
When Two Idiots Have a Heartache.

"I didn't notice that Fumetsu was so far… Whenever we ride the train to Tohou and pass through the bridge to get to the other shore of Iso river, it's only a short while before we arrive to Fumetsu castle. The view too, is better in that road."

From our trip at Fuku, our trail of carriages has rerouted to go to Fumetsu castle at the request of Kusanagi Kyoko, my ally and fellow daimyo whom I asked to initiate talks with our other prospective ally in Kise Province.

"That would be due to the past history between the Kusanagi clan and the Yamaguchi clan, my lord. This road leading from Fuku's mountain valley pass to Fumetsu has been intentionally broken and turned barren in order to deter any future attacks."

Huh? Is that Scorched Earth tactics? The Kusanagi clan really knows how to wage war…

"Oh, I've heard about that before, but I didn't have the time to dig up more info about it. Can you tell me about it so we can pass up the time, Shimura-kun?"

"It would be my pleasure."

With that, Nobisuke began to tell the bloody history between the two families who once held the southern triad in their hands.

"The Kusanagi clan and Yamaguchi clan were prominent families even from 350 years ago. With their knowledge about advanced farming methods, efficient economic policies and their prevalent influence amongst the common folk as unmovable warrior families who protects the lands, many regarded them in the Naisen Period as their only saviors."

"Naisen Period… The great civil war that happened 400 years ago?"

"That's right, my lord. Even before this Sengoku Jidai Period, this country has again and again experienced civil war that shaped it politically and culturally. From that period of continued conflict where noble families can fall in a single day or a simple farmer who convinced his fellow peasants to fight against the daimyo can become a daimyo himself, the militaristic belief that a man's purpose in life is to die the most honorable death in battle took shape and thus, it's still the belief of warrior clans to this day."

It's not that far from the Feudal Japan that I know. Not just in anime or tv dramas, but even in history, most samurai abided in that strict code of chivalry called Bushido that made them such a strong and dedicated military force.

"The Kusanagi clan and Yamaguchi clan once held the southern triad in an equal interfamily government. While this was quite the effective way to keep the peace by marrying each other's children to the other family, this practice exposed its very dangerous flaw when the Great Daimyo, Kusanagi Ikuma, died in his sleep when the Yamaguchi clan hasn't raised a suitable heir yet."

"I can already guess what happened…"

"Normally, the title of lord is agreed to be passed to the other family's heir every 5 years. The current lord will depose and pass off the title to the other clan's chosen heir. This is to ensure equality between the two powerful families in terms of who will or will not be able to spread their agendas in the land. This compromise though, can easily be broken if the current lord dies prematurely, or the five years has been fulfilled and the other family has no one to present to accept the title."

"And that's when their hostilities started… what a blunder."

"The Kusanagi clan reasoned that because the Yamaguchi clan doesn't have anyone to take the position yet, they will raise the heir, that was supposed to take his turn after the Yamaguchi heir took it, into power in order to buy the other side some time to take it after another 5 years. Of course, the Yamaguchi clan didn't take that proposition. To them, it sounded like the Kusanagi clan is abusing the terms of their contract in order to make their selves more powerful and gather the public's support to weaken them."

"It makes sense. To the Yamaguchi, this is a possible measure by the other side to finally dispose of them. But for the Kusanagi, this is just the most practical way to handle the situation and not leave the land without a leader to lean on. In the end, it's their serial mistrust that made all of it a complicated mess."

"In the end, the two clans waged war. It is said that the southern plains of Shinka gained its crimson-colored earth filled with clay due to the amount of people that died here. Their body's rotten oils seeping to the earth to become clay while their blood painted the soil red and unfit for agriculture."

Wait… I think something is missing here…

"Wait… if the two clans waged war here in Shinka, then what is Kiko's situation during all of this?"

"Oh! Remember their contract? I believe you'll know what is Kiko's part in here is with the mention of that word."

"Contract… Kiko… Naka? Wait, is it the Misanagi clan that formed that agreement between the two?"

"Exactly, my lord."

Wow… I didn't expect that. It now makes sense! So that contract between the Shinju and Nagisa clan wasn't exclusive to Naka harbor. The Misanagi clan was also involved with the agreements outside of Kiko!

