
A Fate the Befits Traitors.

""Good morning, Inspector!""

"Good morning too, soldiers."

It was a cold and misty morning as it has always been here in the city of Tohou. With a cup of coffee that I bought from a café near my home, I walked towards my workplace. A small building made of reinforced concrete and lined with rows upon rows of barbed wire and steel obstacles while being guarded by a battalion of heavily armed soldiers.

To some, it may look like a military installation due to the number of defenses and dedicated guardsmen, but in reality, it is a bit less interesting that what it really is.

"For the Peace of Kiko, Inspector!"

"For the Peace of Kiko, Officer."

"As always… you are just in time for work, Inspector…"

"I might be almost forty years old, but I sure still know how to be punctual… You young ones shouldn't underestimate me!"

That's right. I am the border inspector and immigration officer for the border city of Tohou.

It would be easy to assume that Kiko is wide open to any visitor because of the long and winding border we have with Shinka province along the Iso river, however, ever since the start of Iwasawa-sama's reign, this river border has become heavily guarded. I'm talking about coast guards that patrol up and down the river, catching illegal immigrants, smugglers and even worse, spies.

Add to this the river widening project that Kiko and Shinka collaborated at where each side dug up the riverbed to make the river wider and its waters calmer and less able to flood their lands during the rain season, and it made crossing the river illegally basically impossible due to its current width of almost two kilometers.

However, Kiko and Shinka also collaborated on another project called "the gateway bridges". These are two bridges that was made in the narrowest area between Kiko and Shinka. One is a stone archway bridge supported across the channel with reinforced concrete pillars built atop artificial islets in the river, while the other is an all-steel suspension bridge made exclusively for the public and military railways.

At the end of these two bridges is the border city and mercantile hotpot center named Tohou. One of the two cities alongside the capital of Naka, where the highways and railways branch out across the entire province, reaching out even to the most remote areas of the province.

Because of this logistical importance as a city where merchants enter the province and ride carriages or trains to hawk their wares further into the city, Tohou is the second richest city in Kiko with a gross net income of 1.25 billion Kan per year through mercantile and transportation taxes. Although this still pales in comparison to Naka city which has a gross net income of 7.81 billion Kan per year due to it being an international harbor and the accessway of foreign products which Kiko monopolizes at.

Back to the present, Tohou city has always been seen by the Daimyo's government to be a possible flashpoint for problems. With it being a mercantile city, concerns about hijacking, kidnapping and theft of products are the primary fears, while terrorism is the highest of the concerns but the most unlikely to happen.

There do was the case of the hostage-taking and heist in the central bank of the city, although the quick and shockingly sudden action of the special forces from Naka quickly handled it, letting the people to relax yet again and trust their government's ability to protect them.

"Another thing, Inspector…"


"Kikyo… my fiancée… she's going to cross the border today."


"I believe I already talked to you once about this, Inspector… She came from Haguro province where she saw her parents die after getting mixed up in a battle… We met during my time in Kaiji province, and I've been trying my best to arrange a passport and travel permit for her… but because she has no proof of identity, the immigration office has repeatedly refused my request."


The usually staunch soldier who welcomes me in the immigration stall became emotional after speaking about his beloved fiancée whom he wants to meet again and live with inside Kiko.

"You're the only person that I can depend on right now, Inspector. Please… I know that this is a very selfish request, and this may even be counted as a misdemeanor on you by our superiors… but please let Kikyo in… I can't take being apart from her anymore…"


As he tried his best to stifle his tears, I felt my heart ache after knowing how much he yearns for her.

"Ahem… D-do a good work, Inspector!"

"I will, Officer!"

After wiping his eyes and clearing his throat, the soldier finished our routine greetings and exited the bunker-like room to guard the interior defenses of the border.

"Kikyo, huh?"

As I sat on my chair, agonizing about the request that I was just given, I turned to the picture frame of my family on my desk… wishing for some peace of mind.

"Kuh-! So much for a grown up me… I can't even choose between doing my job properly or letting two people who love each other be together."

After gritting my teeth, I decided to just choose it later when it does happen. For now, I have my job to do.

["Next in line, come."]

That's right… I still have a job to do.

"G-Good morning, sir…"

"Passport and Travel permit."


