
Epilogue: I Have Become Death

Reluctance and morality are no longer my concerns.

As I learn more and more about our enemy, and I send our people to die against its wiles, I gain no victory… I have done nothing but build a mountain of corpses to which I am made to stand on as penance.


"Your Highness…"

And yet, I am not the kind of man who finds glory in the death and suffering of the people that I am meant to protect… I can never ever be that kind of person.

"…Proceed as you planned. I am not here to ask for special treatment."

"As you wish, Kou-sama."

I am who I am because of the past life that I was made to continue… and even though I have asserted my own self away from the identity and memories that I was made to continue, I still cannot be what this world expects me to be.

Unlike Kyoko who sees battle and the losses that her people receive as a necessary sacrifice, Koshiro who has been taught that such a thing is a requirement to be a successful Daimyo, Reika who has deluded herself and those under her that this is a necessary step towards the formation of their ideal world and Sora who has no qualms about shedding blood of both friend and foe to secure a better future for the many, I am nothing like them.

Or should I say… I "was" nothing like them.

That day when the one that I held in so much value and love was almost murdered in front of me, I was made aware that there is simply no way for humanity to create a world where everyone's desires can be fulfilled or at least form an acceptable compromise that is accepted by all.

To put it simply, my aspiration of bringing people together with the ideal of a lasting peace is something that cannot work by itself.

"Detonation in zero-minus, ten minutes."

As Sora said it, people don't live under ideals rooted at nothing but non-concrete virtues. They follow and live in ideals that has the power to serve and protect them.

With that, I offered to the brightest minds of my land the keys to the underworld… the dreaded weapon that has destroyed a large part of my old world… the knowledge owned and weaponized by them who ruled and subsequently wrecked their countries…

"Months ago, I ran away from the land I was summoned to in fear of this weapon… only to learn that it was nothing but a bluff. But now…"

"Right… Now, I can do nothing but understand why you would be forced to this corner, Iwasawa-san."


"Have you resolved… to stand atop millions of corpses, Iwasawa-sama?"

"I have… but I do not see it as something to dread."

"Detonation in three… two… one… NOW!"

Awash in the bright, blinding light of the blast behind him, Iwasawa Hiroshi declared his intent towards the people watching this momentous event with him.

"As I said before… if this country cannot come under me and the peace that I endorse…"

"Hahaha! Look at the sensors and gauges!"

"…Then I shall, in the most literal sense, burn it to the ground."

That day, a second sun has risen in the land where the sun rises… And in due time, the enemies that this young warlord speaks about, shall come see it face to face.

"It's a success, my lord! Hahaha! It's a-"

"…Begin mass-production and integration with the ballistic missiles. I will give you two months to arm an entire submarine flotilla with it."

"Y-Yes! As you wish, my lord!"

As this story approaches its end, one would find themselves questioning… if the true enemy is the monster who seeks to sow chaos in this world… or he who will stop at nothing just to achieve the peace he seeks.

"The death warrants will be signed for anyone who shall oppose us. The afterlife is where everyone will one day eternally reside… and we shall be, their way towards it.

Perhaps the answer to this is the latter.

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