"After a war that lasted for 200 years, the Kusanagi clan has driven off their enemy out of Shinka along with the noble clans that supported them. With a few more years of removing dissenters and other criminal organizations in their province, the Kusanagi clan has secured the largest swathe of land in the Southern Triad. They pushed back the Yamaguchi clan to the mountainous confines of Fuku, the Akizuki clan to Kiko, the Shouri clan to Kise and the Moya clan to Yukogahara. Thus, the Kusanagi clan, even though belonging to the far countryside, away from the center of the country, was known far and wide to be a strong warrior clan."

"Saying that now… I can't help but be astonished when I remember that the elderly Ayanami general and her elite all-female cavalry group made the Akizuki clan's army to eat their dust in the battle near Iso river."

"That's a matter of difference in training, provisions and mobility, my lord. Surely you are well aware that the soldiers sent by the former daimyo are simple peasants who were sent to fight back the Kusanagi army all in order to feed their own starving families."

"I know that well, no need to remind me. I've had my fair share of patients whose only reason to be sick is either eating anything that has meat, even inedible insects, or being unable to eat at all. Such is the reason why my first orders when I came to power is an agricultural reform and forced opening of hoarded foodstuffs from the greedy merchants who are making an artificial shortage…"

"My point is, if the Akizuki soldiers back then is a well-fed, sufficiently trained fighting force, I believe that they would be able to mount a proper defense against them. Still, I cannot deny the prowess of the Ayanami clan when it comes to training their disciples. I mean, even Chito is able to break me in battle if she wanted to."

"Fufu… I feel a little proud about being her chosen one because of this."

"Geez, my lord… Don't you have any manly pride to uphold to just let her be stronger than you?"

"Nobisuke… As far as I know, even though she shows her kindness to everyone else, only I have the privilege to rest my head on her lap and shoulders and make her face blush redder than a wild tomato."

"Haah… I see, I see… I'm glad the two of you are so crazy for each other."

I laughed a bit after hearing his complaint and soon, the view outside the carriage changed into the normal countryside that we can recognize.

"When you think about it… one and a half year after I became the lord of Kiko, I've yet to step out of this patch of land and explore the rest of the country…"

"Such is the drawback of your position. You've told us again and again that before you arrived at Kiko, you've lived a life sheltered from the rest of the world, unable to feel like you've achieved something while you mistook the merrymaking of other youngsters as their achievement…"

"But in the end, I was happy that I never related myself with them… happy now, regretful later… in their desire to become unique, they just become more and more like one another. Piling one mistake over another, never learning from them since that is not the desire of those around them…"

"My lord…"


"Just what kind of place… is the place that you came from?"


It wasn't a question that I felt that I wanted to answer, but right now, I have no reason to deny it from him.

"I was born in a time when the world is on the brink of destroying itself…"


"Civil war, famine, three great plagues, rampant hedonistic activities, declining birthrates… depression and eventual suicide…"


"I definitely can't call that place as heaven… only those who doesn't care about their future and lives at the current moment would call it like that. And for me who definitely has to work for those that I love, that place is hell of earth… If I'm going to be honest, I am thankful that fate brought me out of it… although I do miss the people that I left there even if they must be under that guy's care now…"

"Saying it like that… I feel like you've been on a worse place than in here."

"To some degree, it is. That, I cannot deny."

When we passed by a stream where the carriage was swept slightly by the water current, I remembered something back then that must be alright to share to Nobisuke.

"Shimura-kun… have you ever tried to catch the wind?"

"My lord?"

"It's something that my old friend used to always tell me when I try too hard on something so meaningless. I first heard it when I tried so hard to speak fluently on a foreign language for a presentation, only to find out that the one thing I really worked so hard to practice wasn't actually my line. When he found me crying at the schoolyard, he asked me if I ever tried to grasp the wind and I said no."

"What does it really mean, my lord?"

"It's an expression spoken in a literal sense. When you try to catch the wind with your hands, it escapes so fluidly and leaves you behind with nothing to show. Just like people who work so hard for something meaningless, even if they poured all of their passion and time on it, if it will ultimately, be nothing more but an object of instant and insignificant gratification, then what was even the reason to pursue it?"

