

While gazing in the direction of the opponents, crimson said, "Wow, there is no end to their numbers."

As we were standing on top of the walls, we could see the undead approaching, in front there were 10 undead sorcerer's and their leader in front, behind them were undead, some looked like savage humans, while some looked like a half-dead beasts, there were many species, just randomly approaching us, there was not any sort of formation, most undead barely had any weapon, every one of them had black eyes and open mouths, they hardly had any personalities left within,

The land where there used to be a forest had now been reduced to just bare and dry land as the after effect from the previous battle, it was now like an open field,

"No, look more carefully, the number of undead sorcerers is around 1o excluding their leader, the rest are just undead", I replied

"Just undead? But with those number, well we could wipe them out in a single attack."

After analyzing the situation, I replied, "No, no see those two sorcerer's who are carrying a small sphere around, they seem to be recording, and sending the data somewhere else but it has limited range and coverage if we split up then it will only be able to keep track of one of us at once, first take them out, then only reveal your abilities, you two take care of the 10 sorcerer's and distract the ones recording, while I will take care of their leader."

"What about the undead?"

"I don't think the undead would be a problem."

Then a sharp voice came from below, "After the loss in the previous battle, I now come for retaliation."

I was at the top while he was below at the ground the distance between use was around 20 meters,

"Ahh, I see, so you have come to a have a taste of defeat once again, but you know what, during our last battle I found something exciting, can you guess what it is?

" Huh?"

"Then let me enlighten you, what I found was the very weakness of your necromancy ritual.��

"Weakness? It's not some kind of grand skill to have some weakness or drawbacks, it a simple thing that nearly all undead sorcerers could do."

"Really? Then I wonder where did your dragons disappear to? I mean you previously had it didn't you? Your large dragon's flying around the sky but now why cannot I see them anywhere?"

Marth now had a confused look on his face, his mind was filled with thoughts like, how could our spell have any flaw? Even if there was, what could be flawed about our necromancy? Besides, even if there was any flaw, how could he spot it just by looking at it once while we have not found it for years? He is also a necromancer, but our methods seem totally different, just what does he know?

The two sorcerer's were recording my voice, but this was a risk I had to take, "The creation of the very race of undead sorcerers came from an experiment gone wrong, it happened when an undead defied a necromancer, but that was the only case through history where an undead had retaliated against a necromancer, or so everyone thought, but there was one more case, it happened recently, yes it was the dragons, they were able to escape from the necromancer's control, was it just because the necromancer was weak or was there any other reason?"

That was what made me wonder about how the necromancers create the bond of the master and slave with the undead, how does an undead recognize its master, most of them barely have any thought process, let alone be able to remember the master's face, was it other sense like the smell, no undead do not possess the sense of smell, then my the mana? That too was not possible because of an event that had occurred during the fight, then how?

The next thing was how the undead was summoned? All of these undead were not created by one person, even during my previous battle with Marth and the two undead sorcerer's, most of the undead were created by the two sorcerers yet when I killed the two undead sorcerers, the undead they made were not destroyed, but they were now under Marth's control, so the question arose again, how do the undead recognize their masters?

Then, when the dragons were freed from Marth's control, what could have triggered that? His weak state? No, it could not be possible, such a case where an undead retaliated against the necromancer because the necromancer was in a weakened state was unheard of in this world? So, what was the thing that triggered it? What was something that happened then that had previously never happened?

Then I remembered, there were precisely two events that had co-occurred, one was the sword containing Marth's aura wounding me, and some of his aura entering my body, and the next thing was my contamination infecting Marth, my spell contamination was also made from my own darkness aura,

After thinking about it for some time, I had figured out what had happened, and also about the unique necromancy process created by the first undead sorcerer. This process made sure that he was always on the top of the hierarchy.

Next chapter