

"So now it's time to finish work together while we're all here," said Fana.

When everyone got on the vehicle, only Aura was left who was still standing staring at her friends who were already in their respective vehicles.

"You're just me, Ra." Said Bima, who was only the motorcycle seat that was still empty.

"It's okay, Bim .. I'll take a hunk first." Said Aura softly and quite reluctantly.

"Just relax. Like whoever you are." Bima said as he gently pulled Aura's hand to get on his ninja motorbike. He helped by holding Aura's hand to make it easier to ride his motorbike which was high enough for Aura.

Behind that. Someone was recording it without them all-knowing.


Dennis's gaze diverted when A notification came in from an unknown number. His forehead frowned in surprise when he saw only a video sent by this foreign number.

Dennis was not that surprised when he saw the video. Because his spies had already sent him.

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