"Your friend is a great speaker, my lord."

"He is. In terms of experience, that guy went through more circles of suffering than me. It was only through that was he able to shape his identity and attain a true sense of self that I saw from no one else. After seeing him, I knew that there must be something that is wrong with me, something that is stopping me from being who I am."

"Were you able to discover it, my lord?"

"Well, I can't really remember… but somehow, I feel that I have done it before I got here."

"That is excellent, my lord."

Seeing the outskirts of the castle town nearing our view, I spoke one last statement to end our conversation.

"My fear isn't about being unhappy while being who I am, but being happy when I myself know that the one being happy isn't the real me. Whenever I look at the mirror, I want to see my own smile that came from my own effort, and not a smile that is only there to be an instrument to garner other's attention."

And in order for other people to attain such a smile, it's up to us who are leading them to create a future where they can discover the true happiness hidden in their selves.



"Raise salutes! For Lord Iwasawa!"

"Welcome to Fumetsu castle, Your Highness!"

At the front of Fumetsu castle's main palace, Shinka soldiers are lined up on each side with their new rifles and raised a salute to me and Nobisuke as we waited for the next carriage that has the women.


"Careful now, don't slip or I'll piggyback carry you again."

"S-stop teasing me about that… geez…"

How cute, no matter how many times I tease her using her little accident when she first stepped out of a carriage, it never gets old when I see her shy face.

"Thank you, Shimura-dono."

"T-thanks, Shimura-sama."

"You're welcome, Nagisa-sama, Akizuki-hime."

Meanwhile, Nobisuke helped Nagisa and Akizuki to get down and when we turned around, we finally saw her.

"I'm want to congratulate you for successfully training your soldiers to use the rifles. It's been a while, isn't it, Kusanagi-dono?"


Wait… why is she walking faster and faster to-




Before I can even react, she pulled her leg back and used it to kick me on the left hip.

"Tch… you're late."

"I-Iwasawa-sama! Hang in there!"

"Kusanagi-sama… what is the meaning of this?"

"Tch! Hmph!"

When she was asked directly by the menacing eyes of Nagisa, she turned away and haughtily breathed out a heave of air off her nose as if she was the one aggrieved.

"Why you-!"



"That won't do, Princes… That won't do…"

Before Nagisa can step forward and give Kyoko her signature face slap that can dislocate your neck. A Folding fan swiftly hit the abusive princess' head which made her wince in pain.

"Iwasawa-sama and guests from Kiko… I apologize for the rudeness of Princess Kusanagi. Though the fault rests upon us for preparing too early for your arrival, the princess has become annoyed with waiting and thus, done this accidentally."

"I don't know much about Shinka's traditions, but I am sure that there are no customs about breaking someone's hipbone when they come late to a meeting."

"I apologize again on behalf of the princess, Lord Iwasawa."

As for who this person is who had the authority, or should I say familiarity to get away with hitting Kyoko's head, it is no other than the infamous general and chamberlain of the Kusanagi clan named Ishigawa Gojo. Just like always, someone who is not aware of his true gender or cannot notice the small details in his appearance would definitely be tricked that he is a real woman.

"I-Ishigawa-sensei! It's good to see you again!"

"Oh~! Who do we have here? Is it really you, Aoyama-chan? You've grown more charming and wonderful!"

"Ahaha! Thank you, Ishigawa-sensei!"

Chiyo greeted the feminine man who used to be her trainer and he responded to her like a teacher who was reunited to his now successful student.

"Argh… Let's get in before you cause more scandals, Kyoko…"

"W-W-What?! This is your fault, you laggard! I was baking in the sun in here while you're taking your time in your trip and-

"Commander Ayanami, can you please cover her loud mouth and bring her in?"

"Much obliged, Iwasawa-sama."

"Abauf-! Urf-! Mitsuha! What are you- auf! Gurwing-!"

"Come on now, Princess… stop embarrassing us any further…"

Soon, we are finally in the confines of the palace and away from the eyes of the castle guards and servants outside.

"Argh! This is all your fault! You should have-"



"Simmer down, will you?"

When she tried to start on her tantrum again, I flicked her forehead and crossed my arms in front of my chest to make her know that I am serious now.

