
The End (Part 2)

"Hehehe, so, you must be the one known as Kira, my, my, my, I can see how you've been able to give my underlings a hard time" Salem

"Hmm, I'm sorry but, am I supposed to know who you are?" Kira asked causing the people around him to have different reactions, the best one was Ozpin who just started laughing

"Hehehe, well well, it would seem you are as annoying as Cinder told me," Salem

"Oh, you have no idea," Kira

"Enough talking, do you really think you will be able to beat us with this small of an army? Kira could wipe out this many Grimm in a matter of seconds by himself." Ozpin

"Oh, I know, that's why I called for backup," Salem said as just then a mountain in the far distance exploded, when the mountain exploded a deafening roar was let out

"Is that?!" Ozpin was saying but was cut off by Salem

"It indeed is, that's one of the last Wyvern's, so, let's see if little Kira can take care of it," Salem

"Little? who told you?!" Kira said causing silence to feel the air, the only thing that could be heard is the flapping of the Wyvern's wings

"....... fuck y'all, that was funny," Kira said as he turned towards the Wyvern who had just landed on the outer rim of the stadium where the seats where

"Just because y'all didn't laugh, imma kill your Wyvern," Kira said as he kicked off of the ground and speed blitzed in front of the Wyvern, he sent a kick upwards and delivered a powerful blow which slashed the Wyvern's right eye causing it to start to fall backward, but the Wyvern caught itself and flew up into the air

"Trying to run will get ya nowhere," Kira said as he raised his right hand into the air

"I HAVE THE POWER!!!!!" Kira screamed as a bolt of lightning came from the sky and struck the Wyvern causing it to let out a roar of pain and come crashing down behind Kira inside of the arena, looking at it, he saw that Ozpin was trying to fight Salem and the others by himself, so Kira smiled as he prepared himself

He then blitzed forward and arrived in front of Salem, who could barely register Kira, but it was too late as Kira sent a powerful punch forwards and hit her square in the jaw obliterating her top half

"Now then, Who's next," Kira said as he looked at Cinder, Mercury, Neo, and Emerald

"Kira, don't be fooled, Salem isn't dead," Ozpin said as a hand shot up from the dead body of Salem, Kira dodged the hand by stepping backward

'Damn, didn't expect her to regenerate that quick' Kira thought to himself

"Hehehehe, so it seems your even more powerful than I've heard, you were even able to kill my Wyvern, and deal this much damage to me with a single punch, why don't you join me, Kira, I could give you everything you've ever wanted," Salem said as she was now fully regenerated, looking at her, Kira thought for a second before he finally spoke

"What would I gain from joining someone weaker than me," Kira said causing Salem to look at him with a furrowed brow

"Care to repeat that," Salem

"I said, what would I ga-" Kira was saying, but before he could finish he felt something impale his stomach, looking down, he saw a blade that seemed like it was made of pure darkness protruding from him

"I was saving this for the gods of light and darkness, but it'll be good to get some practice," Salem

[Danger Danger!!!!! Host's life is in danger!!!!]

'What's happening?!!' Ban

'How is this possible?! Nothing from this universe should be able to hurt him!' Erza

[This weapon shouldn't be here, somethings wrong] Ayano said, but Kira couldn't hear her, his eyes started to fade to darkness

[KIRA] Ayano

"Kira!!!" Ozpin yelled out as he shot towards Salem, but it was too late, Kira had already fallen to the ground eyes wide open as if he died


"WAKEY WAKEY!!!!" A voice rang out, opening his eyes, Kira looked around to see he was in a room, looking at himself he was surrounded in a darkness

"Finally, it's about time!!" A man said as he stepped towards Kira, Besides this man, there were two others inside of the room, another man, and a woman

'Where am I?!' Kira went to say, but he had no voice

'Listen' The other man signed in sign language, seeing this Caused Kira to become alert

'Worry not child, I am not here to bring you harm, I am here to tell you the truth about the one you know as 'Cronus', he is not who you think he is' The man signed

'He is an ancient god who was locked into a prison made by the one you knew as the God of Reincarnation, I am here to warn you, do not believe him, he is using you to make himself stronger, now, I am going to be sending you back, but be warned, you will have to fight him in the upcoming events,' The man signed one last time, just then, Kira was sucked from the room


"Wha-" Kira vision started to return to him, he started to look around, unable to hear anything, but his hearing soon slowly came back

'Kira!!' Ban, Erza, and Venom shouted out

[Kira!! Are you ok!?!?] Ayano

'Y-yeah, how long was I out?' Kira

[Five minutes and twenty-four seconds] Ayano

'Huh, alright' Kira said as he looked around and saw Ozpin, Team Rwby, Team JNPR as well as another man, Kira took in the situation and he saw Salem with the sword that killed him, she was about to kill Ozpin

"It seems its time to say goodbye again, but this time, you won't come back," Salem said as she plunged the sword at Ozpin, seeing this, Kira quickly leaped into action, teleporting in front of Ozpin and grabbing the blade of the sword

"W-" Salem was about to say, but Kira didn't give her the chance as he swiftly sent a kick in front of him, cutting off Salem's arm that she was holding the sword with

Kira then drops down into his {Renewal Teakwondo} Stance and performed Dragon Catcher, First, Kira jumps up high while holding the opponent's neck with Hoe Grab while spinning at high speed, then the victim is dropped onto the ground head first, resulting in a crater, after landing feet first on the ground Kira looked up at Salem who he sent towards her Lackies

"You really thought it would be that easy?" Kira said as he crushed the sword that was still in his hands

"K-Kira!!" Ruby shouted out as she looked at his back with tears in her eyes

"B-but how!!!" Salem screamed as she quickly regenerated

"Simple, you underestimated me, just as I did to you, but now we both know it isn't going to be that easy, how about we give this another go?" Kira

"heheheheHEHEHEAHAHAAHAHHA!!" Salem started laughing maniacally

"You know what, sure, how about we both give it our all," Salem said as a bunch of portals opened behind her, which Grimm soon started to pour out of

"Well, if you say so," Kira said as he raised his arms causing flashes of lights to appear, which lead to Itachi, Erza, Yami, Ronin, Alpha, Omega, and Team Rwby (G)

"W-what the," Was the general reaction of everyone around Kira

"Hahaha, you said to go all out right? Alpha, Omega, Take out the flying Grimm, Itachi, Erza, and Ronin, you take the rest of the Grimm, Ban, Yami, and Grimmafied team Rwby, stay with me, now, let's start, shall we?" Kira said as he then used his magic to heal regular team Rwby, team JNPR, Ozpin, and the other man, who seems to be Crow

"What the hell is going on! what are you!" Salem

"You know, poor choice of words," Kira said as he lets two of his wings pop out of his back as well as letting his Hollow mask form on his face which seemed to merge with his horns

"Why I'm the king of hell," Kira said as he raised his arms again seemingly signaling everyone to attack


Phew, that was kinda hard to write, but anyway, hello everyone

I am here to say, that sadly the conclusion of this book is coming to an end

But fear not, if you enjoy this little novel of mine, maybe you will enjoy one of my other ones, which I will start to upload on again, but after I finish this novel, I'm going to be focusing on my newest one

{Reincarnated in Danmachi with my discord freind}

Check it out if ya want, because I'm going to try and upload a chapter of that tonight, but if not tonight, then tomorrow, because I don't have work

Welp, I just wanted to stop by and say this

Sincerely MR_No1

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