
Those Devoured by Vengeance

As many would say, people reap what they sow.

Although there do are cases when one would do good towards another, only to be rewarded with evil, in the end of the day, justice prevails in one way or another.

In a country such as this world's Japan that has a long history of having a Buddhist religious presence, there are a number of beliefs regarding this justice and how it manifests, one of this is a so-called Karmic Justice.

And such a thing became the word in everyone's tongue at the eleven provinces under the Northern Coalition… After all, who would've guessed that their enemies would come to their land to wreak havoc just like their leaders did back then.

"The charges are set, sir."

"Alright. Pull back to the inn and let them vacate the building first before you press the trigger."

It has only been a mere two months since the Shogunate Capital was officially declared to be "conquered" by the Southern Quartet Alliance. With the province of both the Emperor and the Shogun under their control, it doesn't even have to be declared that the alliance is the true governing body of the nation of Japan.

Even faraway provinces on the northern sea that is detached from the mainland and the several island chains below Kiko sent their dignitaries to show their respect towards the new government formed by the alliance through the Shogun who pretended that he is now under the alliance's control.

"They've locked the office now, sir."

"Send it."

Still, there are those who didn't do as such and has continued their hostile action towards the alliance. These are the eleven provinces under the new Northern Coalition and a few other fiefdoms under their circle of influence. During the war in the Central Plains, they have formed a plan to storm the Shogunate capital in order to install a new government in the country, but it was foiled by the timely arrival and victory of the allied forces.

With their direct invasion plans foiled, they resorted to making travelers and merchants from Yamato province pay up more toll fees and taxes, as well as harassing settlements near the border by firing their rifles near the homes of the residents or lighting on fire the rice stalks being dried to make sacks for the coming harvest, burning them down out of pure amusement.

"S-Someone call the firefighters!"

"Again?! This is the third time this week!"

However, all of it ended just this past week. After both the allied and shogunate forces began their guerilla warfare campaign inside the provinces of the Northern Coalition.

"Damn them! The town hall, the statue of the coalition and now the trade guild?!"

"How long will they do these cowardly attacks?!"

As the firefighters who responded to the bombed trade guild building shouted curses, the operatives walked towards the crowd to hear what they have to say about the event.

"They're saying that, but they did almost the same thing to the villages in Yamato."

"I heard they even went as far as attempt to murder someone there."

"If only Lord Akido wasn't ousted and assassinated… this wouldn't happen to us."

"Hey! Keep your mouth shut! What if those brats hear you?!"

Although it was made to look like everyone in the Coalition provinces supports the new regime and they unquestioningly agree on what their new leaders are doing, a majority of the populace still know about and thus, miss the better days when the old coalition Daimyos were the ones who are leading them.

"It seems like Iwasawa-sama was right with his theory. None of the people here likes the new leadership."

"Right. In our reports and what I got from the others' reports, it seems like only the impressionable youth are fervently supporting the new leaders and their tenets. It seems like much of the adult populace who can compare their situation right now with their situation back then isn't fighting against but is surely not glad about their current straits."

"Impressionable youth… Didn't we hear something about them in our classes in the Military Academy?"

"You mean the ideology classes? I think so. What I remember about it is that the youth is always targeted by those who wants to present a new belief and because they are more active and fervent in those things unlike the more reserved grown-ups, they make it seem like their small numbers are the majority."


"Huh? Is something wrong, lieutenant?"

"After you said all of that, I just realized something…"

"And that is…?"

"The greenhoods that one of our teams fought by the forest yesterday, aren't they around the same age group as what you just described?"


One by one, information from the field came back to the headquarters of the alliance in Yamato province and the higher-ups who received them were able to form a better understanding of what is happening down there.

"They began to use the colleges and academies to spread their ideology. Chief among them is the province held by Kiyakawa Hanami that has taken ahold of the youth through a foreign socio-political belief."

"I see… This is pretty familiar to me since I read about it once."

"Same with me. I've had first-hand experience in it too."

Both Hiroshi and Sora sighed and chuckled lightly after learning about it. It seemed like they expected this and yet, can't believe that it was actually true.

"You two sure have a twisted sense of humor. These youngsters are being used as blind followers of those bastards and you're chuckling because of it."

