
The Shogun, Amanogawa Sora

"Authoritarianism gains power when the people get tired with the theatrical play of democracy. When a society knows that liberty gives them no comfort, they will surrender their freedom just to be supplied with their needs."

The fascist from where these words originated back in my past world was ultimately defeated after all the atrocities he has done in the name of his self-justified philosophy. But his short yet bloody reign changed that world forever.

"It only took two decades for humanity to get to the brink of extinguishing itself just because of their hypocrisy, ambition and lack of understanding about other people. Because they are free to do, they did all of those mistakes that eventually gave birth to a state that suffered so much that it had to take what it needs from others."

That was the history of my past world. A world that eventually imploded upon itself, justifying every mistake and wrongdoing that it did by quoting their freedom and before long, died in the hands of someone who enacted the punishment that has long been overdue.

"I won't let this world fall down the same path as it did."

Now that I have been given precedence over this world, I will do anything that I have to swerve this world's fate into a world that wouldn't turn to what I suffered through.

"Are you awake now, Mister Shogun?"

"Yeah. Why are you here, Kichi-chan?"

"Miss Servant said that breakfast is ready."

"Really? Let's go down now then."

I won't let anyone to stop me. Even that upstart Otherworlder Daimyo who hasn't realized how his lands are just repeating the mistakes of the past.

I believe it would be better for me to narrate all of this from the very start.

My name is Takamori Sora. Former Daimyo of the province of Niijima and after giving that position to one of my retainers, I ascended to become the Shogun of Japan after being integrated to the Amanogawa Shogunate's family line through forced adoption and the right of conquest. So now, my name became Amanogawa Sora, the only living inheritor of the Shogun's title.

Under my reign, the northern islands of this world's Japan and the northern provinces of the central plains came under my banner and support after they tasted peace and prosperity for the first time in decades.

"Do you want some of these, Kichi-chan?"

"Mm! Kichi loves fried eggplant!"

"Hehe! Here you go then."

My retainers who are responsible for the propaganda of my rule made a motto that attracted more people to support me. It goes like "He has placed a horse at every stable and a chicken at every table."

I was flattered with the words, but it would be a grave underestimation if I say that this isn't something true.

"Wow! What is that chicken, Mister?!"

"That's not a chicken, Kichi-chan. That's a peacock."


"Mm! It looks beautiful, isn't it?"

"Mmm… Yes, but his tail is scary…"

"Is that so? Hehe… You'll get used to him soon, don't you worry."

Under my reign, I brought peace, that peace bred productivity, productivity brought prosperity and prosperity made the lands that I rule over a place where no one starves or have to enter into criminal work.

"Now, now… It's time for you to study your calligraphy and reading."

"Mm? But Kichi still wants to go around with Mister…"

"I understand that, Kichi-chan. But I still have work to do, and you have to study so no one will bring us apart once we go back to the capital. There are a lot of people in Nadeshiko who isn't so kind with commoners like you after all."


"That's the name of the capital city inside the capital province of Yamato. Once I am done with my job here in Myoko, it's time for us to go home to where I actually live."

"Is… Is that so?"

I saw the little child looking sad after my statement, so I asked what is bothering her.

"Is something wrong, sweetie? You look so sad now."

"Nn… Kichi just… Kichi hasn't known any place other than Myoko. Kichi is… a little scared of the outside…"

Hearing her answer, I smiled and even giggled a little before answering her concern.

"Don't worry. I'll be there whenever you get scared. If you are confused about something, just ask me about it and I'll do my best to explain it to you."

"Really?! Thanks a lot, Mister!"

After I brought her to the study room where her new teacher met her with a kind smile, I closed the door behind me as I returned to my normal demeanor.

"Sacrifices must be done for the greater good."

The prospect of limiting or sometimes even denying someone of their freedom has been demonized in my past world. We saw what happened when an entire race or country has been denied of its fundamental right of liberty, and fell on the wrong solution of giving everyone that right regardless of their ability to properly and responsibly handling it.

There is no greater example of this other than the time I lived in at my past world.

I was born by September 30, 2028. At the start of the Third World War. My parents used to say that during that time, the sound of air raid or missile launch sirens acts as their morning wake-up calls as our small Japanese neighborhood would scramble to the only bomb bunker on the underpopulated city to save their selves from the missiles launched by our allies' enemies.

The rules of war has long been broken and set aside. As said by my father, morality has no place in this age where human life has again, lost its value. A time when each person are just numbers on a screen and a name in a piece of paper written to estimate the potential deaths once they fail to protect us.

With God's grace though, after only a few years, at 2031, the last hostilities has ceased and by 2033, a formal end to the war has been signed by the governments that are still standing and everyone hoped that such a terrible war that left entire continents dilapidated and uninhabitable would never happen again.

