
The Truth


      Delaney's mind went blank and she felt suddenly dizzy.  Her mouth was dry and she felt weak.  She wavered on her feet and Miles rushed forward, reaching for her arm.  She jerked it back from him.

      "Don't touch me," she spoke in a strange tone not caring that she could see how sorry he was written all over his face.

      With her lips slightly parted and breaths coming in shallow gasps she turned and her eyes landed back on her husband.  He met her gaze for a moment but quickly looked away, reaching up to rub the back of his neck.  Anger, hurt, and disbelief were swirling through her and she couldn't land on just one.

      "You lied to me," she said with a shaky voice, "You've been lying to me for our entire marriage."

      He swallowed hard but didn't try to deny it.  The muscles in his jaw twitched and he stared hard at the bed beside him.

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