"It's hard to explain, but let's just say that people who came from our past world and received higher education had some knowledge about it and that's why it's pretty amusing to us. We weren't picking fun on the poor kids who got into this mess by being influenced by these fiends."

"Good. You won't hear the end of it from me if you would try to make any of this funny."

"Please, Lady Kusanagi… I've already had enough nagging to last for a lifetime from my wife. I wouldn't dare to incur your wrath as well."



While he's having his fun with involving his wife with his joke, Endou cleared his throat and he straightened up at his chair instantly, as if it meant something that he instinctively knew.

"…Seems like someone has to sleep on the couch tonight."

"D-Don't joke about that…"

After that short detraction, we went back to discussing the developments on the ground and found out from a report near our battle area in Kisaragi province that they have requested for another shipment of weapons for the fourth time this week.

"What on earth is happening there for them to request guns and ammo so much?"

"We haven't equipped everyone with the M18-A1's and they are guzzling up our frontline supply… What battalion is this again?"

Kyoko and Mitsuha responded with a concerned tone about the ridiculous repeat of a resupply request.

"The 74th Mechanized Infantry Battalion from Kiko. Their numbers were halved after those soldiers asked to be left out of the operation. The other half was deployed, and it seems like they have yet to be supplied with more men to replenish their numbers."

"If then, that just makes these requests more ridiculous. Why the hell are they requesting more weapons than their halved numbers?"

"Wait... where were they deployed again, Endou-san?"

After Koshiro spoke about the infantry group that came from Kiko and how only half of them went to be deployed, I noticed something in the map.

"Here in Kisaragi province. In the heart of the Yoshiharu Mountain range. They've camped at this cave system in the steep face of the most secluded mountain."


"What's up, Hiroshi? Have you noticed something?"

"…It's not something that I noticed, but something that I remembered."

"Which is?"

"Isn't this the province where Aoyama Natsuki is leading a slave trade state?"



"That woman-!"

My words sent Kyoko, Mitsuha and Koshiro into a shocked state before looking at the Shogun and Endou. It seems like they want to ask the two about why this wasn't mentioned.

"With your expectant gazes, I already know what you want to ask… But don't worry. We didn't intend to hide the fact that she is indeed among the new leaders in the Coalition and that she will eventually be an enemy we need to dispose."

"Then why are we hearing that she's still there now?"

"Because I know your history with that woman and how you would prioritize catching her once you know where she is."


"Do you get what I am trying to say? We still need to settle the overall problem of the Coalition before we move to more personal fights. I do not intend to stop you from enacting your personal vendettas, but I want to at least have all of you pursue our true goal first."

With him saying all of that to us with a strict tone, we understood to some extent why he didn't mention any of this before and why it shouldn't take precedence over our objective of toppling the Coalition.

"I believe that what Sora just said is right. We have to secure our victory against the others first before we move on to more personal affairs and battles. I believe that all of you know that my closest subordinate has sworn to be the one to kill her, and yet, it seems like he is focusing on our overall war first before planning his revenge."

"General Shimura, huh?"

"I guess you're right in that, Hiroshi…"


After I said that and they seem to have calmed down, I looked down on the map and thought deeply about why our force in that place are requesting more guns and ammunition.

"Wait… Is it possible that-"

"I see. You seem to have thought about that too."

"You did too?"

"Yeah. There is only one possible reason for them to request more equipment and supplies like this."

Kisaragi province did have a system of slavery back then even when they came under Sora's Coalition. He said that by the time he got there and made its young prince an ally of his, the slave trade has been dying down as it was more efficient to make use of the machines that his native province of Niijima has begun to produce than keeping alive hundreds of slaves.

Unlike my more direct and forced approach on the subject where I will just straight up ban it and free the enslaved people, Sora is more subtle and cunning with his ways, deciding instead to trick the slave owners and taking opportunity of their greed to achieve a better outcome.

However, the slave trade seemed to have been revived and received a greater throttle after the Coalition Daimyos that Sora has allied with were ousted from their positions and Kisaragi province had a new leader who became rich and powerful through the slave trade.

And yet, that will be her undoing now rather than her strength. For if what I and Sora are thinking is true, the forces we have right now in her land might be the first to break the new coalition's hold on these provinces.


Though his master believed that he is withholding his thirst for revenge against the woman that caused him and his family great pain, this belief was for naught. For if there was anyone who wanted to attain such a vengeance selfishly, it was that young man and no one else.