The first in line to come is a woman carrying a trolley of kumquat oranges. She's a regular here.

"Do you have an agricultural health pass for your products? How about a tax stamp?"

"I-I have them here as well."

She slid the four documents to a drawer that I pulled into my office to check. After seeing that everything is genuine and not expired, I stamped her passport and snipped a hole in her travel pass using a paper puncher.

"Don't cause any trouble."

"I-I will not, sir."

I pressed the switch to open the door leading inside the city, allowing her to pass through.

["Next in line, come."]

For hours, I interviewed, inspected and either denied or accepted the entrance of the people wishing to enter Kiko through Tohou city.

"This is ridiculous! This passport was issued by the consulate in Hashidate!"

"And I repeat again, sir… Your passport lacks the special insignia and other security features of a genuine passport. There are even printing press smudges on it that shows that it was made just recently."


"Now, please leave before I call the Land Guards to drag you out."

"Damn you!"

I deal with lots of people. Some of them are merchants who fake their documents to sell fake products in Kiko.

"I'm sorry, madame… But these vegetables are deemed to be infested by bull worms by the agricultural inspector. We cannot let that inside our city lest it infect our own province's produce."

"B-But… this is the products that I have to sell! Please let them through, sir, I beg you!"

"I cannot do that, madame. My decision can cripple my land's agriculture. I apologize, but the highlighted vegetables will have to be burned."

There are also poor vendors who just had the misfortune of having products that cannot be allowed inside of Kiko no matter what happens.

"I have a special passport and travel permit! I'm here as an ambassador for Mimagaya province, so watch your tone or it will sour the relations between my land and yours!"

"Get the hell away from here."


"I'm serious. Get the hell out of here or I'll plant a bullet on your empty head."

Also, there is the occasional shitheads who use obvious fake identities and papers, thinking that it would really let them in if they tried it properly. Well, this is exactly why I am given a handgun. Both to protect myself and also scare these people off.

"Do you have anything heavy on you? Like a backpack or some items in your pockets?"

"N-No, sir… I don't have anything in my person…"

"Really? Because your passport states that your weight is 78 kilograms, but your weigh on the scale right now is 85 kilograms."


"Spit it out… Is it drugs, or is it weapons?"

"I-I'm sorry, sir! I swear! I didn't have any choice about this! They said I can earn some cash with a delivery and began strapping these bags with dried leaves on me!""

"Haah… Land Guards, we have a 420 here. Please send someone to take this guy."

["Positive, Inspector."]

There has also been the growing narcotics trade in our border where drug mules are caught to be bearing illicit substances strapped to their bodies or has packages sniffed out by our police dogs.

Thankfully, there has been a 99.99% catch rate for all of this. Add to that the fact that Kiko folk don't really want to use them, drugs has become more of a matter of catching them for the sake of criminality rather than the fear of having these things used by our people.

["Next in line, come."]

And thus, the thought that I have been delaying since early this morning finally came up again as a young woman dressed in a beautiful kimono entered the stall. Each and every feature of her matched what the Officer described her to be.



I shrugged off the feeling of discomfort upon remembering the conversation I had with the officer earlier and proceeded to ask for her papers out of routine.

"Papers, I said."

"Would this suffice?"

I was puzzled after something clattered lightly on the drawer, so I pulled it in and was surprised to see what it was.

"Before Joro was pulled out from Kaiji, he gave me an engagement ring to show that he is serious with our relationship… It has been almost a year since and he said that it's time for me to try and enter Kiko to be with him."

"This is…"

"Please, Inspector… I beg you… I have no other family members to depend on and my yearning for my lover hurts my heart everyday…"

Kikyo knelt down in front of me as her tears that she must've been holding back all this time finally poured out.

"I beg you, sir… please…. Please let me be with Joro. I don't want to be split apart from him anymore. I don't want our child to be born without its father there to see it."

"Child…? You can't be saying that Joro…"

The circumstances cannot be worse… she has no passport, no travel permit, no proof of identity and worse of all, her being pregnant is a proof that officer Joro had an unreported sexual relationship during his deployment.

"Hik-! Please sir… We need to be with him… I and this child need to be with Joro."


I am conflicted… Conflicted to the point that my decision-making is presently crippled.

