
It's All Fun and Games, Here

"Let's go." Fang offered a tight-lipped grimace and a nod, drawing the slide on her pistol back and slamming the weapon into its holster, safety activated.

"Fang." A man behind the bar spoke, voice thick with some sort of accent. "I do wish you'd reconsider, perhaps search for a more diplomatic solution. After all, you do not know exactly what it is that you are going to walk into."

"Much appreciated Sebastian, but I don't recall a time when shooting an enemy dead didn't solve the problem. Here won't be any different."

"Fang..." The man, who on Earth might have been called French raised an eyebrow. "Is there truly no way to convince you that another way might be better?"

"God or Devil, I haven't met an enemy I couldn't shoot through yet. We need to leave, Sebastian, and we aren't waiting on help from the outside, that's us."

"Be safe, Fang." Sebastian could only offered tight lipped grin as he stepped away, returning a glass to its home on the shelf.


"Ahaha, my bad!" Charlotte grinned as Hina and the others slowly fastened a special sort of gas mask onto their faces. "I forgot about the fumes here, I really should have warned you what was going to happen I guess!" Her eyes belied the truth, not that it was hard to find regardless. Of course it would have seemed like an amply hillarious prank to the Cheshire catgirl... but Hina couldn't be angry, not really. After all, it had been a damn good time hadn't it? Hina rolled her eyes, sighing and looking forward as Charlotte led them onward.

"What exactly happened...?" Akihiro smiled tensely, unsure what he was missing out on and whether or not he ought to be nervous.

"Nothing!" Hina promised tensely, jumping with such force that her hair and breasts bounced, slightly. "Anyway, so, Lottie, where are we going??" The mask felt somewhat strange on her face, not exactly sticky or wet but somehow faintly damp, unpleasant, smelling of something like lilacs, cum and vanilla. "F-First, anyway?"

"Well, first I thought I'd hit you with a bang, and take you to the Capitol City!" Charlotte grinned wickedly, her tail flicking, perhaps with excitement. "I mean, what better way to bring you into the thick of things than with the Capitol itself? Of course, it'll be a bit of a hike to get there, though, maybe half a day. We should enjoy the scenery! Want to take off your masks and smell the air?"

"NO, THANK YOU," Hina answered sharply, then found herself laughing at the odd silliness of the question. "Just lead the way, damnit~" Speaking, Hina fell toward the back of the party slowly, aligning her steps with those of her father. "Mm, how are you feeling about all of this?"

For a moment, there was no answer from Akihiro, and he simply looked around, thoughtfulness in his eyes. then, the orbs that now matched Hina's, an emerald green, darkened, and he spoke.

"Well. When I was a kid, Hina, way younger than you, I had a martial arts instructor. He told me, that there must always be balance in the universe, or the fabric of reality itself may simply fall apart at the seams." He took a breath, thoughtful, and Hina was fairly sure that all of the girls were listening now.

Akihiro didn't speak further, for a moment. "He told me that there must be balance; good for evil, and light for dark. When I was young, I thought it was all pretty dumb, but I guess, I thought that it would have been a nice idea. To think that when awful things happened to you, there would be good in return, a balance to your life. You know...? Then, Hina, your mother tried to..." Hina stiffened a bit, her breath hitching, and Akihiro moved on. "Once I'd killed her, our life fell apart, some. You did well in school, and I was pleased that you didn't have to suffer like I did, for what happened to our family. Then, you died too, and there was nothing left for me..." The man stretched, eyes dull.

"I guess, though, that my teacher was right, back then. Life wasn't cruel to me- I lived in a world with everybody else, full of crime, rapists, pedophiles, and worse. It was a cursed place, but... for a world like the one we just left to exist, with such genuine freedom? It makes me believe in that balance of the universe garbage, if only a little. So, if you ask how I feel about all this, I guess I would tell you that I'm... satisfied. It makes sense, that there's more than just our damnable old home, and I'm just glad that when I left it, I was with my kid. You might look a little different from how you did two or three years back, but you're family, and nothing, will ever change that."

A pause.

"I really just feel... relieved that you're alive. Myself aside, you didn't deserve to die the way we thought you did- neither of you, really," He added, looking softly sideways at Nao for a moment. "I will admit, though, Hina..." Here, his voice took on a joking tone, "-I never saw you as the type to grow a harem. You were such a one-and-done young man, but I guess now you're just an irresistable badger girl." Hina yelped as her father laughed and tugged down at her, Hina's, head, tousling his daughter's hair. "Now you remind me of myself, as a kid, fooling around too much and living life to the fullest! Now, ending up like me wouldn't be so bad, would it, I feel happy again. That, my beloved daughter, is all I want for you at the end of the road."

Hina quieted, thinking as she straightened, and nodded softly. Before she could answer, though, the hero shuddered strongly, a faint feeling of unease coming over her... and then this feeling grew as the scenery all around shifted. Hina was alone, voices, the others, sounds, all gone, while the forest remained unchanged.

"I found you~" A voice giggled, and then the strange scenery ended, and Hina was once more conscious, blinking rapidly at the faces of her friends and father.

"Hina, are you okay?"

