
"The Return of The Third Son"

Sanno didn't want to lie to her anymore. He was actually thinking of when he would tell her about the mission, and about his real identity. But revealing his real identity to her would mean that he would also reveal his past relationship with Gwyneth Azirean.

After a short time thinking about it, he decided to tell her about Gwyn, "My friend's name is-"

But they were interrupted by a sudden phone call.

Sanya's phone kept on ringing in her pocket, and so, she pulled away from Sanno and answered it.

"Hello, sir? Ah, yes… Yes, inside the third drawer… It's not there? Oh, I'll return now. Thank you."

"You have to go back?"

"Yes, it's an emergency. Dr. Jaia wanted to have a meeting with us and Dior... I mean Sir Svenkin asked me where I placed the external hard drive that I borrowed from him…" Sanya placed a peck on Sanno's cheek, "I might have an overtime today, so see you tomorrow!" and she dashed out of the room.

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