I don't know what the best course of action would be…

If I let her in to be with Joro, he will surely face the court-martial as soon as the child is born to his name. At best, he would just face a demotion in rank and a deployment to a less favorable area… at worst… he would be dishonorably discharged from the armed service and his family will not be able to receive perks and public amenities like healthcare and housing reserved for Kiko's citizens.

On the flip side, if I turn her away, she will undoubtedly face hardships in Shinka as a pregnant woman who still has to work for herself. Joro would surely hate me for knowing that and still turning her away. Their relationship can become strained…

It is a total dilemma… one that has no clear victories in sight.

*Riiiiiinggg! Riiiiiiinnnnggg!!!*

"H-Hello. Immigration inspector's office…"

["Emergency communique from the Military communications office."]

"Y-Yes, I am listening, sir!"

Suddenly, the landline phone of my office rang, and I immediately picked it up. I immediately straightened up as soon as I learned that it was a message from the military to us in the immigration sector.

["Listen Inspector, Kise has just been declared a hostile nation by General Ishida and the General Ministry."]


["For security reasons, we won't be taking in anymore people through Tohou. I'll send some soldiers to help out in closing up the border, so please clean up your workplace and-"]

With beads upon beads of cold sweat tracing through the back of my neck after learning that news, I placed down the phone even if my superior was still speaking.


Damn it.

Damn it all!

Why are all of these horrible things happening right now?!




I hate this.

I hate all of this…

My work is supposed to be simple. I should just let anyone and anything that was already approved by other authorities inside our lands… I just have to follow all of these instructions and I will be able to do my end of the deal.

"Go with Joro and run away from Tohou… Maybe you should live in a remote town in Hikigaya-sama's domain."

"Sir… what are you trying to say…?"

"If the two of you try to live in any place where you can be easily seen, Joro would be penalized for his actions, and you will be deported back to your place of birth… the two of you will be torn apart whether or not you have a child."


"So please… listen to me and bring Joro as far away as possible from any major city if you two wish to continue living in Kiko… You two can handle your identifications and citizenship documents later once you settle in… so please, if you two want to be together, go… just go away from here."

I slid out the drawer to let her take her ring before I pressed the button to open the door leading outside into Tohou as Kikyo stood there, dumbfounded with my words.

"But sir, wouldn't this harm your work-"





As she ran out and disappeared from my vision, I ended up punching my desk in frustration about all of the things I just faced.

"I'm a failure as a public servant…"

For allowing his emotions and personal thoughts to affect his work and not following the orders of his superiors and the rules that he has to follow… I am an utter failure as a civil worker.

"Joro… Kikyo… Don't make any mistakes. I don't want to learn one day that you two screwed up everything."

As I was contemplating these things, I was unaware of the things that transpired at both sides of my office that acts as the accessway between the outside and inside of Kiko's lands.


As the commanding officer of the Border guards, my main responsibility is to make sure that no illegal immigrant can enter our lands or sneak through the border area of Tohou city.

Though some critics may complain that we are locking our land's prosperity away from the people of other lands, the mention of the pirate bombing in Naka harbor and the recent uncovering of several human trafficking operations to smuggle illegal drugs in Kiko made our border guarding operations more and more important than ever.

"Haah… the airconditioned barracks really is heaven on earth…"

"Yeah. I heard from the weatherman in the radio that we'll be having a heat wave for another week…"

"Man… that sounds rough."

Because of my experience as a field officer and reputation among my peers for my disciplined and presentable platoon, I was sent here from the army to manage the slightly inexperienced and less disciplined border guards. Even I have to admit that they are pretty hard to deal with because of their laziness and unwillingness to properly devote themselves to their work.

"What are you louts laying here for? Haven't you heard the intercom?! We're all needed to close the border!"

"Urgh… come on, sir. Just let us stay here… We're dying from the heat outside."

"Yeah, yeah… the other boys can handle whatever the upper brass is asking for."


Faced with the brazen and disrespectful words of these fools, I drew my revolver and fired to the wall where they are leaning at thrice.


"Get off your ass and help out there! I am not repeating myself!"

"""Y-Yes, sir!"""

Damn these fools… why am I stuck here and dealing with them when this could've been dealt with a proper drill instructor?

