
Then You

Prince Qui did not think that he was actually giong home already. So far, this had been his shortest trip outside the walls. This was what it felt like to come home immediately after leaving. He could not get used to this. It was not like his father was always going to be giving him this kind of break from the field.

Yet he could not help but wonder when the next one would be. The next one of those year-long breaks from the wastelands. Why was he even thinking about this? It was not like he would be able to stay in the palace that long without losing his mind. Probably, before the year was over he would be itching to get out of the walls.

BUT if he was going to be thinking about it… when would be the next one? It was not like he could marry the princess a second time. His jaw clenched. He should not be thinking about getting married again. One was enough pain in the ass already.

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