

Today was the day, Ruby was going to get accepted into beacon. Kira just had to plan on how to get himself accepted. So that's what he did form a plan, He was going to meet up with Ruby like normal, and when the store get's rob'd he would help, then let thing's go as planed. And when cinder start's to shoot fire at Ruby he would jump in.

"Status" Kira


[Name: Kira]

[Bloodline: Hollowed Saiyan]


[Exp: 5372/10,000

[Shop point's: 42,372]

[Stat point's: 0]

[Health: 560>760]

[Strength: 56>140]

[Agility: 56>100]

[Vitality: 56>100]

[Skill's: {Prodigy: EX } {Will of the god's: SSS } {Renewal taekwondo: SS } {Ki manipulation: S } {Flying: S } {Cooking: S } {Mind of a God: SSS } {Wrath of Death: SS } {Blacksmith Skill: SSS } {Mana Burst: A}]

[Weapon's: {Sky killer} {Black Heart}]


During this year Kira has been working on leveling up his skill's. He has gotten to new skill's


{Blacksmith's Skill} Kira bought this skill from the store, the reason he bought it was because Ruby was skeptical about him making {Sky Killer}. So Kira decided he might as well actually make a weapon to prove he wasn't lying, even though he was, she didn't need to know. Kira skipped a lot of training to max out this skill.

{Mana Burst} Kira got this skill from his {Skill ticket}. He didn't know what anime it was from but Ayano told him it was from the Fate series.

{Black Heart} This was the weapon Kira made to impress Ruby. Black Heart is two fully automatic revolver's, that once fused together they become a scythe. One revolver is the scythe blade, while thee other is the body of the scythe. Black heart is black and red in color.(A/N Picture on my discord)


Kira was about to leave his cave when he heard a voice from inside his head.

"My lord will i be of any help" Ban

"No i got every thing taken care of" Kira said but then he heard another voice in his head.


[New Mission: Get accepted into beacon]


{Portable gravity chamber}

{Random Bloodline Ticket}

{25 X Sensu bean's}


Kira was stunned when he saw the reward's of the quest, a random bloodline, he was going to do this anyway so this is just the system being nice to him.

"You treat me so well Ayano" Kira

[Fufufu Well of course you're my senpai after all] Ayano

"Well then let's get going" Said Kira, he then proceeded to walk to Dust Till Dawn, on his way to the shop, he began to think.

'Man what is Ozpin going to think when he see's my silver eye's,... wait can guy's even have the silver eye's trait, oh shit i don't think i thought this through' Kira was starting to panic when suddenly his Mind of a God skill kicked in and he began to relax, but the he started to worry again.

'Wait since i got Mind of a God is that going to stop me from going super saiyan, oh no i hope not' Kira continued to think while he was walking to the shop.

The sun began to set by the time he got there, he was early so Ruby wasn't there yet. So he sat outside in front of the shop.

Kira has been waiting for about 30 Minute's, so he got bored and because of that reason, he started singing. He didn't know why but he would always start to sing when he was bored, so that's what he did he sang.


Hold on

Hold on to me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady


Hold on

Hold on to me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady" Kira sang not noticing that his friend has arrived.

"Mama, come here

Approach, appear

Daddy, I'm alone

'Cause this house don't feel like home

If you love me, don't let go

If you love me, don't let go


Hold on

Hold on to me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady


Hold on

Hold on to me

'Cause I'm a little unsteady

A little unsteady" Kira continued to sing but that's when he noticed people staring at him. And one of them was Ruby, Kira saw her and immediately got up to greet her.

"H-hey Ruby" Kira

".... You sounded amazing" Ruby said starstruck, she didn't know her friend could sing, and so well to. They knew each other for almost 2 year's, and since they both had some thing in common. They began to bond quickly so much so Kira told Ruby he was a 'Faunus'. which she didn't care because she already considered him her best friend.

"O-oh thank you, i got bored and when i get bored i start to sing haha, Well anyway's what have you been up to" Kira said walking into the store with Ruby following him in right after.

"Oh well the usual haha actually i finally told my family about you, my dad didn't like that i kept you a secret and got mad, he said something about breaking you're leg's. my sister wasn't didn't seem to be mad she was more happy than anything that i got a friend" Ruby

"Oh yeah speaking of you're sister don't she start Beacon tomorrow" Kira asked knowing damn well the answer" Ruby

"Yeah she's so pumped up, i can't wait to go to Beacon in a couple of year's" Ruby said.

They continued to talk for a couple of hour's before it finally happened, carrot top walked in. One of the men then walked up to Ruby and Kira and tapped them on the shoulder.

"Can i help you" Ruby

"This is a robbery give us everything you have" Cannon fodder

"Wait this is a robbery" Kira spoke up this time.

"Yeah now give me everything ya'll got" Cannon fodder

Me and Ruby proceeded to look at each other then back at the man. Kira took a step back and then Ruby threw him through the window. Torchwick then told his man to get Ruby, the wasn't even able to get near her before Kira appeared out of nowhere and knocked them all out with his bare hand's. when Ruby saw this she was amazed by it, While Torchwick immediately ran after seeing what just happen'd. Ruby then took of after him with Kira right behind her.

By the time Kira got on the roof, Torchwick was already in his aircraft, Cinder already shot a fire ball toward's Ruby, and then miss Goodwitch was about to block it but then something intercepted it.


"Ugh you bitch, this was my only jacket" Kira said standing in front of the two, his left hand was forward's the sleeve on it was incinerated by the flame's the was a couple of little hole's in his jacket from the flame. The look on Cinder's face was utter shock, this random kid just took a head on flame from her and was unaffected.

Goodwitch then snapped out of her shock as well and started to shoot ice at the aircraft Cinder was in, Cinder then made a red circle appear under neath the three. Seeing this Kira grabbed Ruby and moved out of the way. While we had to dodge the explosion the aircraft got away.

"Phew, you okay Ruby?" Kira

"You're a real huntress can i get you're autograph" Ruby asked Goodwitch.

'How the hell did we end up here' Kira thought to himself while him and Ruby could be seen in a room with a single light as if it was a investigation room.

"And a slap on the wrist" Good witch said smacking the table, it seem's that Kira zone'd out through the hole thing, which he isn't complaining about.

"but it isn't up to, someone want's to speak to the both of you" Goodwitch said as a man proceeded to walk out of the darkness and began to talk. The conversation went like normal until Ozpin looked at Kira and began to speak.

"And you, you also have silver eye's" Ozpin

"Sup, the name's Kira" Kira

"Yeah i know that but that is all i could find out about you, which is weird because you have no paper's of you ever existing, so tell me about yourself will you" Ozpin

"Well like i said my name is Kira, i don't have a last name never got one, and it makes sense you would have no information on me because i was born out of the city. My mother and father was both killed by a grimm leaving me by myself. so i spent most of my life out side of the city training until one day a year and a half a go i finally stepped into the city, soon after i met Ruby, she was the first person i interacted with beside my parent's." Kira said lying through his teeth.

"Oh i'm sorry to hear that, well how would you like the chance to revenge you're parent's and make sure that no kid will ever have to experience what did, how would you both like to become hunter's." Ozpin

"W-wait are you inviting us to Beacon academy" Ruby

"Yep if you both would like, were having the entrance ceremony tomorrow" Ozpin said.

A longer chapter than normal, i hope yall enjoy it.


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