"General. We're pleased to receive you in our humble outpost."

"We're sorry if we can't give you a fluffy, springy bed or warm running water for a bath."

"Quit it with the jokes, you brats… You're treating me as if I don't know how to lay down on the cold ground and dive headfirst into freezing river water."

Deep inside the Yoshiharu mountain range of Kisaragi province, a young man who just arrived at a cave in the steep mountain face was welcomed by a group of soldiers who spoke jokes about their current shelter.

"Still, this is quite spacious… Did you mine it out to make more space?"

"We did, sir. There are a few places here that had narrow walkways and unexposed tunnels. We mined it out for both convenience-sake and to accommodate more people in the future."

"…I see."

It definitely can't be called a decent shelter structurally speaking, but the cave still had a large semblance of civilization in it as a large carpet in the general receiving area kept the floor dry and tidy, few simple stoves etched from the cave walls are being used to cook food and a few large batteries powers the few lightbulbs on the walls and the radio set at one part of the cave.

As Nobisuke went deeper in the cave, he arrived at the tunnels mentioned earlier and they seem to have been turned into sleeping quarters for the men. Instead of beds that required more materials to make or Futon mats that will easily get moist and musty in the cold and damp cave, the soldiers made hammocks out of sewed cloth sacks and ropes, tying them on the notches and hooks they attached on the cave walls and ceiling for them to sleep on.

Finally, he arrived at the room for the officers where he was welcomed by the battalion commander and his subordinates.

"General. It's an honor to have you here."

"The honor is all mine. In truth, I must thank you and your men for putting up with my selfishness."

"Please, sir. General Himeji has explained all of this to us. After you rendered your help to her, it is only proper that we give back the favor in lieu of our beloved master's wish."

"…I understand… Extend my appreciation to her."

There was a pause in his reply after Kotori was mentioned along with something that he helped out with. It seemed like the two had an exchange of favors that he didn't want to be reminded of again.

"Can we discuss that now?"

"Ah, yes! Certainly, sir… This is the current progress of our operations across Kisaragi province. As you can see, we have struck down much of the critical infrastructure of the area that are mainly used by the Coalition's secret police units… This has significantly crippled their ability to track us down and catch the slaves that we are helping to escape and cross into the sea where they are picked by the covert naval boats."

"Guard towers, border checkpoints and outposts… There sure are a lot less of them in here now. But the roads are…"

"We've made sure to not damage the roads and bridges being used by the public. The last thing we want right now is to have the populace hate us as well."

"Good. At least we won't be having that as a problem… What about the others? Do you have information about where and how we will take them down?"

"Not right now, sir. It seems like her subordinates have learned a thing or two about the slave traders who resisted the reforms from before when slavery became slowly obsolete and was later mauled by freed slaves… They are hiding out in the countryside where they can maximize their influence while not having to worry about their identity being in jeopardy."

"If that is so, we have to strike quickly and precisely. Since they are spread out, we can't hit them one by one lest they tighten their security or worse, run away from our reach."

"Right… Which is why we proceeded with the suggestion given by General Himeji to involve former slaves who volunteered to join us."

As the battalion commander said that, he gestured towards three muscular men and a woman with a disinterested look on her face who immediately raised a salute to me.

"We're glad to be on your side, General!"

"We promise to be of use in your battle to free our land and people!"

"Please let us be a part of this!"

"…At ease, everyone. I cannot say for sure right now what your role would be, but as someone who volunteered for this, I'll make sure not to waste your passion in helping out your birthplace and province."

"""T-Thank you, Sir!"""

As the three men responded to my reply, I noticed that the young woman never spoke and out of curiosity, asked her something.

"How about you, young lady? Do you also have a request that you wish to let me know about?"

"A-Ah… No, sir."

"No need to feel shy or nervous. I can sense that you have something to say and ask after all."

She tried to hide it, but after I told her that I can sense that she does have something to ask, she gave in and asked something that I didn't expect to be asked about.

"Do you know what it feels like to be a slave, general?"


"What it feels like to be stripped of everything that you have and be made to do things that you do not wish to do? The feeling of wanting to escape… and yet, not being able to?"

From what she is speaking about and the fact that she is a woman, I can already guess what kind of work she was made to do when she was a slave.