Regardless, I exited the border guard barracks and walked to the border area where we were ordered to close it down for the day and fortify it according to protocol. There wasn't any explanation why this is happening all of a sudden, but I suspect that something important from beyond Kiko's lands must be happening.


"K-Kikyo? Kikyo!!!"

However, before I can make the turn to the border area, I heard a familiar voice shouting my name from the other side of the street.

"You're here… Hik-! You're finally with me!"

"Kikyo… I missed you, Kikyo!"

"Me too… I thought I would never be able to see you again!"

It was my lover whom I have left in Kaiji province after we were ordered to pull back from it to give way to the occupation forces of Yukonami. We exchanged letters for a long while and I promised to let her into Kiko soon so we can finally be together.

"We can't stay here for too long, Joro…"


"The immigration inspector… I didn't hear it clearly, but I heard from his telephone that there is a war in Kise right now."


"He said that because he let me in, we would be hunted, and we will be reprimanded… therefore, he said that we should live far away from major cities… in places like Hikigaya domain."

"Inspector… he knows everything and yet, he chose to help us out…"

Knowing all of this, I decided to steel my resolve and leave with Kikyo as soon as possible.

"Let's not waste our time, then. Here's some money. Buy a ticket for the two of us to Aketsu city of Hikigaya domain while I grab my belongings in my locker. Let's meet up in the station."


"Wait, Kikyo… Here, wear this shawl over your head to hide your face. Don't act too suspiciously until we meet up."

"Mm. Joro-kun…"


"I love you… please be safe."

Hearing the person that I love wishing for my safety, a smile appeared on my face.

"I will. Don't worry about me."


Meanwhile, outside of the border area, things begin to heat up as soon as the immigration inspector announced something from the loudspeaker.

["A notice from the Immigration Office of Kiko Provincial Government. We are closing the border for today and until further notice. We will not be receiving anyone without a local identification card or local passport. This is a for the sake of our land's security."]

To say that the announcement was not taken well by the people in the line would be an understatement.

"You sleazeballs!"

"This is too much! You bastards are too corrupt!"

"Give me back my time, damn it!"

One by one, a chorus of hateful words started to well up from the crowd. Some even used their goods to thrash the office of the Inspector whom they thought was making an excuse to cut his working time short for the day. Some threw rotten eggs while some other began hitting the walls of the office using their fists and the canes of their baskets.

"Disperse! This is an order from the Tohou border garrison! Disperse from the area immediately or we will use force!"

"Screw you soldiers!"

"We will-"

The mob would've finally risen up against the border guards if not for something that happened at the rear of the line where they we're filed.



"Get out of the way!"

"Let me through!!!"

Explosions from the rear of the lines sent a wave of panic across the crowd. And in a matter of seconds, a stampede started as the human wave clashed into the tall concrete wall of the border.

"Let us in! Please let us in!"

"Don't push! Don't step on the others!"


Men, women and children began to pile up and try to climb the steep wall that separated the outside and inside of the city.

"A-Assemble! Take control of the situation, soldiers!"

"Find the source of that explosion!"

"W-Wait! Where is Major Joro?! Why are we being commanded by NCO's?!"

"Forget him right now! We need to control this panicked crowd!"


The explosions in the border were heard across the city, alerting the local army and coast guard garrison who each communicated their planned responses before heading out.

"Border Guards! Report to me!"

"Y-Yes, sir! There are three confirmed suicide bombers who detonated their explosives in the middle of the immigration checkpoint's line! About 40 people are confirmed to be dead from the explosion while an additional 12 came from the ensuing stampede! We're still trying to find if there are other hostiles in the area."

"Wait… with your insignia… are you a non-commissioned officer?"

"Y-Yes, sir! I am a corporal!"

"…Where is Major Joro? Shouldn't he be here to be the one to report all of this?"

"That… we are afraid that Major Joro is among the casualties…"


From his pocket, the corporal fished out a damaged and bloodied military ID tag which contains the basic information of Joro.

"Inspector Mikado said that he saw this on the ground near one of the explosion sites. It seems like a close acquaintance of Major Joro was on the line and after hearing the initial explosions, he headed there, only to be blown apart by the succeeding ones."

"Tch-! This is a tragedy…"

The army helped to calm the people and cordon off the area where the explosions happened. Meanwhile, the sound of the diesel motors of the coast guard's river boats filled the air as they began to sieve through the riverbanks, looking for traces of the possible escape routes of the other terrorists.

