
The Might of Kiko's Military

While our Daimyo, Iwasawa Hiroshi, and his entourage has just arrived in Haguro province and met up with the Nachi clan's army, another storm is brewing at Naka, the capital of Kiko province.

"Esteemed leaders! I bring the report of our expedition force from the northern sea."

"Well then, narrate it for the whole chamber to hear."

Misao Pavilion, the meeting chamber of Kiko's General Ministry and Noble and Commons Chambers, is full of not only of politicians, but also of news reporters hurriedly writing the happenings on their paper pads.

As for our master, his absence was accepted given the several well-known attempts on his life and instead, he is hearing and speaking in the court through a radiophone.

"Our expedition to the Northern Sea has proved our suspicion regarding the last terror attack at our city. The Mizuki islands at our north has been conquered by the Arakami pirates and they pose a great deal to our national safety and our economic stability."

"This is a problem…"

"I know. Foreign traders wouldn't like it if it becomes worse…"

"Should we order the Navy to patrol the waters?"

These words were spoken by the representatives in the chamber, exchanging thoughts with each other and even suggesting military intervention.

"Please, ladies and gentlemen… Order in the chamber. Soldier, please continue."

The raspy voice of our daimyo reprimanded his subordinates through the radiophone and turned to the reporting soldier to continue.

"Ahem… through the observations of Captain Fumikage Ryuusui's marine scout parties, their scouting sorties proved that the formerly divided Arakami pirates has now been unified and they have pooled their strength and technologies to further cement their control over the islands. For the photographic evidence, please open the folder at your table that has a green ink stamp."

Everyone in the room opened the aforementioned folders and inside, they saw some laminated metal sheets that has the pictures of the reported ships, harbors and weaponry of the Arakami pirates. Although the daguerreotype was quite fuzzy and lacking in color, it was sufficient to bring across the proof that things really are not going well in the island.

"I cannot see these photos right now, but I am aware of the might of our enemies given that I was at the frontline during the last attacks… Some simple pirates cannot easily acquire so much military power and technology if something strange didn't happen."

"That is the conclusion given by the Intelligence department as well, Iwasawa-sama. This isn't something that they can do by themselves."

I spoke up in addition to his statement.

"Hmm… Minister Kurogawa, I have a question."

"Yes, my lord?"

"Has the news about the resurgence of the pirates' military power affect our foreign trade?"

"Yes, it did, Your Highness. Even Daigo Shizuka-hime-sama, our ambassador from Kise, has stated that Lord Daigo is deeply bothered by the situation at the Mizuki islands as their merchant ship fleets may become the main prey of the pirates in the near future."

"I see… If that is so… War is inevitable."

"Should I do it in your stead, Iwasawa-sama? I believe I am capable enough to handle this. Please just rest in Naka castle and leave this to me."

"Hm? You may take precedence then. Thank you, General Shimura."

"It is an honor, Kou-sama."

As the radiophone cut its signal, I stood up to show that I am now responsible for the planning ahead.

"General Shimura, you must know that our navy is not yet prepared for a major offensive."

"That is not true, Tosa-sama. I have talked to Admiral Kuwahabara and he has stated that they are more than capable of a one-on-one fight with our adversaries. They have even stated that they can sortie out in 30 minutes as soon as they receive orders."

"Is that so? If that is true, then we won't have to worry about the sea battles… but my next concern would be the amphibious landings and the land battles. We are fighting a non-military force of outlaws and we will have to expect guerilla warfare as soon as we get into the interior of the islands."

"We are well aware of that as well, and since our last war at the Satou clan's lands, I have requested the military schools and training camps to focus on anti-guerilla warfare tactics and for the military research camps to develop effective ways to handle such threats."

Beside me, Ishida Takeo stood up and added some other statements.

"I have also handed down a battalion of special operations soldiers to the force of General Shimura to help out in the training, I believe this will bring peace in your minds."

Everyone spoke to each other for a moment, seemingly debating if this is the right way to move ahead, but then, the doors of the chamber were flung open, and all of the security soldiers drew their guns and pointed it at five men who are drenched in sweat and smelled like pungent chemicals.

"W-W-We apologize for barging in even though a session is being held, but please hear us out, sirs!"

"Who are these guys?"

"It looks like they ran towards here with that sweat on their clothes…"

"Wait, these guys are from the photo maker at the city, right?"