"Tch! Laggard… you should've showed up earlier…"

"As I said already, the mountain valley pass of Fuku isn't an easy place to pass carriages through. This is your fault for setting up the welcome ceremony too early."

"I can't help it… you're finally here and…"


"Nothing! Buzz off!"

Wha-?! What an insufferable person! What the heck happened to her after just a single winter?!

"Argh! Whatever! Let's go into the meeting hall and start already! We're tired from the trip anyway!"

Soon, we sat down on the meeting hall and the servants presented us light refreshments such as tea and a few snacks like rice cakes and the famous dango dumpling skewers. We each took some and ate to wash off the feeling of thirst and the stale taste in our mouths.

"Now, shall we present the fruits of each of our endeavors, Iwasawa-sama?"

"Please, Ishigawa-dono. It will be an honor."

"Well then…"

He stood up and two servants brought a board to the front where some papers are attached.

"From our talks with the Daigo clan's court, they have mostly agreed on our trade offers and showed positive responses to the potential quad-alliance of the Southern lands, to this, we can attribute much of the credit to Princess Kyoko for being such a calm and collected diplomat to Lord Daigo Reika and her officers."

"Oh? Only for the Daigo lord? You speak with her and you're a prim and proper lady, but you greet me with a kick to the side? Is this a show of favoritism, Kusanagi-sama? You're such an inconsistent sadist."

"E-excuse me! You're the one who is-"



"Don't start again, Hime-sama! And you too, Iwasawa-sama! Stop starting the issue!"


"What do you mean "Ehe"?!"

(TN: Welcome to another segment of Author Chronia's blatant references. At this part, Hiroshi becomes a bard who is secretly a wind god while the Kusanagi general dressed as a woman suddenly became a floating ley line spirit who also doubles as an emergency food. I gotta hand him this one, that game is too addictive. #NotSponsored #Honest.)

"Argh! Regardless, the Lord of the Daigo clan wishes to see you before they formally accept the terms of the alliance. We went back first to assist you since it would be your first time to visit Kise."

"We appreciate it. Still, I wonder why the female lord wishes for my presence."

"We don't know too, Iwasawa-sama. But since we're the ones in need of their assistance…"

"I know, I know… We can't help it."

We rested at the castle for the night since it was already late in the afternoon for us to continue the journey up to the north and we had to let the horses to rest as well. We were led to the castle's hot spring where we soaked our tired bodies and washed off the dust from our journey.

Later, we were presented with two rooms which meant that we have to separate the men from the women.

"Urk… I was starting to feel that we're on a vacation together and that prick suddenly told the servants to separate our group…"

"Oh come on, my lord… We're off to a political meeting, not an outing. Though I understand your yearning to have a tryst with Chiyo, I implore you to hold back for tonight."

Beside my futon, Nobisuke was laying his head atop a few piled pillows while reading the manuscript of the novel that I was writing in my spare time. It looks like he got really invested in it.

"I know that… It just feels so unfair that we're only a wall apart and I can't even have Chiyo to tell me "Good night and sweet dreams, Hiroshi-sama~" with her angelic and graceful voice. Argh! I'm just getting more and more frustrated with this…"

"Ugh… so noisy…"


Meanwhile in the other room, the three women were having their girlish talks while dressed in their light and airy night clothes.

"Muu… This is my first time to sleep at another place other than Naka castle…"

"It can't be helped, Hisako-chan. We have to rest here, and Iwasawa-sama wanted to have you there too since we will be talking to another provincial priestess."

"Okay… I understand…"

As the young priestess princess closed her eyes, Chiyo pecked her forehead and whispered a "good night and sweet dreams" to her ear before placing her blanket over her body.

"She's really not yet fully healed, huh?"

"Yeah. Iwasawa-sama said that her disorder is quite deeply rooted and not easily cured. After all, she spent all of her life inside a temple, doing nothing but to perform prayers and divinations, having no other purpose in life other than that…"

"I really pity her… but at the same time, I envy her dedication to become a normal girl. Not everyone has the courage to face the unknown world in order to correct their selves."


Once the princess has already slept, Chiyo and Masami began to talk about something else.

