

 Delaney was woken up by an unusual sound. She rolled over, blinking, and sat up. The sound came again and she smiled. Vincent groaned next to her and stretched, his muscles going taunt for a moment before he frowned and listened too.

 It was the happy sound of the children playing outside. Delaney stood and walked to the window. Looking outside, she saw Felicia and Rose sitting on a blanket in the early morning sun. May was running around trying to catch a butterfly from the air and both boys were toddling around on not quite steady legs trying to catch her.

 Vincent came up behind his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist and hugging her to him. He kissed her cheek and chuckled as he watched the children outside squealing with excitement.

   "One day we'll wake up like this but it will be our own children outside playing," Delaney whispered to him, turning in his arms to face him with a sleepy smile before she kissed him.

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