
Chapter Two: Chaos

"The village market is under attack. We need to summon our forces immediately", Exclaimed the Royal Messenger.

"Come with me now, Avery. Take your steed and follow me", Zauhn ordered running to the entrance after blowing the war horn to summon the knights together.

Galloping at full speed to the village, Avery rode beside his teacher, his heart almost beating out of his armor from suspense. When they had reached town, they saw that some stands and wagons carrying fruit were on fire; Several corpses of the traders lying sprawled out on top of the tables and grounds. Alighting from their horses, Avery and Zauhn along with a minority of men chosen for the errand, weapons in hand, threw themselves fiercely upon their enemies. The young prince fought bravely and with all his might, hacking and cutting apart the enemy soldiers, and using his magical prowess.

"Your highness, shall we put the fires out?" Asked one of the soldiers.

Nodding his head, Avery spread his hand towards the flames, saying: "Streams of water, put out the fire."

Waves of water emitted from his hands, putting an end to the fire.

"Prince, and heroes, I saw over yonder the hill, The Sorcerer Azackton, driving away the people and killing them, setting fire to their homes and belongings", Cried a villager pointing to the hill mentioned.

Gazing where the man pointed, Avery with a burning hate in his soul, leapt onto his steed, spurring him on in that direction. "No! Avery!" Yelled General Zauhn running after him.

Spotting the terrible Azackton at a distance putting to fire the village houses, Avery with a cry descended from his horse, sword and shield drawn. "Ahh, there he is. The King's son. Your father is foolish enough to allow you to confront me", Stated the large and muscular Azackton, grasping his scepter of death. "I can take you. You will see", Replied Avery, grinding his teeth. "Flamethrower!" Out of his shield, shoots forth great burning flames of fire.

"Dark orb!", Azackton shields himself with a black circle. He hurls poisoning spikes towards our young hero.

Avery with great dexterity, doges and evades the lethal powers. Looking to his right, he distractingly spots Zauhn on horseback, coming to aid him. Seizing the opportunity, Azackton summons and shoots out at him, electric spikes. Before knowing it, Avery is struck in his well formed shoulder and collapses to the ground in his heavy armor.

"No!" Zauhn shouts running to protect him.

"His foolishness will be your death", Azackton The Murderer, sends a wave of dark embers to engulf both the boy and captain.

"Light of protection!" Came a voice suddenly, shooting a barrier to save the two doomed lives. It is King Zarash himself.

"Why have you come, O King? Do you desire to watch your son perish at my hand?" Boasted the impatient Azackton, frowning in his terrible ugliness. For he is not a man, but a purple skinned creature which crawled from under a rock of perverse darkness.

"I have come to save my child, Answered The King and Warrior of Cravon. "Teleportation!"

At his command, the three men were carried away in a whirlwind, returning to the castle.

"Avery, my son, why have you done such a foolish thing? You have placed all our lives and the innocents in great danger", Reprimanded King Zarash.

"I'm sorry, father, but I saved the villagers whom Azackton was intending to kill", Argued Avery sitting on the bed in the castle Apothecary; Still rubbing his bandaged shoulder.

"Do not oppose me, boy. This is yet again, another way in which you have disregarded my teachings. You are going to cause the fall of Cravon! You're supposed to be it's savior!"

"I am it's savior. I will defeat that accursed Azackton."

"You've done nothing beneficial. I should have kept you here. If it wasn't for the warnings of Zash, you and my captain would have been dead!" Roared the King in his fierce passion.

"We must find him, a knighthood of men who will discipline him well, dear. He will not heed orders here", Spoke the Queen placing her gentle hand on his shoulders.

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