"I heard your whispering and saw your gazes at each other earlier… Secretary Aoyama…"


"Is there something going on between you and Iwasawa-sama?"


Being told that, Chiyo's face erupted into a deep blush akin to a wild tomato and she tried to cover it with her hands.

"Gehehe! I knew it. I knew that there was something between you and him! My womanly instincts really never fails me!"

"W-Wait! That's not-"

"Don't worry, Chiyo-san. I'm not telling anybody."

"T-thank the heavens…"

There's a number of reasons why Hiroshi and Chiyo cannot make their relationship public yet.

First of all, Hiroshi is the lone member of his clan which means that in order to continue it, he has to marry and have a child. This is the main reason. As most people would know, producing an heir to power is not just a one-done, one-gone thing. The prospective brides go through a series of interviews, background and pedigree investigations and due to Kiko's strict conservatism, even a certification that the woman is a virgin before she even has a chance to look or talk to the lord.

This is not a problem to Chiyo who is a capable and well-known individual in Kiko, she's the daughter of one of the three great nobles and is definitely a pure maiden in all aspects. However, the problem comes when she is not singled out from the other women, because those traits are not only hers. From all across Kiko, there are thousands of other noble women who has a desire to be betrothed to Hiroshi either for personal reasons or political ones that are arranged by their families.

This is the point where the second problem comes to play, and that is none other than an issue of possible bias. As Hiroshi used to live in Aoya and would have possibly known Chiyo long before he rose to power, the other noble families would definitely argue that the selection committee is being biased towards his former acquaintances in the selection of possible brides. This, in their own words, is inexcusable evidence and even if Hiroshi will choose Chiyo above everyone else, it wouldn't be taken in the good light by the other brides' families.

As such, they had to keep their relationship under the wraps for now while also waiting for the right time just as Kiko's courtship traditions ask from future couples.

"I honestly feel bad for you two now that I am hearing this. Constrained by the people in order to not lose their trust… so much so that you can't even be close to each other in public…"

"Yes… I'd be lying if I said that I am alright with hiding our relationship. Just like other couples, I want to walk around the city with Hiroshi while holding his strong yet gentle hands. I want to share with him my favorite snacks, spooning them carefully to his mouth while he giggles and blushes lightly from such a gesture… I… I want to watch the sunset with him while we are sitting at the western wharf's bay park… while leaning my head on his shoulder and he leans his on mine…"

"Kuh-! I can already imagine it… it also makes me tear up a little…"

"Ehehe! No need to shed tears for me, Masami-san… those are… just my nonsensical wishes."

"There are no nonsensical wishes when it comes to love, Chiyo-chan! Whatever it is, I'm sure that it will someday come true when you really work towards it!"

"T-thank you…"

Afterwards, the two talked to each other about more girly things… but those conversations, are better left a secret between the two. After all, even though truthfulness is a virtue for desirable ladies, a harmless secret or two can be a huge appeal for those who will spend the rest of their lives with them.




Staring… Staring so intently…


"Speak up, idiot."


I really have to take the initiative when around her, huh?

"Why are you staring at me so intently? I feel like you're trying to bore a hole through my head with that knife-spitting gazes of yours."

"When did I become responsible for what you feel? Am I your mother?!"


I sighed and put down my coffee cup and poured another serving on it.

"You know…"


"You were a lot cuter when you were calmly listening to me at Yukonami castle pagoda."


"What? I was just saying the truth. Compared to the raging donkey in front of me right now, I'd prefer the silent angel who was considerately listening to me back then."

"…This is your fault, you know?"

"Huh? How?"

When he sensed that something unruly is about to happen, Hiroshi took his cup and the kettle of boiling hot coffee and soon the table was split in the middle by Kyoko's fist slam.

"W-Watch your tantrums, will you?! You almost burned our skins!"

"This is your fault! This is your fault!!!"

"What the…"

Unlike yesterday when she was acting haughty and spoiled, the expression that Hiroshi saw from her was quite the pitiful one.

"Urk-! Aaaaaaaaaa-!"

"Hey, hey… did you hurt your hand? Why the hell did you hit the table anyway… you idiot…"

As Kyoko began to cry, Hiroshi placed down his coffee set and searched for a possible injury that caused her to cry.

