
The all mighty Balloon

After everyone had arrived they all was in shock due to a large chunk of the forest being destroyed, seeing the confused look on their face's Jaune explained to them what had happened, everyone went on to look at Kira as if he was some type of monster.

"You can summon a DRAGON" Nora

"Well yes, but actually no" Kira

"what do you mean" Ren asked what everyone was wondering

"Well you see when i kicked i infused my semblance into it" Kira

"Can you explain some more please" Ms. Goodwitch

"Weeeellll no" Kira said making everyone look dumbfounded, Kira then walked up to Jaune and said

"Remember my room tomorrow" Kira

"Y-yeah" Jaune

"Alright i'm off, I'll be in my room" Kira said as proceeded to walk off out of the Forest.


It took about Five minutes for Kira to arrive back at his room, he decided to take a look at the Gacha upgrade he had gotten from the system update,

"Ayano open the Gacha function please" Kira

[Of course senpai] Ayano


[Regular Gacha]

[One Spin: 2,000 System Point's]

[Ten Spin's: 16,000 System Point's]

[Premium Gacha]

[One Spin: 5,000 System Point's]

[Ten Spin's: 40,000 System Point's]


"That's a lot of System Point's.... Ok Ayano do ten regular spin's Please" Kira

[Of course] Ayano


[Drawing Drawing]

[Drawing Complete]


[Balloon] This is a indestructible balloon.

[Summon Ticket] This item allows the host to randomly summon a character from any anime as a servant.

[Unlimited kunai] This grant's the host a unlimited amount of Kunai.

[Elucidator] Kirito's primary weapon in Sword Art Online. Elucidator is a pitch black sword with trims of gray and is evenly balanced and quite powerful. It has a black hilt connected to a hand guard that drops down on the right side. Attached to this elongated area of the hand-guard is part of Elucidator's blade so as to better aid the user in retaining their grip on the sword when it is being used. The blade is completely black like the rest of the sword and the said blade is outlined in a light gray.

[Train] .... It's a train.

[Dragon Fist] Dragon Fist , also known as Dragon Fist Explosion, is an incredibly powerful attack developed by Son Goku.

[Pikachu] From the Pokémon franchise, Pikachu are small, mouse-like Pokémon that have short, yellow fur with brown markings covering their backs and parts of their tails. They have black-tipped, pointy ears and red circles on their cheeks, which are said to contain "electrical sacs". Their tails are shaped in the form of a lightning bolt.

[Fire Bending] Firebending, one of the four elemental bending arts, is the pyrokinetic ability to control fire. It is unique among the bending arts, as it is the only one in which the performer can generate the element. The first human firebenders lived in a city atop a lion turtle during the era of Raava and the art later spread to the Sun Warriors.

[Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū] Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū is an ancient kenjutsu style from the Sengoku Jidai, developed to allow a single samurai to defeat numerous foes single-handedly, created by Hiko Seijūrō I. Rooted in the concept of ichi no tachi, or to strike in a single blow, practitioners of this style use a combination of immense speed and agility, battōjutsu, and acquired, observation-based pseudo-clairvoyance that permits a practitioner to anticipate an opponent's movements. Both offensive and defensive maneuvers are executed with minimal movement to increase a practitioner's ability to counter-attack and to conserve energy. As such, made with efficiency and spareness of exertion in the face of warfare scale battles yet with powerful and coordinated movements to easily fell threats in long and undetermined periods of time, it is among one of the strongest and oldest kenjutsu styles in Japan, once known as the signature style that defined Hiko Seijūrō The I as The Man Who Could Cut One Hundred In One Stroke.

[Cookie's] This grant's the host a unlimited amount of any type of cookie's.


Kira's jaw dropped at the item's he received, yeah some was not all the great, but other's was extremely good.

