
"Pythagorean Theorem"

Hours had passed, and the actual field test of the vulture mutant had started. Aesop wore something like a wetsuit, which was modified to give way to his large, wide wings.

"Make sure you make him wear the censor properly," Sanya told Lia. It seemed like she somehow got herself back after the yoga she did early in the morning. "The rubber bracelet will let us measure his speed, as well as the distance. And Dr. Jaia's clip-on gadget will measure his oxygen and blood pressure."

Lia nodded, and she wore the rubber bracelet in Aesop's right wrist. She also clipped the binder clip-like gadget on the bracelet. "I think it's better to be placed here… It's okay, now," Lia told the three scientists, then facing Aesop, she uttered, "You can do it, Ae! I'll be cheering for you here."

Aesop smiled, and he reached out to Lia's cheek and caressed it. "Yeah, I'll be quick…" 

and then he pinched it!

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