Hearing one of the congress members mention their affiliation made me realize who they are. I ordered the guards to lower their guns as I approached them.

"You're the ones that processed our pictures, right? Did you forget to give some of them earlier?"

"N-No, sir. These ones just arrived, and the sailor told us that Captain Fumikage ordered for them to be sent to the congress meeting before it is adjourned."

He handed me a paper bag with the laminated metal disks and once I rummaged through it, my eyes almost bulged out when I saw its contents.

"What is it, Shimura-sama?"

"You look disturbed, General."

I handed the pictures to the congress members and each of them showed it to the others who was just as surprised as I am.

"Ladies and gentlemen… I'm afraid that we have stumbled upon the root of our enemy's sudden resurgence in power… That object in the picture, the people that lights incense in there, and the massive assembly they hold every night proves one thing…"

So, that's it… huh? After all of our suspicions about outside powers being the responsible individuals that harmed us, an equally dangerous power is behind it after all.

"The people of Mizuki islands are being unified by a cult… A cult that worships this object at the main island. With this, the urgency of the situation will have to be raised."

I took the wooden mallet from the seat where Iwasawa-sama should be sitting at and with the authority vested upon me, declared the start of the war in my master's stead.

"With the authority given upon me by the Kirin Lord, Iwasawa Hiroshi-sama. I declare that the nation of Kiko is now at war against the Arakami pirates of Mizuki islands. Preparations for the war will start as soon as possible… For the Peace of Kiko!"

"""For the Peace of Kiko!"""


The news about our declaration of war quickly spread out to Kiko and our allied states. Except for some censoring and watering down that our journalists had to do in order to not overexaggerate the situation, the general idea in the newspapers and household radio shows was that the Arakami pirates poses a danger to our nations, and we have decided to take the preemptive strike on them.

At Iwasawa-sama's office, I sat in front of a set of radiophones that are linked to the four other provinces that we are allied with. Iwasawa-sama asked for this so-called "hotline" so he and the other leaders can talk about urgent things quickly and easily.

Instead of him though, who is still out there in his journey, I was the one who took the seat and talked to the four esteemed leaders.

"Does no one object to this?"

"I don't. This is your country's war. I will send some of my new officers to watch your army from a distance, but you are also free to command them if you wish to, but save for that, I have nothing more to do."

The Daimyo of Shinka, Kusanagi Kyoko, spoke about her exchange officers that she will be sending to us for on-the-field training. The Kusanagi clan is renowned for their military prowess, so I highly thanked her for it.

"I-I also cannot help right now. Nayoko-san and I are busy with rebuilding the settlements of southern Fuku since we received good trade deals with Hashidate province. I apologize that I cannot be of help."

Next was Yamaguchi Koshiro of Fuku. He said that he cannot send any aid, but given the recent positive developments in his province, I cannot ask for them to spare some strength and end up breaking their good momentum to finally get out of poverty.

"Kusanagi-sama has told me to spare some of Yukonami's warriors if you are in need of reinforcements, but sadly, I cannot help much in naval warfare or guerilla warfare since we are used to fighting on solid land. So, I'm afraid that we won't be of much help."

The subordinate daimyo of Kusanagi Kyoko named Ayanami Mitsuha spoke next, and was strangely humble this time. It seems like she opted to speak truthfully this time since our current battlefield is out of her expertise.

"I have arranged for our navy to patrol the seas near Kingo port. I believe we cannot sortie out at the same date as you do. But rest assured that we will do our part in the offensive once we are ready."

Daigo Reika, the lord of Kise and the Pheonix Priestess, was the last to speak up. Since her land is the other province in danger from the pirates, she stated that they will join in the fight as well but in a later date as assembling their navy and commandeering enough vessels to carry their men and supplies will take them some time.

"Understood, great leaders. We will make sure to make this war brief in order to not cause imbalance in the alliance's military power."

"Hmph. Well then, may the heavens bless you in battle, general."

"I-I speak the same. Good luck, Sir General Shimura."

"Likewise, as Kusanagi-sama spoke."

"Let us meet in the battlefield next time, general. I will make sure to be there."

The hotline was cut, and I slowly stood up from the seat to look out of the window. From there, I can see the entire harbor city abuzz with the recent news. Men are outside, preparing their selves for the battle. Women are preparing their husbands', fathers' or brothers' belongings who will be joining the war. Children are playing pirate games that suddenly became famous after the declaration. And the steel ships, that started out with the Sagiri, Hibiki and Fubuki are now double in number.