They cannot be any more wrong.

"When people who lived through such hard times are forced to just accept that everything that they suffered through is for nothing, they will harbor ill will and soon, they'll rise up to those who never suffered any of the hardships that they went through."

After inter-state wars has ceased, civil wars inside those countries sprang up and fractured the still-wounded world and broke the fragile peace that has already took so much from them.

"When countries that demanded sacrifices from its people suddenly asks them to forget about their hardships and live as if nothing happened at all, they will start a revolt."

My world knew no peace afterwards. This was the time when I understood that there is no point in believing in the power of the people or just giving them what they desire regardless of their ability to take responsibility for it.

"Democracy and liberty give birth to weakness. Giving people freedom is akin to placing a bomb inside your own house or digging a grave for the country that you rule over."

The rule of the masses leads to a total failure. If I said these words were spoken in my past world, I would probably liken to the fascist that I mentioned earlier.

But the bitter truth that they cannot accept is that I am right, and they are wrong.

"Freedom led to the collapse of various countries in my world. Those who didn't have the ability to lead and simply gathered the masses behind their names on the voting ballot destroyed my past world. Just because everyone is free to vote and everyone is free to be voted, my world tethered to the brink of total destruction."

Under a democratic rule, anyone, regardless of whether they can effectively rule or not, can lead a country. And unfortunately, in my world, those who can make a change but are not well-known with the masses rarely led their nations.

Therefore, I conclude. Democracy, total liberty and provided freedom must be extinguished.

"The only way to save this world from that fate is to create a world where only the capable can lead in where they desire to work on."

Liberty must be won. Freedom must be earned. Democracy must be replaced with Meritocracy.

"And only those who are prepared to follow the law and live in order, can be free."

And thus, I became the Shogun to realize this goal.


"""Your Majesty…"""

"No need to be so formal. Be seated."

I walked into the strategy room of the Fujita clan's military office where I was greeted by the generals and commanders who held a meeting regarding the offensive done by the rebelling Nachi clan.

"They broke in and attacked our border fortress at the south-west. Reports said that they have camped by the valley near the town of Hisui."

"I see… It is already Spring anyway. They must've bid their time during the winter and gathered their forces and trained their men. Unlike your army, they are prepared."

"That is…"

"It is our own stupendous oversight that led to this…"

What I pointed out was how the rebels managed to bring down a fortress in a single day. It only meant one thing.

"Your lord spent his talented men on the offensive to take over Haguro and when the time came to defend it, those career soldiers are dead and now replaced by conscripts with no combat experience."

"W-we apologize, Your Majesty…"

I guess this is also a part of my fault since I personally came here to support them. They got overenthusiastic and thought that I will fork over my own men to support them.

"Forget about that. What are you planning now?"

"Y-yes… We plan to amass our troops in Hisui to rapidly reinforce its defenses and act as our command center. If the Nachi clan attacks before we can gather enough men for a counter-offensive, we will defend the city. If they stay put, we will have our men climb the mountains at the valley to close off their retreat route and pick them off with the terrain advantage."

"That's a good strategy."

"I am honored with your praise, Uesama…"

"There's just one flaw."


"Do we have enough men for that plan to be effectively executed?"

I knew that there was that flaw at the plan the moment he mentioned the act of hiking up the mountains.

"O-our officers are now coming from every village and town to gather men… I believe they will gather sufficient people to have this implemented."

"If that is what you will believe in."

I sighed and let them do as they wish.

"By the way, where is your master? He's supposed to be here when these kinds of plans are being drafted."

"That… Fujita-sama said that he caught an illness and is recovering inside his quarters."

Once that was mentioned, I remembered something and nodded.

"Well then, if you may excuse me."

I stood up to leave the room as everyone bowed to me and once I was out, I walked to the top floor of the castle to meet with the person responsible for the stout lord's absence.

"Ara~! If isn't His Majesty! Good day, Sora-sama…"

With a thin smile that almost looked uncanny on her elegant face, Chiasa greeted me with a low bow which I accepted accordingly.

"So, you did do it, Chiasa…"

"My, my… what are you talking about, Your Majesty?"

"Stop with the "I'm innocent" act. I know what you were planning since you brought in that unlabeled set of barrels into the castle."

After I said that, her smile and light tone were gone, and she signaled for her group of servants to go somewhere as I did the same with mine.

"So, you realized what me and Endou-kun are doing behind your back, huh?"

"Ever since you asked me to give you the captives that our men caught, I knew what you were planning."

Garou, Chiasa and Endou… Through sheer luck, all four of us were brought to this world through varying times and means.