"Tch! You skinned your hand… Hold it, I'll wrap it with a bandage…"

"L-Let go of me!"


She pushed him away and held her injured hand close to her chest, hiding it from his reach.

"What is wrong with you… you suddenly become hostile, you act stuck-up and uncooperative… you even break things randomly…"

"I… I don't know! I don't know! You're the doctor! Aren't you supposed to know what is causing all of this?!"

"Hey! You're the one who's not letting me help you!"

To anyone who are seeing this and has experience with the same confusion, they'd probably know already what Kyoko's problem is. But to the naïve princess who thinks that she's too tough to feel that emotion and the young man whose heart already belongs to a woman who reflected his feelings, the notion of a painful and unrequited first love is not in their minds.

For this, it would be better to show what Kyoko was up to last night…


"Why… why did I dress up like this?!"

At her bedroom, Kyoko was laying on a bed while dressed in an elegant silk robe that clearly shows her lean sculpted figures. Although her chest area is not as impressive as the E-cups of Ayanami Mitsuha and her bottom isn't as tender as Mitsuhide's. The curves on her body are where it should be, showing a very elegant and seductive figure through the robe.

"And this incense… why did I use it?!"

During her soak at the bathhouse earlier, Kyoko found herself strangely more lively in scrubbing her body and when she dressed up, ended up wafting herself with a modest-smelling incense that she was gifted from Kise.

"Why… why?! Argh!!!"

But even through all of it, Kyoko doesn't understand why she ended up doing all of this.

"Kyoko-sama? I'm going in."

As the door opened, a person dressed in men's clothes entered and walked slowly towards her.


"Oh, Kusanagi-sama… You look wonderful but your expression is down…"

"Argh… this is nothing to worry about, Ishigawa-san…"

"Mm-mm… No way. Come on, let me check you."

This man who isn't using his feminine look and tone placed his hand on her forehead to check for a fever, but it was normal to his observations.

"I already said that it is fine…"


But before he stood up, the princess sat up and pulled his sleeve.

"But… I wanna talk about something…"

"Ehehe… as you wish, my lady."

The conversation was a bit cloudy at first mostly due to Kyoko's cut-off words or toned-down voice.

"It's been like this since last week when I returned from Kise… when Reika-nee said that I should bring him with me, I began having this heavy feeling in my chest that I don't understand…"

"What do you think it is? Is it love?"

Gojo knew that if he would bump her to the right direction, he'd be able to make her understand the true nature of her pain right now.

"It's not love! It's definitely not that! I'd never ever have that feeling!"

However, the princess' unnatural stubbornness ended up stopping that attempt yet again.

"Then what else would it be, Hime-sama?"

"I don't know… I don't know and that's what pissing me off!!!"


After a few moments, Kyoko stood up and took her haori coat from her dresser and reached for the door.

"He's a doctor, he's bound to understand what this is…"


"I'll ask him about this! If this pain is a disease, I'd better let him identify it and find a way to cure it!"

Knowing that he cannot stop her, he quietly followed her until they arrived at the male guest room.

"Hmm… Haah… here goes nothing…"

Kyoko heaved a sigh and reached for the door but when it was opened to a creak, they heard Hiroshi and his general talking amongst themselves.

"That's the reason why I didn't like her… she's just too much…"


"Always kicking, always punching and cursing… it makes working with her very hard and annoying…"

It was Hiroshi's voice that said those words while Kyoko held her mouth to not make a noise.

"At some point, I think I'd just treat it like she exists but is not a significant part of it anymore."

"How so, my lord?"

"I don't know… Give me sometime to think about it… Maybe sooner or later, I'd have a good excuse to treat her as an insignificant character."

They didn't peek inside the room, but sure enough those words were directed towards her and her attitude earlier.



"I'm… I'm going back… please leave me alone for tonight."

Kyoko slowly walked away and Ishigawa cannot help but watch his master's pained tears streaking uncontrollably down her face.

"And because of that, I think it's better to rewrite that chapter in the novel than to continue with such a flawed female lead… Even if it will be published with a pen name, I'd still feel bad if Catherine will be the center of the story's bad characters."

