
Epilogue: Secrets that will last an Eternity

Even after the two newlyweds went to their own honeymoon trip, the celebrations for their wedding went on for the next three days as no place in Japan was not found celebrating it.


As the excitement wore down and things went back to normal though, a whole other different aura took over Naka castle as the days of pardon finally expired and the designated date and time came for those who must stand trial.


"General Himeji Kotori… you are commanded to stand trial in the court now."


"Mmm. I'll be out shortly."


Inside the waiting room, Kotori was wearing her Kiko military uniform although it lacked all her ribbons and medals, only containing her insignia that she wears on her shoulders. After being called by a soldier who used to be her assigned personal assistant, she replied that she will follow a moment later.


"You're really cruel, Iwasawa-sama… breaking my heart like this and forbidding me to serve you in the only form I am left with."


Even if she said those words that clearly complained to Hiroshi, she still faced his portrait that was hanging on the waiting room and bowed towards it respectfully before leaving the room.


"General Himeji Kotori… this is certainly not the first time that you were called into a military tribunal for something that you did."


"Indeed, your honor… Although I must admit, unlike the first one, it seems like the odds are now more stacked against me."


"Indeed. Unlike the accusations thrown towards you back then that was confirmed to be done by the enemy instead, this time, the evidence is solid and irrefutable."


"I see. Then is this case already… what was it again, Nolo deredere?"


"Hah! Close enough, general. It's "Nolo Contendere" or no contest, and no it's not a "no contest" case… unless of course if you'd already give a statement of guilt, which would speed up things."


"Hmm… Nope. I cleared my schedule for today and I don't really have much to do. I do want to hear what all of you would yap about."


Hearing her indignant and unapologetic words and conduct, the members of the tribunal who are clearly not on her side felt intimidated of her. Nevertheless, they started the trial as the prosecution kicked off by handing out their evidence and explaining how things transpired.


All of this however went through her ear and escaped on the other side. Kotori didn't mind the accusations thrown her way at all and she left her lawyer, a young and inexperienced attorney who just passed his Bar exams, to defend her against the prosecutors who already had years of experience and hundreds of trials under their belt.


In the end, she even dozed off even though her eyes are wide open, and she only returned to reality when her verdict was read. And as expected, she was guilty of all charges.


"With that, this trial is concluded. Everyone is commanded to exit the room save for the charged."


"Hm? What's going on?"


Kotori was puzzled as everyone orderly left their seats and headed outside while she was ordered to stay put. Even her lawyer that was supposed to be beside her was taken by the collar by the bailiff and taken outside the courtroom. Moments later, it was only her left in the room and even the non-flippant Kotori felt nervous about what is happening.


"You're really impressive, General Himeji... I haven't seen anyone who hasn't given up on their life throwing their chances in court like that before."


"Y-Young lady Misanagi…"


From the raised platform where the tribunal members were sitting at before, Misanagi Rinne appeared, wearing a judge's cloak over her kimono.


"Now then… while you were indeed found guilty by the tribunal, on all charges no less, a problem has arisen that cannot be easily solved."


"Are you talking about… not being handed a punishment?"


"Exactly. If it was anyone else who committed the wrongdoings that you did such as acting beyond your orders and attacking a foreign land without the proper authorization, you would've been sent to the gallows to await your turn on the headhunter's platform or if you requested it, a firing squad."


"Then why?"


"Because you're a general of Kiko and to your homeland of Myoko province, their local hero and greatest pride… perhaps there's also the sense of loyalty by Hiroshi-nii has for you as his subordinate and friend. To put it simply, there is no law in this land that acts as a precedent about what we should do to personnel of your rank and many of us can't stomach the idea of sending a friend to her death."


Rinne reached towards the seal of Kiko's judicial branch and Kotori was surprised after seeing her turn a part of the seal upside down and revealing that it was the family crest of the Misanagi clan.


"At these situations where the rule of the people are powerless and lacking in direction, Hiroshi-nii made sure to allow certain families who specialize with it to handle it, avoiding deadlocked decisions---"


"---and mistaken rulings."


"Correct. And as you can see, right at this moment, the Misanagi clan has taken precedence from the court system over this case and your punishment is mine alone to give."


Seeing Rinne whom she first encountered as a nothing more than a bratty, snot-sniveling child now almost grown-up and acting professionally, even Kotori felt a tingle up her spine.


"Your punishment for your crimes are as follows… you will be inducted to the Peacekeeper corps."




"Director, please make yourself known."


At that moment, a man wearing an all-black military-style uniform entered the court room and although she has only heard about him from stories, Kotori was sure that it was him.


"Akizuki… Godan."


Right in front of her was the former lord of Kiko who was deposed and replaced by Hiroshi.


"Indeed… I'm impressed that you know who I am, Himeji Kotori-dono."


"B-But I don't understand… they said that you were exiled and there are orders to have you killed if you ever returned to Kiko."


"An order that was rescinded silently after he received proper treatment from the poisoning that was done to him. Now, he serves as the Director of the Peacekeeper corps, and today, he's here to invite the newest and last member of the group."


"Last member? Pardon my ignorance, but although I have heard some rumors about this group, I know nothing about what it is, so can I know first what you're subjecting me to?"


"Would seeing who the other members are be fine with you?"


"I'll take it."


At the moment, a few other people entered the room and Kotori understood that this isn't some niche secret group or an attempt to bring her into a destabilization plot.


"Edogawa Gin-dono…"


"Yo-ho, General! As you can surmise, I am a member of the peacekeepers and my work in it is to keep an eye in the national and even international market."


"For what purpose?"