The three destroyers from before are now reinforced by the cruiser ships Tenryu, Kuma and Ashigara. Ashigara has just been set as the new flagship of Kiko's growing navy and the three cruisers just finished their open sea tests, so the reliability of the ships and their crews are still in question. But I don't have many fears about that…

"…Hello, Admiral Kuwahabara? Yes, confirm next week's weather pattern from the Meteorology department of the university. We have to plan properly for the sortie."

In truth, I don't feel any concern at all… I trust my judgement. I trust my men and our technology. I know that nothing will go wrong so long as things remain as is.



"Here's your tea."

"Hm? Thanks, Chiyo."

I was in my office one night, handling the preparations for the war and writing letters and directions for my subordinates when Chiyo came inside and placed a cup of tea on my table.

"Looks like you're giving your all in this."

"I have to. I'm the highest-ranking officer in Kiko right now while Iwasawa-sama is not here. I have to take all of the things that he used to do."

"Oi, you're only handling the military side, y'know. Me and my girls are just as busy with the political and legal side over in my office."

"Yeah, I know that. Which is why I want to thank you too for your hard work."

I reached out for the tea and softly blew on it before drinking it. It was elegant tasting just like how Chiyo always made them.


"Did I say something strange?"

"N-no, no… It's just that… Hiroshi used to say that to me back then… Back when we can still talk to each other before we go to sleep."


I see… It's been half a year since Iwasawa-sama left Kiko to look for the ones that made an attempt on his life. For these two love birds, that time might be the most painful ones in their lives.

"Didn't he make a promise though?"


"Iwasawa-sama told me about it before he left. He told me that while he is away, I should look after you and make sure that you're not going to his room every night just to cry."


"Hehe… I'm sorry that I can't find any good ways to discourage you anymore. I failed him in that way."

When I mentioned that, Chiyo's face became red in embarrassment. It seems like she didn't notice that I know about how she always cries while sitting on his bed.

"I… I just miss him that much, okay?"

"I know. And I'm glad that you are since he promised to finally marry you once he comes back."


"Iwasawa-sama loves you and you love him as well. There's no need to be ashamed of it in that sense."

Shortly after I drank the rest of my coffee, she asked a question that honestly caught me off guard.

"How about you, Nobisuke-nii?"


"Don't you… also have someone dear to you like the two of us?"

My mouth was open after being asked that. It just didn't cross my mind that I'll be asked about something like that.

"I mean, Hiroshi and I are already sworn lovers. General Ishida seems to be getting in good terms with someone from my office secretaries and even Kahono-san seems to be looking for a suitable replacement for her position as Tatsu-kun is saving up for their wedding…"


"How about you though? Do you also have someone like that?"

That question honestly made me feel a bit isolated. I'm not that knowledgeable about it, but I get what she is trying to say.

"Chiyo… You know that I have some issue about-"

"Are you going to talk about "her" again?"

That way of referring to that woman reminded me of everything… About why I have never allowed myself to be swept by my emotions and why I have never fell in love yet.

"Yes… it's because of her that I can't feel any necessity to feel emotions anymore."


Chiyo placed the serving tray she had on her hand on my table and walked around to stand beside me.



Slowly, she raised her arms and extended her hands towards my head. I instinctively moved back slightly, remembering horrible memories that I have long tried to forget.

"Don't be afraid… it's just me."


I closed my eyes and let her wrap her slender and gentle fingers around my head as it combed through my hair.

"You're older than me, but I sure feel older whenever we do this."

"…Thank you."

She gently embraced me and made me rest my head on her shoulder as I calmed myself down.

Ever since my mother betrayed all of us and ran away, I became detached and afraid of others… I began to push them away and secluded myself from them. But of all of my cousins, Chiyo was the one who always understood me and comforted me.

In that sense, she became someone who helped me go back to being a normal person.

"Are you alright now?"

"Mm… Now I understand why Iwasawa-sama always had you cuddle him to sleep."

"Hehe… I'll take that as a compliment."

Because of that, I didn't have to answer her previous question about whether or not I have someone that I am romantically attached to. But for a long while, that question lingered at the back of my mind.


