
The plane Malfunction's

6 hours passed already, Izuku looked at the panicked people at the front until an announcement went off. "We are having issues, if we may ask, please put on your seat belts for safety precautions. Izuku looked at the front while buckling Eri's seatbelt. Izuku walked to the front and saw what was happening. Izuku held on as the plane rumbled, Izuku saw we were starting to fall, engine failure. Izuku saw the masks fall. Izuku gave a look to the old lady saying, what my daughter. She nodded, Izuku went to the cockpit ramming people who were trying to stop him. Izuku saw that the pilots were dead. Izuku saw a purple portal close. "Fuck..." Izuku cursed, Izuku moved the captain off and took control of the plane. "What the hell are you doing?!" A person yelled, "To get everyone to the ground safely." Izuku said, back. Izuku grabbed the microphone. "I'm Izuku Midoriya your new pilot speaking, I will have to land you on the ground so hold on tight, while I take us to the ground safely." Izuku said, and said it in different languages. Izuku pressed buttons and grabbed the wheel, pulling up when he saw they were close to the ground, he went steady and slid to the ground with a thump when it stopped. Izuku looked at the lady. Get me a rope and call the police and get a medic for any injuries that might have occurred." Izuku said, Izuku walked out of the cockpit to the door of the plane. Izuku grabbed the latter and looked down. "Everyone line up one at a time and go down!" Izuku yelled, making people line up. Izuku threw down the latter and plugged the end of the latter into the ground. Kids, teens, and adults thanked Izuku while they went down to the ground safely. It didn't take long for the police and ambulance to come. When Izuku was finished the only people left were his daughter and the old lady. Eri was holding her hand as they walked to Izuku. When Eri saw Izuku she ran to him in tears. "I told you, I can fly a plane." Izuku said, chuckling as his daughter hugged him crying. Izuku smiled at her petting her head. Izuku looked at the old lady and smiled, bowing his head. "Thank you for watching her, it means a lot to me." Izuku said, making the old lady chuckle. "You're such a sweet boy, I thank you too. You saved everyone on this plane" she said, Izuku smiled. Then looked at the cockpit. "Can you Eri down for me, I have to bring something down." Izuku asked, the lady nodded. "I'll be right down, baby girl" Izuku said, she watched as Eri went down then the old lady. Izuku took off his sweater and went to the cockpit. Izuku tied a dead body to his back and held the other in his arm. Izuku used one for all and jumped off the plane. Izuku took the body off his back and held both the men like a baby in each arm. Izuku went to the police. "2 dead bodies in the cockpit." Izuku said, quietly. The police officer looked at the men and motioned the boy to follow him. After talking to the police officer and dropping the bodies in the ambulance, Izuku went back to Eri.

Eri ran to Izuku with her hands in the air. Izuku chuckled and picked her up. He saw people talking to reporters and a few taking photos of him and people trying to get to him. Izuku bowed to the old lady. Izuku hugged her while Eri did the same, the old lady gladly hugged back. Izuku pulled away. "Thank you so much for watching her, here is my card if you need anything call me." Izuku said, pulling a card from his pocket. "Thank you young man, but you should get going." The old lady said, Izuku smiled and bowed one more time before leaving. Eri yelled bye while waving. Izuku smiled. Izuku went to the ground that had bags and picked up his and Eri's. Reports and the news people came up to Izuku, Izuku answered the questions with warmth and accurately. Izuku smiled as he walked through the people. Izuku called a taxi that took them to a hotel.

Izuku got a room with one bed for him and Eri. They went up to the room and opened the door. Eri went running around looking at everything before flopping on the bed while Izuku got their stuff situated and ordered pizza to the room. "Hey bunny, I got pizza for dinner." Izuku said, smiling. Eri jumped up and down with happiness. "Want to watch the news or cartoons or news then cartoons?" Izuku asked, "News then cartoons! Daddy is going to be on TV!" Eri said, making Izuku chuckle. Izuku turned on the news and sat beside Eri. *Breaking news: a plane malfunction and the 2 pilots died. If it wasn't for the boy Izuku Midoriya who took control of the plane landing it safely on the ground and calmed the passengers down in different languages, whoever was on the plane would have died...* and it went on with the crash. Izuku went on his phone and looked for a nice place to buy, that has a cafe at the bottom and an apartment on top for sale. Izuku found one he liked, before he was going to call there was a knock on the door. Izuku looked through the socket and saw the pizza man. Izuku opened the door and sat back on the bed. Eri and Izuku sat watching cartoons while eating their pizza. After eating the pizza. Izuku put the cardboard into the only garbage. Izuku and Eri watched cartoons until Eri fell asleep on Izuku. Izuku turned off the TV and cuddled with Eri falling asleep.

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