
Chapter Twenty Four: Griffins

"What shall be done? We're trapped here, and Princess Sasha is back in Cravon. My homeland is in danger", Avery said, looking irately at the leader, Toru.

"He is right, Sir Toru. We must escape this place", Boru answered.

"That is yet to be decided. Azackton proclaimed himself, that he would not take Cravon until we are all dead. The fate of Avery's future throne is in our hands. We must survive while we are yet living", Toru spoke, gravely.

"And yet we still have to leave this trench", Avery answered, his impatience growing. My father and mother are left alone to defend themselves. What if something happens? What if Sasha is in trouble again? We won't be there to help!" He clenched his fist in aggravation.

"Peace, young Prince. Like I've mentioned, no one has lived to escape this land of treachery. I suggest we scour the land in search for anything which may be beneficial to us. Remember, evil is lurking here, we must remain vigilant. Follow my lead, young Avery."

With that, the four knights traversed the strange gutter, in hopes of finding a useful tool.

Sounds of something growling viciously reached the young hero's ears.

"Sirs, methinks I hear something. It appears to be some growling noise", he said clasping his sword hilt and looking around.

"I hear it too", Halu replied watching.

As soon as he said these words, ten griffins from out of the purple sky, flew towards the heroes, piercing the sky with their high pitched screeches.

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