"All hands! To the Assembly area!"

A week passed, and at sortie day's crack of dawn, an announcement came out from every speaker in Sagiri military port. The navy soldiers rose up from their beds, quickly dressed up properly, and ran to the open area to line up in attention with their crew.

"Sagiri crew! On point, sir!"

"Hibiki crew! On point, sir!"

"Fubuki crew! On point, sir!"

The crew of the destroyer ships was the first to report that they are complete since their dormitories are the nearest to the field.

"Kuma crew! On point, sir!"

"Tenryu crew! On point, sir!"

"Ashigara crew! On point, sir!"

The crew of the cruisers followed suit and there was a sizeable difference in their numbers in comparison to the destroyer crews.

"They're attentive. That's good."

"I'm proud of them because of that."

I whispered to Admiral Kuwahabara, and after lowering his smoke pipe and heaving out the smoke, the old gentleman picked up the microphone and talked to them again.

"As you may have already heard, today is the day of our open battle against the Arakami pirates. Right now, General Ishida is assembling the amphibious army that will be following us after our sea battle. We have a day to hunt down and brawl with those outlaws, so use that time wisely and make sure our comrades will be safe in their passage!"


After that, I brought forward the radiophone and placed the speaker node near the microphone to let the soldiers hear Iwasawa-sama's words even though he is far from us.

"My dear soldiers, I know that we are asking a lot from you. We know that there are some of you who wish for blood after everything that happened months ago… and some of you do not, fearing for your lives. But this is all that I can say, our enemy are ruthless and heeding no law! You have seen the destruction they made in our beloved city and how they did nothing to show remorse for their actions! So, hear me, my men! Hear my plea and my wish!"


Iwasawa-sama sure got the hang of it now… He used to have a hard time making up good speeches, but now it just comes out naturally.

"Move forward and protect Kiko with your lives! Or else, those behind us will be the ones to pay!"


Even from this private military port outside of Naka harbor, we can hear the shouts of thousands of men who are also hearing our lord's words. Since this speech is being publicized by the local radio network, every house in Kiko that has a radio can also hear this and their cheers was audible.

"Alright, lads! Man your ships! We are anchors aweigh!"

Once the speech was over and the line was cut, Admiral Kuwahabara gave out the order for all of the crews to man their ships.

Half an hour passed before the fleet properly sailed side by side in a combined formation where the three cruisers are at the core and the three destroyers are at the exterior of the formation. This is to make sure that we can maximize the visual range and overlaps of each ship to look for our enemies.

"Welcome aboard Ashigara, General Shimura."

"Thank you. Let's go to the bridge now."

Admiral Kuwahabara rode Sagiri, saying that he isn't used to the height of Ashigara yet. So, I ended up being the one to ride the new flagship where I saw a familiar face.

"Yo… I didn't expect you to be transferred so quickly like this."

"Shut up… This is my father's fault."

Once I entered the bridge of the ship, the face and voice of Fumikage Ryuusui replied to my jeering. He groaned lightly before drinking some water and holding his head.

"So, this is why the admiral hasn't adjusted to this ship yet."

"It's so big that it gets swayed by the waves easily… I already miss my Hibiki."

"Don't be like that… your crew can hear you."

"I know that, but they understand my gripes…"

I looked around and the officers seem to be wearing wry smiles about his statement. Even though he is their captain, it seems like it would take him a while to warm up to his new ship and new crew.

"Anyways… I thought you'll be leading the amphibious army, why are you here?"

"I will lead the amphibious army, yes. So, I joined in here to give the order properly. It's only through my judgement can I fully trust that the army can cross the sea and land at the islands properly after all."

"Haha… Still the ever cunning "measure twice, cut once" guy, huh?"

"Stop calling me that or I'll shake your head to make you dizzier."

I don't know how they got the idea of using a carpenter's saying to remind me of the time when I made a mistake in brewing tea that became too bitter. It still annoys me, but I have to act professionally right now.

"Navigator, distance from the target."

"A-ah… We are still 30 nautical miles away from the islands, Captain."

"None of the other ships are detecting enemy ships in their visual and radar ranges, sir."

"Mm. Good. Let's keep this speed and formation and look after each other. Keep an open line with the admiral, we have to respond to his orders."

"Yes, captain."

Hours passed as we traversed the open sea. I got a bit bored in the bridge and decided to walk around the ship and see what the shipbuilders did in here.

