. 'What is this test she spoke of? Who is the worthy? How can I save my sister.... taking this test?'

So many questions, but no answer yet in sight.

She was still clueless as to what to do with the information that she had right now. Letting out a soft breath, she held her aching forehead in her hands.

"Here, have this," Mina held out a small packet of biscuits.

Reya took it from her small hands and proceeded to eat it. It was almost tasteless in her mouth. Chewing silently, she stared into space thinking.

"Are you upset with me? Are you scared of me?" Mina's voice woke her out of her daze. She was fidgeting with her skirt as she glanced down at the ground.

"What?" she asked in a confused voice. "What are you talking about? Why would I be upset with you darling?" she whispered.

"No, I thought..... Because you found me repulsive now.. Because of my shiny blue veins," she said. Her voice barely above a whisper.

Reya lifted her little body up and hugged her tightly. "I love you, Mina. I would never hate you or find you repulsive in any regards."

"Really," her soft muffled voice came from in between her bosoms.

"Yes, really. Besides, have you seen my dash, did you get scared of me then?" Reya questioned in a soft whisper.

"No! I would never be scared of you!" she declared with a determined look.

"Then why would you think I would be scared of you," Reya said with a smug smirk.

"Because I'm weird," she said with her head down.

"I am just like you, in every way possible. So I'm just as weird as you are,"

"Yes we are we are weird together," Mina exclaimed in glee. Her eyes shone in the morning light, lifting her heavy heart.

Her sister was finally convinced that she was not upset with her. She softly held her hand and dozed off.

Reya caressed her cute little head deep in her own thoughts. 'Maybe.... just maybe Mina has a chance to be healed. Gods, if you are listening please.. Please save my little sister. Please,' she prayed, hoping for a miracle.

But nothing happened.

"I guess miracles don't just happen instantaneously," she said.

"What miracles?" her mother questioned with a confused look. Her cheeks were rosy and plump.

"Someone's in a good mood today," Reya wiggled her eyebrow.

She slapped her shoulders softly, blushing. "Oh stop, it's nothing like that. We were... just talking last night,"

Reya let out a deep laugh at this.

She held her shoulders and whispered, "Mom I bet you were just 'talking'."

"Reya, stop teasing me. It's too early for that," she whispered, fanning her hot face.

"Guys, had your breakfast? We have to start soon. It's just thirty kilometre from here," Mr. Kooper said from far.

"Yes, let me get the bags ready," Her mom said and strode to him. She had a huge smile on her face as she packed their bags up.

Reya was actually happy witnessing this. Her mom, Jade was the best person she had ever met and deserved the world. What her dad did to her was not fair, leaving her alone with two little kids to take care of. He just disappeared one day into thin air. And for that she hated him for a very long time.

She didn't know where he went but she hope for a long time that Momma Jade would forget him and move on. Now that it's happening to her heart feels so comfortable. Happy.

"Reya, why do you keep sighing," Mina whispered from her lap.

"Oh, I was just thinking of something," she whispered awkwardly.

After a moment of silence Mina whispered, "You were thinking of dad weren't you."

"Yes... yes I was." she sighed again.

"Reya, do you think dad even loved us?" Mina whispered, biting her fingers.

"I.... I'm not sure either. He was a busy man, always going places." she whispered.

"What did he work as? I never even got to see him much," Mina said, glancing up at her with her beautifully big puppy eyes.

"I didn't get to see him much either. He was... a soldier." Reya whispered, holding her little hands in mine.

"A soldier who fights evil." She exclaimed with her eyes wide.

"No.. Yes. I was not sure either," Reya stuttered, trying to explain what his job was.

'What did he do for a living? Which battalion was he from?' no one in their family can answer these questions. He was quite secretive about it. Never letting them know what he did or where he went.

All the secrecy tore their family apart. And just when it was hanging from a string. He vanished, snapping the lone piece of thread binding them together.

Big shout out to all my readers. Your love and support encourages me a lot.

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