"I will say this right now so that it may not be called as indiscretion later on when we are already on the ground and fighting together…"



"You-! Why did you-!? S-Sir?"


Without any warning, she drew out the katana on her hip and pointed its tip towards my face. Those around me was about to draw out their handguns when I raised my hand to signal them to stop.

"I will not let those people to live… I shall bring give justice to those like us whom they have tormented under their rule. And though I have volunteered to come under your and this army's banner, please don't make the mistake of assuming that I also share the moral code and due process that you have."

The previously disinterested look on her face was replaced by a fierce one whose eyes emits a sense of burning hatred… Something that is far too familiar to me…

"What a coincidence, I too, have such a goal."


"Aoyama Natsuki… Say, are you familiar with my mother."

"Y-You… You can't be-!"

"That woman-! Don't tell me that the general is-!!!"

Once I disclosed my connection with that woman, the four former slaves looked shocked and by that point, I knew that this has become more interesting that I initially thought it would be.

"It seems like we have something that the scholars of my homeland would call as… a coincidence of wants."

Two weeks after that initial meeting, a frontier town of Kisaragi province became abuzz with activity. From one end to the other end of the large town, residents came pouring into the city circle, all chanting the same things.

"""Give us back our lives! We do not need your meddling!"""

"""This is our province! Our land! Our people! Leave us!"""

"""We do not need you and your enslavement anymore!"""

To one, this may look like nothing more but a simple rally that can be dispersed with a brutal reprisal from the soldiers of the lordship. However, that is among one of the problems in there.

"Go on. We will protect you if ever they come. As their comrades, they will surely keep their distance while we are with you."

"Understood. Thank you very much, sir."

"Mm. Alright, lads! Secure the area and don't let anyone who would be ordered to stop the rally to harm the people! Don't be intimidated! The people and the heavens are with us!"

"""Yes, sir!!!"""

A few soldiers joined in the demonstration, most of them surrounding the area to keep both their fellow soldiers who are simply ordered to stop the rally and the secret police who would probably do something hideous to disperse the crowd.

"These mongrels! How dare they gather and resist the coalition's rule like this?!"

"Get inside the crowd and start stabbing some people. Since they won't be listening to our orders to disperse, it's better if we speak to them in a language they will surely understand."

"Violence, huh?"

"It sure has been a while since we did something like this."

Some shifty-looking young people spoke to each other from inside an alleyway. On their shoulders are the clothing that denotes their place in this land governed by the new Northern Coalition.

"Well, well… It also has been a while since we came across people like you lot. You greenhoods sure are plenty at these parts."


"Who goes there?!"


"Ack-! GUAH-!"


"What on earth-?!"

Without any warning, two men jumped down from the roof above the alley and sunk their knives deep into the necks of the two greenhoods who are at the exit, effectively blocking the rest of the group from escaping.

"You two-! I remember you!"

"Good. Now you can tell everything about us to King Yama once you cross into the underworld."

"Go tell him how a bunch of filthy and dumb slaves managed to outwit and corner such a 'proud, educated and superior' people such as you lot."

"You imbeciles! You will pay for this!"

"Actually, it's the other way around."



As soon as the leader of the greenhoods said as such, the people in the city circle all shouted loudly and in the midst of the people's loud cry, a few gunshots was fired that found their targets right in the middle of the greenhoods' eyebrows.

"…I'll be leaving the rest to you two. Don't leave any traces."

"Leave it to us, sir!"

As the person who shot the greenhoods walked out of the alleyway, the bright sunlight finally exposed his face as he took out a cigarette and a matchbox.

"Man… It sure wasn't a mistake to take part in this thing too. General Shimura sure knew what would give me closure."

"Sir Ishida, the gathered people seem to have reached enough of a size and fervor… I think we can proceed to have them storm the governor's palace."

"Mm. Guide them and help them break into the place. If there would be secret police or the greenhoods around to harm the crowd, protect them and deal with the interlopers."

"As you command, Sir!"

General Ishida Takeo. He is a general of Kiko whose role is to protect the province and because of this, was exempted from joining the ranks of the Allied forces. This gave him some leeway to go around without any eyes following him and with the invitation of his superior and close friend, General Shimura Nobisuke, leads the operations in one of the vital cities that they have to take over.



At the governor's palace, the people reached the gates and was blocked by the soldiers stationed there.