I was reborn here as the son of Niijima's daimyo after my death at the past world which happened 23 years ago. Garou was summoned at Kurumi Sanctum 5 years ago and as soon as I told him all of the memories we shared when we were studying at Old Tokyo University, he believed that it was me and served under me.

Endou was summoned at Kyoga Sanctum at the same time and when he heard about Garou's name from some merchants, he escaped from the capital and with only the school uniform he had on himself and a horse that he stole from the border guards that he fooled, reunited with us at Reiki.

Chiasa was kind of a special case. She was a Stray otherworlder. Someone who isn't summoned or reincarnated, she just appeared in this world one day. Fortunately for her, she appeared at a province that is subordinate to Niijima's Takamori clan and once news about "a strange woman who is being hailed as a local god at a remote village", I was sent there and seeing the familiar face of Garou and Endou, she traced the clues and found out that it was me.

Because of our wide range of expertise, abilities and experiences, we were able to make use of it to conquer the northern provinces and gather enough support for me to become the Shogun just a couple of years ago.

"Ufufu… Will you punish me for keeping a secret then?"


Unlike Garou who was my friend at University and Endou who was my underclassman at Highschool, Chiasa isn't like them.

"Why are you staring at me like that? Ufufu~ Are you enthralled with my beauty again?"

"How can't I? I was and still are your husband."

After saying that, I embraced her and stole a kiss on her lips.

"Why, you… You're too easy to tempt, darling."

"Only towards you."

We kissed yet again before I returned to my serious expression and asked her for details.

"I just gave our portly subject a taste of the disease that I've been culturing privately for a while. Endou's attempt to spread Typoid fever and bacterial flu has failed, so he approached me to look for more… should I say, "exotic" kinds of diseases."

While she said those words, I can hear the pained screams of the Fujita Daimyo from behind his bedroom's doors.

"And that exotic disease is?"


"I see… He asks you for some stronger strains and you immediately use the strongest ones."

"Ufufu~ You're exaggerating again… Isn't it better to use your strongest cards when you want to finish the fight as soon as possible?"

I was a biologist in my past life. An epidemiologist to be exact. Chiasa was of the same line of work except that I work in the field, and she works on laboratories. Garou is a chemical engineer while Endou is just a video game otaku.

Because of our shared knowledge, I knew that Chiasa overdid things again by bringing that disease here.

"What do you plan to do if things get out of hand?"

"It won't be, darling. I plan to only use it on those rebelling animals… My men will keep an eye on it to make sure that nothing unexpected will happen."

"…Are you sure?"

"Mm. And if something does happen, I just need to ask for your help, right?"

"It's really hard to convince you to stop…"

While I held my forehead and chuckled dryly. She tiptoed to my height and planted a kiss on my cheek.

"Don't you worry, darling. I'm doing all of this for the sake of your reign. You did say that the country you desire to make has no use for those who won't submit, right?"

Being asked that, I remembered my goal and reacquired my resolve.

"Yeah. Thanks a lot for reassuring and looking after me, Chi-chan."

"My, my… You don't have to thank me too much."

Even though we were having such a sweet time between ourselves, the dying screeches of the Fujita lord echoed on the halls and that was the moment when I knew that Chiasa did what was right.


Back at the valley where the encampment of the Nachi clan is staying at, Himeji Kotori, the general of the force, is sitting inside the medical tent to talk with the camp's local doctor.

"You say that you saw your friend fighting for the other side?"

"Yes. Tsuna… why are your serving the Fujita clan…?"

Hiroshi drank the rest of his tea and gave his advice to the female general.

"I believe you can use the diplomatic immunity of a war messenger in order to talk to her."

"Lord Tozen will not allow that. He can't send his army's leader since it would be too risky."

"Just as I expected…"

Hiroshi looked up to think something as a solution and sighed afterwards.

"Lady Himeji. Do you promise to not tell anyone this thing that I am about to tell you?"


"There is a way for the two of you to converse without having to be close to each other."

"B-but how? If you are suggesting the use of carrier pigeons, it would be easily seen by both camps."

"What I am offering you is something more convenient."

The night passed and when morning came a group of 5 horsemen went out of the camp to bring the Nachi clan's messages to their opponent.

"Make sure to intimidate them. But in no circumstance are you allowed to start hostilities, am I clear?"

"Yes, Your Highness!"

One of these men is someone from Hiroshi's team. He dressed up as a Nachi soldier and on his back, he carried something that will solve the problem that Kotori had.

"Open the gates!"

"Let them in!"

The soldiers reached the town of Hisui where the Fujita army was staying at and there, they were met with soldiers who had their muskets and bows loaded and prepared to fire at them.

"Do none of you carry any weapons?"

