
Ch.2 Bad At Titles

Well, not the worst spawn, at least I didn't land in the middle of the ocean.

As I take a step forward, I fly directly into a building. "oops" It took a few minutes before I could walk without destroying anything. 'Whelp better get going before someone see's me'

As I started walking away, I've been shifting through the memories of the Jade Emperor to understand on using my powers, just because I know how to use them, doesn't make me as good as the original.

Alright time to make a plan.

#1. Find a good place to stay. #2. Get adept at using my powers. #3. Do what I want, screw the plot.

Seems like a good plan right?

Anyway, time to find a place and where I am.




It seems I've walked into a further populated part of town, and people have been looking at me for my... odd looks, I can't blame them really with red hair down toward my lower back with dark crimson highlights. Also the teal, black, and gold robe with dark magenta colored pants look exotic to say the least.

As I walk and get further and further away from civilization as I walk into a decaying building, convenient really. This will be my temporary base of operations, until I have a discreet way of collecting money and buying a new place.

Well, time to see on how to use these amazing powers. The Kings Body, basically gives super human strength, speed, agility, durability, and senses. Wisdom Of The Sage, the one that holds this can use telekinesis, Vital Energy Manipulation, and Technique Mimicry. Now onto the fun stuff, Fundamental Force Manipulation, gravity, electromagnetism, strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, velocity, friction, inertia, repulsion, and attraction.

With all that to practice to use as perfectly as I can, might as well get started. First, Practice using the Kings Body, just so I know how much strength to use at any given time, hopefully this building doesn't cave in on me.

At the moment, I feel as strong as I used to when I was alive, so I walk up to a wall and punch it, nothing happened as expected. Well time to raise my power by 5 times, controlling strength is weird, Its like trying to be as gentle as you can or you might break something, but when you have the chance to let it out it feels so much more comfortable.

I go to punch the brick wall again but this time my fist goes through it.

A couple of hours go by testing my power as I start to get used to it, and let me tell you, The Jade Emperor in his prime couldn't be fucked with. Though I couldn't use full power due to the destruction of anything in its way, but from memory alone It's a lot.

I think that's enough practice for today.




As I was walking away from the decaying building I hear a man yell "HEY, YA GOT ANY MONEE ON YEH" as he walks closer towards me. I answer "no", as soon as I say that he pulls a knife from hit pocket saying "Then give me anything on ya, and I won't hurt ya you".

I smile and chuckle as he looks at me with a confused gaze. "What ya think I won't kill you?" as I stop and shake my head I say "No, no, Its just because of your perfect timing". Even more confused he just lets out a softly muttered "What?" before I flick my finger toward him and he disappeared along with some of the road below him.

I dust off my hands before I continue on my way.

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