"This really is bigger than the Hibiki…"

The gunnery rooms that are located under the huge, 203mm cannons can be considered as the core of the flagship's offensive capability.



When I entered the gunnery room, the crew in there stood up and gave me a salute.

"Please, no need to be so formal. I'm just here to look around."

I talked about them about their work and how the process goes.

"Well, we gunners have three jobs in here. There are the ones who listen to the rangefinder at the bridge and fire control tower who rotate the turret to the target. There are those who load the barrels with the shell and the gunpowder sacks and lastly, the ones that clean the barrel to remove any unburned powders."

"I see… It sounds complicated but it seems simple as well. I would like to see it but-"

At this moment, I wanted to say that I regret not being able to see how they work, but an alarm and an announcement from the ship's internal speakers allowed me to see it.

[General quarters! General quarters! All hands, man your battle stations!]

"Alright, you heard it lads! Let's get going!"

In one swift and coordinated motion, the group of 12 men scrambled to their designated places while I sat there almost dumbfounded with the situation.

"120 degrees to starboard! 35 degrees rise!"

"Got it!"

The motors of the turret moved the ginormous twin-cannons in place. It turned to the right side and rose up to an incline before the others opened the two hatches at the end of the cannons.

"HE shells! Grade 3 powder, stat!"

"Gotcha! Be careful with the shell, it's heavy."

A tube from the floor opened where a piston brought out a fresh artillery shell with a red tip. The men carefully laid it on its side and let another piston to push it inside the tube. What followed it are two sacks of gunpowder that came from a secure storage locker nearby that was also pushed inside the cannon before it was sealed shut.

"First front cannon, ready!"

After all of those processes, they reported that the turret was ready, and they backed away from the turret and wore their ear mufflers.

"Brace for firing!"

Shortly after that, the entire gunnery room shook as the turret fired away. The shockwaves reverberated in me, making my hairs to stand up and make me feel a bit excited.

"Reload! Reload!"

Before I can see all of it being repeated, the door of the room opened where a soldier called out to me, telling me that Ryuusui is looking for me.

I climbed back to the bridge and there, I saw him attentively giving out orders and keeping his eyes on the group of wooden warships ahead of us. From the windows, I saw that the other ships orderly broke formation to give each other enough room to navigate ahead and fire away.

"So, we finally got them, huh?"

"Yeah. Admiral's ship saw them first and gave the order to shoot. There must be five or so ships right there that are all flying the Arakami pirates' flag."

I took out my telescope and sure enough, it was true, they really are flying the Arakami pirates' flags.

"This is an overkill. The destroyer shells are already destructive and yet, we are shooting them with shells that just liquifies their ships."

"Well… we have to go all out, or they'll escape and warn the others. Hey! Can you tell the Hibiki crew to stop attempting to use their torpedoes? We can't waste that on chumps."

"Y-Yes, sir…"

"Argh… you're the captain of the Ashigara but you're more concerned about your other ship, you'll surely be a problematic guy to be a husband, Ryuu-kun."

"Shut up, it's not like you have a girlfriend anyway to speak to me like that."

We watched as the pirate ships continued on being bombarded by our ships and once the last of them has sunk, the destroyers were sent ahead to look for survivors.

"Damn… I don't want to end up in that place."


Given that the crews of the three destroyers were the same ones who responded to the attack in Naka months ago, they seem to be the most bloodthirsty as they quickly boarded the speedboats that was lowered from the destroyers and shot the pirates that survived from earlier.

The volume of gunfire was just brutal to say the least. It seems like the soldiers are making sure that all of them are dead as they didn't leave anyone at the shipwrecks alive.

"Hah. That guy isn't taking his finger off the machine gun's trigger."

"At this rate, I'm feeling pitiful for the pirates."

Well, that's what war is all about. The weak must fear the strong and the offender must fear the wrath of the avenger. Right now, all of it is just comeuppance and we don't have to worry about what we are doing.

Since that time when Uncle Takeshi told me to serve Iwasawa-sama, I've only known the way of the sword, bow, spear and musket. It was only when I learned more about him and the potential that he holds as a ruler did I decide to fully serve under him as his direct retainer… and now, it can be said that I am the general of the strongest military force in the country.

"Captain! We're 10 Nautical miles away from the islands, Admiral Kuwahabara says that we should start Operation Huntsman now."