"Status" Kira


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan/Symbiote]


[Exp: 5372/10,000

[Shop point's: 21,372]

[Stat point's: 35]

[Health: 760]

[Strength: 147]

[Agility: 107]

[Vitality: 107]

[Summons: Ban]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Wrath of Death: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A} {Web slinging: A} {Spider sense: SS} {Water bending} {Great ape: B} {Armored titan: D} {Presence of a God: SSS} {Transtep: A} {Hiten Mitsurugi-ryū: D} {Fire Bending: D} {Dragon Fist: D} ]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart} {Unlimited kunai} {Elucidator} {Train} ]


"Ayano use the Summoning ticket please" Kira

[Of course] Ayano


[Drawing Drawing]

[Drawing Complete]

[Summon Complete]


Just then a bright light had filled Kira's room, the light had blinded Kira to the point where he had to close and cover his eye's with his hand, Kira then heard a female voice speak out to him.

"Are you my master" the voice spoke out, Kira opened his eye's and couldn't help but gasp at the female he saw in front of him

"E-Erza?" Kira

"So you are my Master, it's a pleasure to meet you my lord" Erza said as she knelt down in front of Kira

"Wait, you ain't shocked at how i know you're name" Kira

"No, the one known as Ayano had explained everything to me, it's a honor to meet the one who saved my life" Erza said confusing Kira

"What do you mean saved you're life" Kira asked, Erza then went on to explain that she was in the middle of a battlefield, she was one the verge of death when suddenly she was consumed in a bright light, the light had transported her to a void made of nothing but light, she then said that she heard a voice speak to her, the voice turned out to be Ayano.

So apparently this Erza was from a different time line, one where she had died fighting her own mother, when Kira heard this he was flabbergasted. You see Kira didn't watch much of fairy tail in his old life, so hearing this he was shocked.

"But none of that matter's, because i'm here to serve you my lord" Erza

"O-ok, well i'm about to hop in the shower so you can do whatever" Kira proceeded to take a shower, once he came out he had laid down to go to sleep when he felt someone else get into the bed.

"Erza, what are you doing" Kira

"Well there isn't a second bed so i thought i could sleep with you" Erza

"Can't you just de-summon yourself" Kira

"... Goodnight" Erza said while rolling over

'Ayano, why is she acting like this, i don't think she would act like this normally" Kira

[Well Senpai that's probably because you're the first person that she had seen in a over ten year's] Ayano said confusing Kira even more

'What do you mean' Kira

[Well remember how she said she was summoned to that white void. Well she was sitting there for over ten year's] Ayano

'Wait what how come she didn't mention that' Kira

[I don't know] Ayano said, Kira was to tired to deal with this bullshit so he decided to just go to sleep


Once Kira had woken up he had seen that it was already 9:45 a.m. so he decided to take a shower real quick before Jaune arrives. Finishing his shower Kira was walking out of his bathroom in his towel because since he didn't share his room with anyone Kira has mad a habit of it. When Kira came out of the bathroom he seen Erza who had just woken up looking at him, when Kira seen her he froze, he had completely forgotten about her. So not wanting this to be even more awkward Kira grabbed his clothes and put them on. not saying anything still the room was filled with a silence awkwardness until Kira heard a knock on his door and remember about Jaune.

"Knock Knock"

"One sec" Kira said he then turned towards Erza and told her to de-summon herself which she hesitantly did so. Seeing her disappear Kira went over to the Door and opened it up to see Jaune in a simple workout outfit.

"Come on in" Kira

"Right, so what are we going to be doing" Jaune asked as he walked pass Kira into his room

"WE, are going to make you a little less of a poor excuse of a hunter" Kira

"O-ow" Jaune

"OK so first of all, were going to be focusing on you're foundation" Kira

"Ok so what like working out, i already do that" Jaune

"Yeah, but not the way were going to do so today" Kira

"How so" Jaune

"Well you know how i can heal people right" Kira

"Yeah, What about it" Jaune

"Well i'm going to be working you out until you are at the point of falling over and dyeing, then i'm going to heal you and do it all over again" Kira said causing Jaune to start sweating

"Is it to late to back out" Jaune

"Yep, now let's go where heading to run around the school first" Kira said dragging Jaune along with him outside. And on that day Kira started training Jaune to make him a better leader.

Here y'all go i hope you all enjoy


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