"I have no complaints. Reading about her actions right now, I doubt that the readers would like her as a female leading character."

Ishigawa peeked through the creak on the door and saw the two reading a stack of papers.

"Haah… wrong assumption again."

When he discovered that truth, he wanted to tell his princess soon, but she strictly said that she wanted to be left alone.

"Oh heavens… I wish they'll get to resolve this eventually."


Back to the present, the two sides haven't understood each other yet. Not in the very least too.

While Kyoko is pushing for him to check it as a disease, Hiroshi said that he won't do it since it is not a disease that he knows of. This, is both right and wrong since Lovesickness is not a disease but it sure is something that he knows of.

"How come this became my fault?"

"You… It's just like that, alright! I don't know why, but whenever I see you, it just becomes more and more heavy! I… I don't know why this is all happening…"


To be fair, Hiroshi has never experienced something like this both in his past and present life. His memories about his past life were foggy, but he was sure that whoever that girl was that he died for, reciprocated the love that he gave to her. The same goes for Aoyama Chiyo, he clearly wasn't the one who started to like the other romantically, but he eventually opened up to her kindness and before long, fell in love with her.

To that point, it is completely unlike Kyoko whom he never saw as a romantic interest. To him, she was a tough-as-nails, no-nonsense and unemotional girl who has to possess said characteristics to lead her people. Thus, he has never seen her acting on her emotions alone and it never occurred to him that Kyoko too, is capable of being swept by the swirling emotions of her heart.

"…If I would do this, you will definitely hit me somewhere. But since I have no other solutions in mind, feel free to punch me in wherever place you want to."

Hiroshi inched closer to the crying Kyoko and lightly passed his arms under her arms before pulling her close to him.


"You're tired, aren't you?"

Surprised of the sudden embrace, Kyoko tried to pull herself out of his arms, but he suddenly put strength on them and used his right hand to softly caress the back of her head. To an outsider's eye, the difference in their sitting height and slightly older appearance of Hiroshi would make them think that Kyoko is being consoled by her elder brother.

"W-why are you doing this…? Someone might-"

"Oh please, you've shamed yourself enough already. And even if someone sees us, they'd probably understand why I am doing this."


"Just keep quiet and calm down. Don't think about anything else and just rest yourself."


Kyoko, unable to reason her way out of it, simply accepted his affection and slowly placed her hands on his back, embracing him as well.

"I didn't notice before… but you seem to have grown a little."

"Are you sure that you're not the one shrinking?"

"…Shut up, idiot."

As he continued to softly and slowly slide his hand on the back of her head, Kyoko's previously racing heartbeat and raging tone was replaced with calmness.

"Have you calmed down now?"

"I am."


"But… can you stay like this for a bit more?"


After consoling for a while, Hiroshi excused himself out to meet with his soldiers and exited the tearoom.

"Iwasawa-dono, I see that you've managed to pacify Princess Kyoko."

"Ishigawa-san… Yeah, I managed to talk to her and know what the reason for her previous actions might be."

"Is that so? What would that be, Your Highness?"



"I-Ishigawa-san?! Are you alright?"

When he spoke his diagnosis, the effeminate attendant hit his head on the wooden wall loudly which caused Hiroshi to ask if he was alright.

"Yes, yes… I just felt a bit dizzy."


"Still… puberty, huh? I didn't expect that to be her problem."

"It's the only thing that came up to mind. Constant mood swings, feeling of annoyance, unordinary hostility and even the heavy feeling in the body."

When Hiroshi put it in that way, even Gojo who knew the right cause of it felt like he did hit the nail on the head, even though it was the wrong one.

"Haah… this is concerning…"

"It is. I know that Kyoko is still growing, but this might affect the effectiveness of her leadership."

"I know… but your and her obliviousness to that thing… It's the one I'm more concerned with…"


Gojo can't help but just clench his teeth and sigh with this situation. Somehow, it made him regret even wishing for the two to at least know the feelings of each other.

New Editor here, everyone! (Sir ZERO overworked, what a dum). I've been reading the unpublished parts here at the editing server and Kyaaa!!! I can't take Kyoko's future tsundere love! She's too oblivious yet she's also so direct!

Ephraim_Chroniacreators' thoughts
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