
Catching Up and also an angel, why not?!

(A-Are you ready for a totally wholesome, happy chapter?)

Her father was laughing now, a light in his eyes that Hina hadn't seen in far, far too long. He leaned back, shaking his head and gripping the arm of the recliner he sat on. "So hold on- this Lif guy just sat on his ass in the dirt and watched?! What made you so much more powerful than that other hero boy in the first place?!" He seemed so amused, Hina found herself giggling as well, curling her legs under her butt and leaning sideways into the arm of the couch slowly.

"I think there wasn't much making me stronger outside of being a different species- the kid was just an idiot," Hina explained, laughing. "I mean, so inexperienced and naïve to the world, he charged at me like a loss was unimaginable! So it didn't take much work, and at that point I didn't even know how to control my own JUMPING!" She laughed, rolling her eyes and yawning in spite of the coffee she was sipping, body tired while her mind was wide awake, nearly enough so to transcend into another world and leave her body, a live wire sparking.

"Alright, alright, so you beat up this kid, you evil, horrible person you, and what happens next?"

"Hm... dad, I'll give you the whole story, but for now, I'm going to keep it light, alright? I wanna see a smile on your face, I haven't seen you in way too long!"

"The same goes for you, Hina!" He laughed heartily, shaking his head. "I mean, I haven't seen you in so long- we all thought you and Aika both were dead!! Then you show up like one of the anime girls you liked to watch?! Ah, I'm kidding, you were never much for anime, right? Ironic, then, that you avoided the stuff and became a kemonomimi yourself."

"Aha, I became more than that, dad. It's a long story that you'll hear after we sleep... but to explain enough for now, I became a demon, first, big and scary- so the angels helped me. I'm mostly angel, but part demon and part normal mortal as well. Long story short, I could beat the ass of anybody on this planet~"

"Aha! Well, why don't you go take out that one guy, the over cooked chicken nugget with legs, no sense of public image and no skill at politics?"

"Uh?" Hina laughed, confused, her lips parting to let the noises of mirth flow from her easily. "I have NO clue who you're talking about, did you slip something into that coffee~?"

"No, no, of course not~!" He was laughing now too, shaking his head and leaning forward. "So Hina... if you unleashed your full power, or however you'd word it in the terminology of another world's powers... how much damage could you do?" He was intrigued, eyes alight with light and curiosity like those of a small child discovering the world for the first time.

"Hm... I don't actually know... Dad, the Christian angels. Soldiers of their god with superhuman abilities, so on and so forth. Are we on the same page?"

"Yeah, I think so, why?" Akihiro seemed mildly confused by the sudden shift in the conversation.

"My friend, he's an angel as well, his name is Aerendyl- he's one of the higher ups in charge apparently, and he sent angels at me for training. I stopped counting how many I took down around forty two, couldn't keep track really, and that was a half hour before the end of the training session~ by the end I collapsed half naked, half dead myself and tired, so tired- but I took them all down, thanks to Aerendyl's training!"

"Okay Hina, what the hell? THAT MANY?!" He burst out laughing, shaking his head and leaning back. "Don't you think you're a bit TOO powerful? Plot breaking?!" There was nothing but mirth and joy in his eyes, though.

"Aha! Apparently I'm on par with some of the gods... people seem to think that I'm above the world, but not above all, and I'll find myself with new threats. Oh, and by the way, dad...?" Hina looked away slyly, a bit embarrassed by what she'd suddenly found herself wanting to say.

"What is it, Hina?" He seemed a bit concerned, leaning forward and sobering.

"I just... want to say thanks. I've heard some stories of people changing genders on purpose, then being rejected by their parents- but not only are you treating me the same as always, you've even perfectly adapted to my new name, and not argued with the fact that I changed my last. I love you, dad, and I appreciate... all of this." She trailed off softly, looking aside, unaware of her own nervous pout.

"Are you stupid, Hina?" Akihiro laughed, then sharply cut himself off as Hina blinked, confused. "Sorry, let me explain- do you honestly think I give a damn if you're a girl now? White hair, animal ears, different height? A demon, an angel, a man or a woman, I don't care! You're FAMILY and you're BACK, even if it's just for a visit! I love you too Hina!! You want to thank me for this? Thank me by visiting again!! Come for my birthday, come for yours, you can bring your girlfriends and Aerendyl and anybody you want, just keep visiting, don't, don't, d-don't leave my life again-!" He was crying, suddenly, tears pouring down his face like crystalline testaments to the pain of your family dying, by your hand or around you alike, chest heaving a bit. "I-I thought I'd lost my only remaining family, and Hina you're back and I couldn't care less what you look like you, are, FAMILY." There was a moment of silence in which Hina's father glared at her like a madman, and then he slowly leaned back, sighing and wiping at his eyes. "I'm sorry, I got... somewhat carried away, I must admit."