"Stand back or we will be forced to disperse you!"

"Please do not approach any closer or we will use force!"

Dutiful, but obviously not resolutely loyal to the man they are ordered to protect, this became the key to turning these soldiers to the public's side.

"You're not our enemies! Back away!"

"Don't stop us! Our target is that man alone!"

"We're sick of them and their endless desire to take our family members to turn them into slaves! We aren't slaves! None of us deserves to be slaves anymore!"

Hearing the yearning of their countrymen, the soldiers all looked disturbed and started to look at each other with pained and conflicted expressions.

"Captain! What are we going to do?!"

"Your orders, sir!"


Inside the walls of the palace, the leader of the soldiers guarding the place was being begged for orders by his subordinates. The elderly man ground his teeth as he was made to choose between his duty to his appointed leader and his genuine personal desire to help his countrymen.

"BAH! Those filthy peasants again! When will they stop with their uneducated squabbling and endless rallies! DAMN IT! Their voices alone are annoying me to no end!"


The governor of the town and its surrounding villages peered out from his palace's terrace and spat out insults towards the people making a racket on the gates of his abode.

Wrapped around his stout body is a scholar's garb from the once famous Hakubun public academy of Kisaragi province that was built by the previous Daimyo as a way to provide free education for the newly freed slaves and help them attain employment later on.

Because of such a history, the academy's uniform was very simple and even humble. It was meant to show that even with a former stature in society and a lack of prior education, the freed slaves can stand along and maybe even outmatch their counterparts.

But now, all of that is for nothing… For the academy has become a cesspool of elitists nobles who drove out the formerly freed slave students and subverted the core principles of the institution to boost their standing in society by not letting anyone else to attain education.

"…Everyone, at this very moment, I am no longer your Captain."


"What are you talking about right now, captain?!"

"And so, I won't ask for your obedience in the order that I am about to give."


In front of his bewildered subordinates, the elderly soldier drew in his breath and in one shout, gave out the order that he gave not as an officer, but as a normal citizen of Kisaragi province.



It took a while for the young men to understand what he meant, but after seeing the intention of their "captain", all of them showed their grins and in unison, responded to his "order".

"""YES, SIR!!!""'

By nightfall, there was but a single mood in the town as they paraded their beaten and unconscious governor around the streets as he was tied on a wooden stake.

"You will pay for everything you did to us!"

"You're no liberator!"

"Die, you bastard!!!"

Overlooking everything from an inn's window was two men smoking cigarettes and drinking gin from a glass. Two pleasures that aren't common in the now blockaded provinces that can no longer trade with the outside world.

"You've done well, Takeo."

"Likewise, Nobisuke."

They reached out their glasses and clinked it before knocking back a sip.

"What will we do from here on, Nobisuke? This is the first place to be taken down, but it sure isn't taken over by us."

"Leave that to me, Takeo. Although I know that he won't be glad about it, Iwasawa-sama would surely understand why it has to be us who needs to be here."

"Wait… are you talking about-"

"Right. Now that we are sure that Kisaragi's common folk and slaves will be taking our side as proven by our test run here, we don't have enough time before the others hear about this and they try to scurry away from us."

"I see… both of us will be very busy now, huh?"

"We sure will… So, I want you to take on a portion of my work. You can treat it as me owing you one if you want."

"Knowing you, you'll only talk like that if this is important to you… What do you want me to do?"

"I want you to help me end the life of the witch that both gave me and ruined my life."

It has been years since Shimura Nobisuke attained the martial power needed for his pursuit of vengeance, but it was only now that an opportunity came his way where he can personally take part in it.

"Once I get rid of her… I will finally be freed from the shame that she brought to everyone around her. Like these people yearning to be freed…"


After he stood from his seat and poured out the botte of alcoholic beverage towards the unconscious governor placed below their inn's window, Nobisuke lit a new cigarette and threw down the lit matchstick to that same person.

"…I will finally be free."

And sitting only an arm's length apart from him, a terrible shiver ran down Takeo's back after he saw the burning man's body reflecting off Nobisuke's eyes and the people cheering with ecstatic joy from the streets below them while chanting the same thing.


"Say, Takeo… Isn't this such a joyous day to remember?"

Shimura Nobisuke… has long been swallowed by his burning desire for vengeance.

Next chapter