

Silence, the silence was deafening, and Kira was sitting right in the middle of it, Ban, Erza, Yami, Ronin, The entirety of Team Rwby (G) Salem, Cinder, Neo, Emerald, and Mercury was standing next to him, inside of Ozpins office

"So," Ozpin said finally breaking the silence

"What exactly, are you?" Qrow asked Kira as Everyone else was busy looking at Kira's summons

"Well, 'Sigh' That's kinda hard to put into words," Kira said as he rubbed the back of his head

"Try," Qrow

"Um well, I'm.....God how can I put this, I'm Batman," Kira said making his voice raspy and deep, this confused Qrow and snapped the others to reality, after hearing this, Ban smacked Kira in the back of his head

"Now isn't the time jackass!" Ban

"I know!! It's just extremely hard to put into words!! What am I supposed to do?! Tell them I'm a god? Tell them I'm the king of everything unholy? I am basically the god of darkness that's fueled on crack, monsters, and white claws!! Who is also from Florida damn it!!" Kira screamed in retaliation, only to put his hands on the back of his head and take a deep breath

"Sorry for screaming, I just wasn't prepared for this, it's like when you're about to ship off and join the army, then BOOM, your girlfriend is pregnant," Kira said causing Ban to laugh

"Kira," Ruby said causing Kira to finally look at her, he's been avoiding her sense earlier

"'Sigh' So, your that powerful," Ozpin said finally speaking up as well

"You believe him?" Qrow asked Ozpin

"What choice do we have? He killed our biggest enemy like it was nothing, plus, it seems he's able to bring people back to life and make them serve him," Ozpin said as he looked at Salem

"How long has it been Ozma?" Salem spoke up

"Ozma?" Everyone said in unison as they looked towards Ozpin

"Oh? Have you not told them who they are fighting for?" Salem

"What is she talking about Ozpin?" Qrow asked Ozpin

"I-i 'Sigh' we will talk about it later, for now, what are we to do?" Ozpin asked Kira

"You're asking me?" Kira

"Yes, Since you killed Salem, that means that we won't have to deal with the Grimm anymore," Ozpin

"Really?" Kira turned and asked Salem

"It is true, as long as no one goes into the land of darkness, no one will have to worry about the Grimm," Salem

"Wait, what's going on?" Yang asked as she and mostly everyone else was confused

"You don't need to know," Ozpin said

"What!? We risked our lives to fight! We deserve to know!" Yang

"Yang, let it g-" Qrow was saying but was cut off by Kira

"Salem, Explain to them," Kira said causing both Qrow and Ozpin to look at him

"Hey!!" Qrow was saying but was soon shut up by Ozpin

"It's fine, this way you can know as well," Ozpin

"Well then, let's start shall we," Salem said as she started to tell the same story as the one in the Lost fable episode of Rwby just in a lot less detail, Kira could only look around as he analyzed the rollercoaster of emotions on everyone's faces, after about ten minutes Salem wrapped up telling them what she knew about

"..." The room fell back into silence, but it wasn't aimed at Kira this time, it was now aimed at Ozpin

"I thought you trusted me," Qrow said with a pain held voice

"I only told you what I did to protect you, if I told you more, it could have been a risk," Ozpin

"BULLSHIT!!!" Qrow screamed out

"You wou-" Ozpin was saying but he felt a weight on him all of a sudden, he immediately turned to Kira, who was just staring at him

"Listen, now isn't the time for this, I may have killed Salem, but we have bigger problems," Kira said drawing everyone's attention

"What do you mean?" Ban

"When I died, I-" Kira was saying but had gotten cut off this time

"Wait you actually died!?!??" Ruby screamed

"Oh, um yeah, but that isn't important, what is important is that, when I died, I met someone, he said that soon, I don't know how soon though, but soon, someone would come and try and kill me, and if he's as dangerous as I think, then if I can't kill him, then this world and many others will be destroyed, maybe even multiverses," Kira said causing everyone to have different reactions

"This is a lot to take in," Jaune said causing his team to nod

"I know, that's why when he comes, I'm going to try my best to take him somewhere else, and, I don't know if it's going to work, so, I just want you all to know if you have anything to do, and anything to get off your chests, then in the little time we have, it's the time to do it," Kira said as he then started to think about something else

"Aw shit," Kira

"What?" Erza

"I'll be back, I need to warn James!" Kira

"Your brother? I thought he was dead?" Ruby said causing everyone to turn towards Kira

"He was, but a little while after I joined Beacon I figured out he was Reincarnated, kinda like Ozpin," Kira

"Oh, wait is he as powerful as you?" Ruby

"Hmm? No, but he could still be in contact with the man who is trying to kill me, so I need to warn him!" Kira said as he then used his [Transtep] skill and was consumed by a black and blue smoke leaving everyone, even his summons there


Kira arrived inside of a familiar room, it had a table in the center, people was sitting down at the table, the people wasn't alerted yet, because unlike his first time using [Transtep] he now had better control over it, looking at the table, Kira saw James

"James!!" Kira called out to his brother, alerting everyone to his presence

"Kira?! What are you doing here?" James asked as he stood up and walked towards Kira

"We have a problem, we need to discuss in private," Kira said causing James to nod

"Everyone, out, I need the room," James said causing everyone inside of the room to leave

"So what is it," James asked as he sat on the table

"It's Cronus, he's been lying to the both of us," Kira

"What? what are you talking about?" James

"Apparently, He is an ancient god who was locked into a prison made by the God of Reincarnation, I was warned to not trust him, he is using me, and maybe you, I don't know yet, to make himself stronger," Kira

"Wow, that's a lot to take in" James

"So, that's why you're here? Anything else I should know?" James

"No, but, I just want to make sure you'll be alright," Kira said as he then pulled something out of his inventory

"Here i bought this a while ago for you, but I forgot to give it to you, it'll allow you to get ahold of me if you need to," Kira said handing James a little button looking device

"Alright, well, I guess I'll see you, I hope I won't have to use this to get a hold of you" James

"Right, I love you, bro," Kira said as he then used [Transtep] to arrive back inside Ozpins office

"Did you warn him," Ban asked

"Yeah, I gave him something, just in case he needed to get a hold of me," Kira

"So....what now?" Ruby asked as she looked around

"For now, we live our lives to the fullest, we don't know when I'll have to fight, so, I guess we live like every day is our last," Kira said as he started thinking about life

"Yeah, all of you are to go back to your homes, since there was an invasion, we need time to rebuild Beacon," Ozpin said as he went and sat at his desk

"Live life like there's no tomorrow huh? Alright then," Yang said as she walked out of the room, soon after, almost everyone followed until it was only Kira, his Servants, Qrow, and Ozpin left

"So, I guess I'll leave you to your work," Kira said as he walked out of the room, he then de summoned all of his servants, he then went back to his room to pack up all of his stuff so that he could go back to his cave until Beacon was complete, but he then heard a knock at the door, to which he quickly went over and opened it, only to see Ruby there

"Ruby? Shouldn't you be getting your stuff ready to leave?" Kira

"I told Yang to take care of it, were going to be taking the bullhead in the morning, until then, I'm going to be doing exactly what you said," Ruby said with a sly look on her face

"uhh, what do you mean?" Kira asked as he then felt a chill run up his spine, he then took a step backward from the door, causing Ruby to step into the room, and grab ahold of the door

"Simple, I'm making use of whatever time I have left," Ruby said as she closed and locked the door

"Mummy!!" Kira shouted

"By the time I'm done with you, you'll be calling me Mommy," Ruby said as she charged at Kira knocking him onto his bed

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