"I... I think I am, yeah. I just felt really weird for a moment, I was seeing things, and ah..." She shook her head, huffing softly. "I'm fine, yeah, don't worry." Closing her eyes for a moment, Hina sighed, drawing a breath. It was just, something in the air, probably, right? Right. Hina opened her eyes... and froze. She was alone, now, and somewhere entirely different, like a grand castle's ballroom, with a floor patterned in onyx and golden tiling, torch light giving the entire room a healthy, illustrious glow.

"H-Hello??" Hina shouted, confused, concerned, unsure as to whether she was seeing things, or what.

"Hi!" A voice behind her, light and playful. Hina turned, and standing there was, rather than any sort of queen, teenaged girl, perhaps seventeen or eighteen, with long, somewhat messy blonde hair. "It's been ages since I heard of you, Hi-na~! I've wanted to get my hands on you for a long, long time!"

"W-What? Get your hands on me?" Hina stepped back reflexively, shaking her head. "Where exactly am I, and where are my friends, my dad??"

"Ah, they're safe! You should definitely be more worried about yourself, silly~ and as for your first question, yes, I've wanted to get, my, hands, on, you. For a long time!" She, whoever she was, smiled earnestly, nodding her head excitedly. "After all, I've seen you everywhere in dreams- you're the hero that so many people outside and inside of Starria dreamed of for so long! I have a lot to do with dreams, you see? You aren't dreaming now, though, you're just, you know, mine now~"

"The h-hell do you mean, yours?" Hina hadn't brought a weapon, either, had she-? She had to have Inari's- no, the weapon was gone- and so were her boots??

"I mean that you're mine, obviously!" The young woman giggled again, voice childish and playful. Hina gasped as, without warning, her sweater and shorts vanished, leaving her simply wearing bra, panties, and stockings.

"H-Hey, what the hell is going on...??" It felt dangerous, whatever was going on, and Hina stepped back- something, definitely, very wrong, she couldn't even tap into her magic- she was trapped. Hina looked around for some sort of exit, but... it was too late, wasn't it? While she was searching for an exit, some sort of thick, slimy... tentacles... swooped down, yanking Hina's arms over her head. Though her almost-bare feet were still on the floor, she now couldn't get down at all, totally stuck in spot. "I don't even k-know who you are?!"

"It's simple, really, I'm the queen around here!" She grinned wickedly as a tentacle slowly rose up to about Hina's stomach, nudging at her waist.

"H-How am I- why are you- hey-!!" Hina yelped again, the tentacle at her waist sliding up, through her cleavage and aganst her chest... poking up, Hina craned her neck away but didn't need to worry yet, the tentacle instead curling around and yanking hard at her bra, the hook in back straining. "Hey-!!" Stitches popping... and then her bra ripped away entirely, letting the badger gir's full, heavy breasts spill free. "What, is going o-on?!" The tentacle was gliding down, now, slowly pushing at her waist... sliding into her panties. "S-Stop it?!" Tugging, ripping at her panties until they slowly tore off as well, leaving her waist naked, bare, body vulnerable, only her sheer high socks left.

"I think," The queen spoke, and Hina gasped. Her arms yanked up higher over her head, more and more tentacles starting to surround her, one of them slowly starting to push against her slit... tentacles wrapping up her thighs and bending her forward, pushing harder against her. "You'd make a lovely statue for me, don't you? Such a perfect figure~"

"S-Stop-?!" Hina gasped out, moaning nervously, as the tentacle pushed inside, thrusting slowly, rocking her body, her thighs pulled slowly further apart. "Why-?! What do you mean, a statue-!!" She couldn't help moaning as she was slowly pushed into, though, shaking her head quickly, panting hard. "No-!!"

"Don't worry, it won't hurt or anything~" Hina's... attacker? Admirer? Whatever. She was only watching gleefully, and Hina glared until a tentacle slowly, wetly, slapped over the upper half of her face, blocking her sight but leaving nose and mouth free.

"Ng...!! I won't cum to this, I definitely won't!!" Arms yanked up higher, Hina found herself tightening, arousal somehow growing as she was abused, her breasts bouncing repeatedly. "Let me g-go-!! I'm not gonna cum, I'm not!!!"

"Oh? So soon?" There was a sneer in the other girl's voice, and Hina yelped, finding her body suddenly pounded harder, harder, harder, overloading her senses, body groped, kneaded, fucked... and she came, hard, crying out with a whorish moan.

"S-Stop," Hina pleaded as the tentacle inside her slowed... and then she was slowly allowed to see again, her face sticky with slime, the woman who'd abducted her smiling.

"Time for you to become a statue, Hina." She flicked her wrist, and Hina gasped, the thing inside her pulling out. More of them though, wrapping her up and lifting her into the air, on her back, her breasts flattening some.

"H-Hold on~!!!" They leaned her back, bending her legs up, wrapping her body, squeezing her breasts, wrapping around her neck, arms behind her back, supporting her over the floor- no, over a pedestal. Pedestal covered in tentacles that supported Hina... it was a setup. "No, no!!!" One of them starting to thrust into her again, another wrapping around her tail, a third grinding against her ass. "Definitely not, no-!! Help me d-damnit~!!!" Thrusting harder into her, bouncing her breasts, her weight. "N-Ng, listen, I'm not a statue or decoration~!!!"