"To make sure that our economy would remain stable and also, to make sure that none of our technologies are leaking out of our borders. So far, I've stopped hundreds of attempts to smuggle our rifles and artillery as well as their design blueprints. By the way, my moniker is "Pantaleon", apparently, it's the name of a rich man character in a certain western theater troupe."


Next came a pair that she has also come across before.


"You are… Yutaka Aimi and Eimi, right?"


"We are, general. Our work is to manage the financial sector of not only Kiko but Japan as a whole."


"How is that different from Edogawa-dono?"


"While Edogawa-sama handles the flow of goods, services and many more economic activities, it is us who handles how it would be conducted. To put it simply, he knows where something was bought and where it will be brought, and we know how much it took to buy and how much it was sold afterwards."


"Consequently, that also covers how fiat money is produced and exchanged, which leads us to have power over the national reserve bank and the minting facilities."


"Is… is that the reason why we were able to muster an enormous, allied army almost immediately back then?"


"Correct, general. Because of our actions and decisions, the herculean task of raising the funds needed to train, arm and send your armies and supplies was easy once it arrived on your desk."


"I see… if Edogawa-dono is called Pantaleon, then what is your alias?"


"It's Gemini, a western name for a constellation that they call as the twins."


"Twins, I see."


The third to come up was a surprising one given their appearance that has fox appendages. This is when she realized that it was someone she already met before.




"Hmph! It's good that you still remember my name or else, I would call you "dumb face" too."


It was the six-tailed fox envoy that guarded Furuya province's Sanctuary. The very same fox that always called Hiroshi a "dumb face".


"What are you doing here? I thought you're needed in Furuya to keep up the barrier and tend to the functions of the Sanctuary."


"Furuya province has already partially opened up and we fox envoys no longer provide the barrier to the human village, just the forest of Gensokyo now. With that, I joined this group after receiving the approval of Inari-sama and my work is about the spirit world and making sure that no foreign monsters would come here along with the foreign humans."


"Is that so? I'm impressed with your appearance though, save for your fox appendages, you look human."


"Hah! Just something that I am forced to do while in the mortal world… Along with it, I was given the moniker of Loki. Apparently, it's a god from the west who's all about trickery, which annoys me a bit since I do not like tricks!"


Lastly, the one who came inside last was someone that she never expected.


"Admiral Fumikage… I'm surprised."


"I'm surprised as well, General. I thought you would've already noticed back then, but I guess I was good enough to hide it while I was around you. By the way, my moniker here is Nemo. They say that he's a submariner from some story."


"Let me guess… if Gin-dono, Aimi-san and Eimi-san handles the economy and Gonta-san handles spiritual dangers, you must be…"


"Correct. I'm the one who handles actual, physical dangers to this country. Which is why the submarine command is given to me, our most effective weapon against anyone who'd try to harm us… foreign or domestic."




With those words, Kotori was reminded that it was him who took her into custody after she accepted the orders given by Hiroshi.


"If they already have you, then why force me into this group? From how I see it, you're already complete and you've covered each other's rears."


"Wrong mindset, General. While these four are here to defend this country and this group is made for that purpose, for the past few years, we noticed something that bothered us."


After saying that, Godan snapped his fingers and Gonta used his fox fires to trace a map that showed Asia and by changing the colors of those fires, who holds them as colonies.


"Europe has solid and immovable ambition to claim lands in Asia and your Operation Tenka severely set that back. Your actions back there taught us one thing…"


"The best defense is a rapid and unstoppable offense… Once you keep your enemies away from your core, you are guaranteed to win no matter what."


Hearing that, Kotori understood why instead of punishing her by death, she is being inducted into this group.


"We need you as our specialist in international armed deployment. Iwasawa-sama has been told about this already and he gave the green light."


"He did?"


"Right. He said that if anyone could do it, it would be you… Also, he said this."


Ryuusui went close to Kotori's ear and whispered to her Hiroshi's words.


"This is the least that I can do to give you a purpose after I failed to give you what you wished for. This time, make it right and make it work, Kotori."


Hearing that, Kotori closed her eyes as she paced around the courtroom for a while. Once she opened her eyes, she looked up to Rinne who was sitting on the judge's seat before turning to face the group again.


"So? What is it going to be, General Himeji?"


At that point, being given one last chance to serve and make it right, Kotori let go of what remains of her desire to win Hiroshi's favor and accepted that this is the best that she can be given as a purpose in life.


"Himeji Kotori, Samurai serving the Iwasawa Lordship of Kiko and General of its forces… Ready to serve the purposes of her master and his people!"


"…Good choice, Himeji-dono. Now that you're a member of the Peacekeepers, I guess it's time for you to receive your alias. As usual, let's put it up to a vote and-"


"I… have one in mind already."


"Oh? Let's hear it then."


Kotori showed a smile as she remembered a story about the first time when Hiroshi fought with his own army in Yukonami and in order to lessen the casualties of his allies, he led a group of his men in terrorizing the enemy lines.


"Senso no Shinigami… the Grim Reaper of War."


"Those stories of him, huh? That's acceptable. Does everyone accept it?"


With the raising of the four's hands, Kotori officially joined the group that would later be known as the greatest secret of Japan and its infamous impregnability from any kind of harm.


"Now then, let's set our agenda to be finished by the end of this year."


"And that is?"


"Soon, a neighboring country would be invaded and would ask for our help… and we will lend them our hand."


However, that is a story that will remain secret till the end of time.

"Okay, we got baited there. Sorry."

-Editor KEY

"Isn't this a bad note to end this story, Rai?"

-Editor ZERO

"Read the author's note. I've explained everything."

-Author Rai

Ephraim_Chroniacreators' thoughts
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