"We should report this to the headquarters… Let us borrow the inspector's telephone! We need to send a message through the landline."

However, that message would come far too late for anything to even change.


"Somebody call the Land Guards!"

Several cities all across Kiko had the same terror attacks at the same time. All of them, claiming the lives of innocent people and staining the reputation of Kiko as a safe and secure nation.

"This is Aoya Army garrison! We have 17 suicide bombings in the city at present! We are being overrun with bombing reports!"

"This is Kagetsuchi Local Land Guard Office! Several shootings are happening at present! Requesting reinforcements from central office!"

Today, Kiko fell into ruin as a secret enemy has finally unveiled itself to attack it from the shadows.

"Daigo-kami-sama depends on us to do our part for the Great Revival ceremony… Do you have what it takes to be the martyrs of the new future?!"

"""Yes, sir!"""

"Then die for our faith! Die for the great cause of our beloved sacred lady!"

"""For the Revival of the Otherworld!"""

"Indeed… For the Revival of the Otherworld."


In the Imperial capital of Hitachi, a lone young man sits beside the bed of a young lady who was deemed to never be able to wake up again.



He held her hand, trying his best to not weep yet again as he had done for the past few days.


"Oh… Nobisuke."

"I… know that you are grieving for Chiyo… But if I may ask for your attention about this pressing matter…"


Although he himself is also grieving for his cousin's eventual death, Nobisuke tried to not let himself be affected by it as he handed a letter to his master.

"This is…"

"All of the proof points that what is written there is true… The Daigo clan has deliberately attacked Yukonami and are preparing to assault Shinka as well."


"There has also been reports from our radiophone that was just reestablished since the raid in the Daigo clan's jamming station by the special forces… It's said that Kiko is up in flames after cultists from the Yomi Cult conducted suicide bombings across various cities…"


"Almost a thousand of our citizens are already dead or injured… And the Land Guards is saying that it may not be the end of everything yet."


After hearing this news of betrayal and tragedy to his people, Hiroshi clutched his fiancée's hand, seemingly wishing to have her hear this news as well so she can help him manage it.

"…General Shimura Nobisuke."

"Yes, my lord?"

"Don't let our allies to fall because of my indecision during this time when I am heartbroken…"


"As the Chancellor of the Southern Quartet Alliance, I am cutting off Kise from our treaty and denying them the rights and protections of Article 1 through 4 of the agreement."

"I-Iwasawa-sama! This is-!"

The shocked expression of Nobisuke was not unwarranted… after all, the first four articles of the alliance agreement are as follows.

Article 1: All member states of the alliance are afforded the right of self-determination. With the exception of Yukonami province as it was acquired by the Kusanagi lordship before the signing of this treaty through the right of conquest, all other states have the right to govern itself as how it determines itself.

Article 2: Except when it has been announced and approved, no military force, overt or covert, can enter another member state with military equipment. Any men caught bearing weapons inside a province that they do not serve at will be immediately held in custody and deported back to their origin state.

Article 3: Hostile action against men, women, children and animals who are not part of a war is prohibited. Any confirmed report of malicious activity and/or intent to the stated individuals by a hostile force will trigger Article 5.

Article 4: Destruction of property and areas of livelihood during a hostile takeover will trigger Article 5. Destruction is defined in terms of vandalism, defamation, deconstruction, etc.

These four initial tenets defined and gave value to the lives of the people of their member states. It was because of these four declarations that the alliance's lands are seen to be secure and peaceful.

However, the fifth and most grave of the articles can probably overturn the beauty of the first four tenets.

Article 5: If one member state(s) is attacked by a hostile force, all other member states are obliged to come to the defense of the beleaguered state(s). This will also apply to any member state that deliberately attacks another member state. If the Alliance Chancellor declares it, the hostile member state can be disavowed and made into a country that will not be given any of the rights in Articles 1 through 4.

"The Daigo clan will pay for harming my people and the woman that I love... Even if the entirety of Kise will be the one to take the brunt of it."


"Also… send a message to the Silent Service."


"I want them to teach those animals a lesson about igniting my rage."

The mention of the Silent Service force sent shivers down Nobisuke's spine.