"You are though, silly~!" With her legs bent this way, Hina could see her feet, and they looked normal for now... but the nerves felt strange, going cold.

"Damnit!! P-Please, listen to me!!!" Her body was tightening though... "I won't enjoy this, I'm not gonna, cum!!!" Tightening further, belly hot, head going white... Hina came, panting hard and almost in ecstasy, head confused, unsure what she was or was not supposed to enjoy.

"Uh oh, somebody caaaame~ and now it's too late~" The wicked attacker, whatever and whoever she was, smiled, but Hina was no longer able to even look that direction consistently- her feet felt stiff, and the badger girl knew where this was going. She flexed her toes in an effort to maintain control, and wound up moaning like a whore, back arching, as her feet, ankles, and part of her calves, with a noise like cracking marble, yet without any pain, slowly stiffened up, turning a color somewhere between gray and white... stone. "Toooooo late~" The voice of Hina's attacker, jeering. Hina, unable to listen, looking down at her splayed legs, tentacles everywhere, lashing around her body, over her breasts, sticky, pulling, kneading, violating, slamming deeply and deeper into her all the while, waist bulging. Arms, yanked harder behind her back, her hands and wrists starting to feel cold, stiff... until they felt nothing else at all, hands and feet gone.

"It's not too l-late, damnit," Hina half moaned, half growled as she was pounded, arching her back, allowing her head to fall back, breaths hard to take in.

"Sure it is~" A response that she couldn't even register, the Summoned Hero looking down her front, watching her own ruination with a face of complete and pure ecstasy mixed against hurt, fear and paranoia.

"N-No, it can't, be too late!!" Hina, moaning louder, starting to roll her hips... it felt so good, slamming into her on a loop... but shouldn't she hate it...? This was bad, her legs had become stone up to the knee, her arms to the elbnow, and she was still tightening, soon to cum... "It c-can't, get me down..."

"Ah, but see, it can be too late," The one who'd abducted Hina smiled serenely, and her tentacles, they rotated Hina, arching her back by force, heedless of the badger girl's frenzied nervous moans. Pulling at her legs and arms until Hina was bent as double as she could be, they started to abuse the hero harder, an unspeaking monstrosity intent on breaking her.

"N-No," Hina pleaded softly, climaxing forcefully over the tentacles, panting hard. In her ears, she heard only the crackling and the sounds of slime and sex. Was it... was she starting to petrify faster...?? As the tentacles arched her back just a bit more, the arch began to solidify into stone, holding her arched and barely able o see her own lower lips.

"My, my, how does such a famous individual become my prey so easily?" She, whoever she was, giggled, and though Hina wasn't listening at all, anymore, the words were spoken regardless. "I'm the god of dreams and nightmares, it's so easy, breaking down your mind from the inside~ come on, why don't you just break free~? Why not, Hina~?"

"C-Can't move," the badger girl gasped sharply, panting, watching her waist, her back solidifying, hips and ass starting to turn to stone, a portion of her stomach slowly beginning to lose its color, become gray. "G-Get me out, please it's not too late it can't be t-too late...!!" One her ass was stone entirely, a few of the tentacles solidified slowly as well, only the ones holding her- to mount Hina officially and permanently to the pedestal. Still, still they pounded her, kneading her breasts like she could be milked... neck starting to feel stiff, more of her stomach stiffening, losing feeling, turning solid, her abs petrified fully now, the alien material creeping up, into the bottoms of her breasts. Hina had to watch as her breasts, bouncing hard with every thrust from the tentacles, slowly came to a stop, becoming entirely solid on one of their falls, her chest going too.

"Can't move at all? What a shame," somebody hummed, Hina didn't know who, all that was left was her head and her waist, but she couldn't move her head at all, neck was stone, so she just had to watch herself get fucked, harder, harder, might cum again, please get me out, please no...

"P-Pleas-" She tried to beg again, but her cheeks had gone too stiff, and her tongue wasn't quite working... her jaw slowly petrifying, then lips. Suddenly, the noise of her waist began to fade, a ringing in her ears... then crackling, and finally silence, her ears and forehead and hair, all becoming stone, temples, only her nose, eyes and waist left. It was now that Hina's attacker chose to walk forward, leaning up with a smirk, meeting Hina's eyes and slowly teasing the Fell Hero's clit with a thumb.

"If you cum again, thats it, your life is over~ you'd better try to hold out until you're saved, or you're gone forever~" -and Hina wanted to scream, she did, but her limbs were dead, and her ears, gone, unable to hear the words spoken, only feel herself being teased harder, knowing that she was in danger, another climax building, building... and as she came, hard, her vision blurred in pleasure... then went dark.

I guess I got motivated because it's my birthday? Cliffhanger, woooooo! Check the story synopsis and come join our hangout uwu, is my birthday so I demand it!

On a serious note though, let me know how you feel about the chapter! Sorry if there are any grammar errors, I am very, very tired.

Tunabuncreators' thoughts
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