"None other than a knife to take our lives if we fail our mission."

"Very well. Lower your weapons, men!"

Inside the camp, the female general of the force shouted her question and after being answered by the leader of the troop, she ordered her soldiers to lower their weapons.

"Shall we speak our master's words here?"

"What? You cur-!"


After the leader proposed to read the letter to them while still riding his horse and not even showing any courtesy, this was obviously an insult and one of the samurai almost stabbed him if not for the command of Tsuna.

"I will listen to your words later once you have let go of that proud tone you are using."


"I'm more interested to listen to that man's word."

Tsuna pointed at the soldier who is hiding his face under his broad straw hat which caused confusion not only to her men but also to the messengers.

"I have heard the words sent by your master. Come to my tent."


The soldier wordlessly unmounted from his horse and carried a wooden box on his back as his troop looked at him in confusion.

"I apologize, but your letter has to wait. This is more urgent than that declaration."

As soon as the soldier entered her tent and the tarp door was closed behind them, Fujita soldiers surrounded the tent and the troop leader who wanted to act proudly was left dumbfounded with the situation.

"You were brave to do this by your own self."

"Lady Himeji is among the few nobles who treated me well and accepted me when I came here. I cannot possibly fail her now that she needs my help."

The soldier was no other than Hiroshi who also came here last night and stayed unharmed after using his neutrality as an outsider to the war.

"You say that this box can let me talk to her?"

"Yes. Just let me set it up and connect it to the camp's radiophone."

After a while, Hiroshi gave her something that looks like a cone and a cylinder.

"It's connected. You can speak now."

"…Hello? Is it working?"

"Y-yes… Wait, is that you, Tsuna?!"


The start of their conversation alone was already a bittersweet sight.

"You idiot! What are you doing in the enemy's side after you defected to live in peace?!"

"Sorry, Kotori-chan! I'm so sorry!"

The previously stalwart expression on the girl's face quickly became teary-eyed and before long the sniffles and sobbing came as the two talked through the radiophone.

"Why… Why are you serving the Fujita clan now?!"

"No! You're mistaken, Kotori-chan! I'm not serving the Fujita clan! I'm being forced to lead this force!"

"W-what? Why?!"

What Hiroshi heard afterwards shook all of his established thoughts about this place.

"The Shogun… The Shogun is holding my sister hostage to fore me to fight you!"

That one word broke his plans and even though he wanted to comfort the woman in front of him, he too, needed some comforting as every preparation he made was thrown down the gutter.



He looked at the teary-eyed girl and asked her one thing.

"Will you help me so I can help you?"

HIiroshi has to make a gamble all that he has again.

"This is against my personal will and rules, but if this works, we can end the war, save your sister and be reunited with your friend."


He placed his hand on a switch on the radiophone and after flicking it to make it turn off, he took out something from his sleeve pocket that Tsuna immediately recognized and made her bow down to the ground.

"My name is Iwasawa Hiroshi, the lord of Kiko and one given the title of the Kirin Lord."

"Y-Your Highness… It is an honor to be seated in your presence."

After he told her to raise her head, he told her his plan and why even Kotori cannot hear about it.

"Tsuna-san… I know that I am not your leader, and you don't want to belong to the battlefield anymore… But what I will be asking to you to do is something that will definitely exile you and your sister from this province."


Hiroshi gave her an amulet that was far too familiar to her because it used to be hers.

"Deny everything that those messengers will offer and prepare to defend this town."

"But… why?"

"During the confusion of the battle, my men will kill you."

After hearing that, she instinctively stood up and held her sword, but Hiroshi stayed put right there.

"…After I kill you, I will save your sister and bring you to my land. There, I will provide the two of you asylum and ensure that no one will ever harm you again."

"Oh… So, you meant it in that way, Iwasawa-sama…"

He said those words as some kind of a code word. He didn't literally mean what he said.

"But may I ask… Why doe we have to hide this from her?"

"I will make sure that Kotori receives the news of you being assassinated after failing your mission. In that way, she can fight to her fullest and end this war."

"And after we win, you will tell her the truth…"

It was a vicious and dangerous plan… but one that has the highest probability of bringing them to their desired outcome."

"Will you agree to this, Tsuna-san?"

After he asked that, the female general stood up and with a low bow, she gave up her loyalty.

"My life is yours to command, O great Kirin Lord. I pledge my loyalty to you from today henceforward."

With that, their plan started out and their first step had to be done.

"Infuriate their messengers, I'll handle the rest of the plan."

"Yes, Kou-sama!"

If someone can notice it, the protagonist and antagonist has some similarities... I'll commend and give anyone who comments it a shout-out in the next chapter.

-Author Rai

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