"My lord, I think it would be too excessive already. You know that the Submarine force is our weapon against-"

"I know that! And I also know that that monster would be there and watching over it… As such I want him to see for himself the hell that he opened for himself."

There is now only one thing in Hiroshi's mind after the reason why he tried his best to pacify this country through peaceful diplomacy will soon be gone.

"…I will show all of them what it means to fear someone whom you can never ever defeat."

That day marked the beginning of the end for everyone that stood against the Kirin Lord of Kiko.


In the northern frontier border of Shinka, kilometers of trenches contained hundreds of thousands of men who was there for one purpose.

To stop the offensive of their ally-turned-enemy.


"Don't let up with the guns!"

"We need artillery support!"

Kise's soldiers advanced through the poisonous mist slugged to the battlefield by Kise's artillery. With gas masks on their faces, they safely crossed the increasingly poisoned land while Shinka's soldiers can do nothing but retreat further and further back in order to not be caught and killed by the poisonous gas.

"Fall back! Fall back!"

"They're firing those gas canisters again!"


The battlefield was a mess as more and more soldiers crowded the rearmost trenches to stay safe from the encroaching mist of chemical poison. But they all resolved to stand their ground and not let the marching enemy soldiers to even take a step inside of their lands.

"S-Sir! Look there!"

"Cavalry? Wait! That is-!"

"The mountain peacock!"

Almost two days after their deployment, the remaining soldiers in the battlefield has almost no morale left as they face an enemy with weapons that can kill them instantly en masse. However, the appearance of an ally force bearing a flag that is familiar to them immediately raised their spirits as it steadily approached them.

"Wait! It's not just a cavalry force!"

"That… That's the Coalition army!"

It took a while for the others to appear behind the cavalry. But hearing the sound of trumpets and drums from the horizon gave hope to the soldiers who learned that allied forces are finally there to relieve them.

To the Shinka combat theater, that was the case… but for Yukonami, the end is within sight.

"Ayanami-sama… Kise's forces has occupied half of the province… We're afraid that our guerilla tactics and ambushes has done nothing but delay the inevitable."

"…I understand… You can go now."

Inside of her castle, the local lord of Yukonami is agonizing her situation as the news that enemies have occupied half of her lands was the last thing she wanted to hear presently.

"We only got to this point because we lack the force to hold them back… At this point, we may have no other choice but to go into an all-out assault across the board just to inflict as much damage to them as possible."



"You need to see this!"

Suddenly, she heard one of her subordinates shout, seemingly shocked with something that is enough of a hazard to warrant her interest.

"What on earth is…"

"Isn't that flag… the Shogunate's War Banner?"

"Why now of all times-?!"

Not knowing that her master and allies have already made peace and are on the same side with the Shogunate, she ordered to have her castle fortified and its soldiers prepared for battle against the marching army.

"W-Wait! Don't attack them, Mitsuha-nee!"

"Rinne? Why on earth are you out here?! Didn't I tell your servants to lock you in your-"

"Forget about that first, Mitsuha-nee! First, don't attack them! I know them! Rinne knows them!"


"The old beardie on the front of the army! I know him! He's my godfather!"


Though she highly doubted the words of the child, Mitsuha decided to give it a chance and head out to the field to meet the marching army halfway.

"Halt! Everybody, halt!"


"Local Lord Ayanami Mitsuha, I presume?"

"…Yes. I am Ayanami Mitsuha, subordinate lord of Kusanagi Kyoko-sama of Shinka… may I ask for your name?"

"I am Furutani Garou. General of the Shogunate Imperial army and direct subordinate of Shogun Amanogawa Sora of the Amanogawa Bakufu."


"I am here under the behest of the Southern Quartet Alliance and the order of my master. My army was sent to hinder and push back the offensive of Kise's army who has become your enemies at present."


"I know that you were not informed because of communication errors, but if you wish for confirmation, here it is."

The general handed her a scroll bearing both the seal of the Shogunate and the Kusanagi clan's white tiger seal.

"This is…"

"We both have the same enemies at present… it was decided by our masters to defeat them first before having a discourse between our two sides."

The news was something that made Mitsuha glad as it meant that her land will be saved from destruction… but there was also unease in her heart.

She became confused who is really her ally and who is her enemy.

Next chapter