
Were back

"Pour some sugar on me" Kira's voice rang through the house

"Ooh, in the name of love," Tai said finishing off the lyrics

"Pour some sugar on me" Kira

"C'mon, fire me up" Tai

"Pour your sugar on me" Kira

"I can't get enough" Tai

"I'm hot, sticky sweet From my head to my feet, yeah" Kira

"Listen, red light, yellow light, green-a-light go Crazy little woman in a one-man show Mirror queen, mannequin, rhythm of love Sweet dream, saccharine, loosen up (loosen up) Loosen up" Kira

Kira and Tai was rocking out, but they were interrupted by Ruby who entered the room to see them playing air guitar, Kira and Tai looked at Ruby, who was covering her mouth trying not to laugh

"Oh, what's up babe?" Kira

"It's time for us to take the Bullhead," Ruby

"Oh right, man, time really flew by," Kira said as he walked over to Ruby

"Well, let's head out," Kira

"Wait, I want to visit my mothers grave," Ruby

"Oh? alright," Kira said as he, Ruby, Yang, and Tai all headed to Ruby's mothers grave, when they arrived, Yang and Tai stayed back, Kira was going to do the same, but Ruby told him to come with her, so he did

Walking up to the gravestone, Kira stood behind Ruby, who started to speak to the grave, Kira only sat back and listened, that was until Ruby started talking about Kira to the Grave

"Oh, right, mom, this is Kira! he's my boyfriend, he's really nice, and he knows how to cook! Say hi Kira," Ruby said as she stepped aside to let Kira step up

"Hello, ma'am, as your daughter said, my name is Kira, it's a pleasure to meet you," Kira said as he put his hand to his chest and did a slight bow to show his respect, seeing this, Ruby couldn't help but show a sweet smile, they both said their goodbyes and walked back to the others

They then started to walk towards where their Bullheads were, reaching the bullheads, Tai said goodbye to everyone, even Kira, who he felt the most reluctant to let go, seeing as they had gotten along so well, but stepping on the Bullhead, Kira, Ruby, and Yang all kicked back and enjoyed the ride while chatting, until after around five minutes they arrived, once they stepped off of the bullhead, Kira immediately heard a voice, looking to his right, he saw Jaune, Phrya, Ren and Nora

"Master!!" Jaune said as he reached Kira, he then heard another voice

"Hey everyone!" Weiss said as she walked towards them with Blake at her side

"Hmm, it seems like the gangs all here," Kira said as he looked at everyone

"So, how about we have a nice dinner, to celebrate that we're all still breathing," Kira

"That... sounds threatening," Jaune

"Naw, now, come on, let's go to the auditorium so we can sooner get to dinner," Kira said as he walked away, leading everyone to follow him

Once they arrived at the auditorium, they had to listen to a speech from Ozpin, but when that was finished, Kira and the others went to their dorms to drop their stuff off, then they went to eat dinner, which, by time team Rwby and team Jnpr arrived, was already completed, Kira had already beat them there, and finished dinner before they had gotten there. seeing this none of them were surprised, seeing how Kira is....well Kira, so they sat down and ate while talking about their breaks and goofing around

but after they were finished, they all helped clean up and walked to their dorms together, arriving at their room, Everyone went into their respective rooms, besides Ruby, who went with Kira, who she couldn't sleep without at this point when they went into the room, Kira went to take a bath, but when he got in, Ruby walked into the bathroom and joined him, seeing this he couldn't help but smile, Ruby quickly walked over and sat in between his legs and laid back on him, this lead to things getting spicy, After their bath, they both went and laid in bed and cuddled until they fell asleep


Hello all, sorry this chapter is shorter than usual, but I've been busy, and had to get this out quick,

I hope you all enjoy

sincerely MR_No1

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