"Mm. Got it. Tell him that we will do it."

Now that we're nearer to the islands, the next part of the offensive will start. Labeled as Operation Huntsman, each of the ships will pair up with one cruiser and destroyer pair that will go around the group of islands to hunt down any ships in the open sea. With this, we can make whittle their numbers and discourage them from sailing out while the amphibious army is still on our tail.

"Hibiki is ahead of us, Captain."

"Mm. Follow them with 20 knots, we can't speed up faster than that or we'll risk hitting them."


Several hours passed with us patrolling the surroundings of the islands that we can see from the horizon. We came across some pirate ships that are going to the same direction as the ones that we shot down earlier.



The bridge went silent as we patrolled. Since many of the crew are fresh graduates from naval academy, they seemed to be bothered about the sights that they are seeing and the deaths that are now piling on their hands.



"Both of us are younger… but they are still young."

At first, I didn't understand what he was saying, but after looking around the distressed or anxious faces of the crew in the bridge, I understood what he meant. We are younger than them in age, but we are already used to and has been trained to not be distressed about death and war. Unlike us who came from martial families, they used to be normal citizens who has lived normal lives before they entered the military.

At these times, I always referred to the teachings of my father and Uncle Takeshi about how to raise the morale of our subordinates at times when they are emotionally vulnerable.

"Ooohhh… I bid farewell to the port and the land, and I paddle away from my homeland's white sands…"

"…To search for my long ago, forgotten friends…"

"To search for the place I hear all sailors end."

I started to sing a navy song that I know about which Ryuusui sang as well.

"""As the souls of the dead fill the space of my mind."""

"I'll search without sleeping till peace I can find."

"""I fear not the weather! I fear not the sea!"""

"I remember the fallen, do they think of me?"

"""When their bones in the ocean, forever will be."""

The song wasn't kept in our ship's bridge. The interior speaker was open, so the other crew members heard us. The communications officer opened the microphone too which made the other ships to hear us.

Unbeknownst to us at that time, the same problem was plaguing the other ships and our song lifted their spirits in order to face the battle ahead of us.

"Operation Huntsman is concluded. Admiral Kuwahabara is ordering all ships to assemble at Point Echo."

"Mm. Plot the course. We're assembling for the bombardment."

By midday, all of the ships assembled in front of Ichida island where the closest harbor to Kiko is located and what the strategists back home decided to be our base of operations due to its deep waters that are suitable for mooring our metal ships.

"…The order has been given, Captain. The bombardment will now commence."

"Good. Turn to our starboard and make all available cannons to fire at the ships and port."

"Yes sir! Fire control tower, designate all elements as hostile. I repeat, designate all elements as hostile. Prioritize naval targets and supply warehouses."

Half a minute passed as all ships lined up to fire full broadsides at the enemy harbor. The time when the Sagiri initiated the bombardment, was the start of an entire five minutes where only the sound of naval gunfire and the explosions from the island filled the air.

"The amphibious ferries are here, sir."

"Hah. Just in time. Once they are a mile away from the landing points, cease our fire and let the destroyers to handle support fire. We can't fire anymore since our guns are too big."

Twelve ferries that we commandeered from the merchant alliances passed through our line of ships. Normally used as passenger ships to go to either Kise or Fuku, I have requested for their use as our landing boats since we don't have enough of those ships yet.

"The marines are waving at us."

"Haha! Seems like they're excited about the landing since they know we've rocked the island's defenses flat."

A few minutes passed and the first three ferries arrived at a suitable depth to let the marines to wade into the island. From our telescopes, we saw them make quick work of the lingering defenders and in just the span of ten minutes, we saw them raise the Kirin Lord's flag to symbolize our victorious attack.

"Orders from the admiral, sir. He said that we should anchor our ships now and enjoy our victory at the island over some roast beef and sake."

"Alright, everyone. You heard the man. Let's get going now!"

That is how we won the first naval war of Kiko.

"So... are we not hiring Matt Damon or Vin Diesel for this?"

"This isn't Saving Private Ryan. Shut up, ZERO."

"Hey, at least we got a landing scene. Why not just add some first-person view and a lot of dead comrades, ey?"


-Rai and ZERO, arguing about history while I'm eating my potato chips.

Ephraim_Chroniacreators' thoughts
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