"Dad," Hina murmured, moving over and opening her arms. He was never a physically affectionate father, but somehow she thought he might be happy for a hug... and though Akihiro hesitated, he did stand up and hug his daughter, tightly as though he was terrified of the idea that she might fall into the earth and vanish again, permanently this time.

"I love you dad. As soon as I realized I could come back and visit you, I did- and I will again. I wonder... if I could take you with me... I know you couldn't stay in my new world, not long-term, but I wonder if you could come for a visit and meet the people who've become important to me... I could put my Wonderland plans on hold for just a few days..."

"Wonderland...?" Slowly releasing the hug, Akihiro backed up and sat down again.

"Yeah, my friend Charlotte is a Cheshire Cat, though more like the way you'd expect her to look as an anime girl, and she's going to take myself and the others for a tour of her home, Underland, or commonly spoken, Wonderland."

"Wait, didn't you work at the White Rabbit because you loved that story? So now you're telling me you have a pet Cheshire cat GIRL wrapped around your finger~?"

"Hm... she's my familiar, technically she'd be forced to obey any order I gave, but she likes to be the one in charge..." The longer that sentence ran on, the more Hina's voice faded until, at the end, she gave a ridiculously exaggerated cough and both of them burst into laughter.

"Aha, Hina, are you sure you didn't like anime? They're going to have to make one about you soon, so you may want to give it another try. Though... you said you wonder if I can visit you. I'd want to, absolutely, but how would you figure out if it's possible?"

"Well... Aerendyl?" Hina called softly, assuming he'd hear her somehow. However, several moments went by without an answer... and so she tried again. "Aerendyl??"

Nothing, only silence.

"Aerendyl!!" Hina shouted, and suddenly the angel materialized in the corner of the room, holding a mug of some sort of hot drink, shirtless with his blonde curls tied back into a knot.

"You called? Sorry, sounds like that wasn't the first time- I was trying to make sure I didn't eavesdrop, so I wasn't really paying good attention." Wings slightly bent, halo shining, Aerendyl angled his head, eyeing Akihiro. "A pleasure to meet you sir. I loved your daughter for a time, but all we feel now is mutual respect and friendly love, the heart does not waver for her."

"Uh...?" Hina's father looked bewildered, laughing softly. "Ah, wow, this is insane... a pleasure to meet you, Aerendyl...?"

"Indeed it is! I love meeting any with a will of their own, whose choices were not prescribed for them, but Hina's father is a rare opportunity, and a valued one! So, why have I been called? You say you'll never love me, yet you're already bringing me to meet the parents? How the tides have changed!!" He laughed, obviously intending it as a joke, and Hina found herself giggling softly, a massive but subtle femininity in her voice in kind. Here, she had absolutely, undeniably nothing to worry about, she could relax as nothing more than a girl with her dad.

"Aerendyl... we were wondering if I could bring my dad back for a visit, show him Mir, let him meet Emily, Aurelia, Charlotte, Nao and hopefully Lily."

"Ah, is that all? Sure, why not! We can take a tour together, good sir! I don't approve of ripping people from their homes, and it wasn't me who did it so I owe you no guilt! Even so, why not support the family staying together! It can't be permanent, but I fully support Hina visiting here- eventually she'll learn to travel between worlds herself and can come more often as well." There was silence for a moment, a heavy air.

"Sorry, did I make things awkward?"

"No..." Akihiro laughed quietly, sounding tired. "I just feel... happy again." He smiled a watery smile, sighing. "It's been a long time, you know, my cheeks hurt from smiling this much."

"Then let's keep it going, sir, as long as you don't mind your daughter being at the center of a harem of gorgeous, inhuman women."

"I support my kid to the end until she becomes a murderer for fun or something of the like."

"Then why don't we go now?" Aerendyl smirked, playful but serious.

"I think we should rest first." Akihiro said softly, then grinned, somehow not minding Aerendyl's half nudity. To be fair though, Akihiro had certainly seen and heard worse... "Before that, though, will you join me for a drink Aerendyl? I know you don't like alcohol, but I'd like to chat with the both of you."

"Sounds amazing! I've been curious as to the pleasures of this world, such as anime, sushi, yakisoba, dango, and HENTA-"

"Aerendyl STOP!!!"

Sorry it took me so long, a reader turned friend has helped me to focus on writing again, in earnest, I wrote and edited this all in the last few hours. Friendly reminder that if you want to hang, there's a link in the synopsis of this story to join a group with myself and other readers, good for limited uses!!

Is this chapter okay? I teared up writing it, but they're my characters... and another friendly reminder, gentle, friendly comments are appreciated! Doesn't have to praise me, just don't attack :P

Tunabuncreators' thoughts
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