
Don’t Ever Speak of Divorce Again (1)

The relationship between the two immediately got better after that. Although Zhang Jiren was a little hesitant to tell Li Meili his condition, he eventually told her what was going on and what they should expect on his next surgery. His wife had been silent through it all, but the glistening of her eyes told Zhang Jiren that she was worried about him. 

"From now on, you have to tell me everything. No matter how bad the situation is, you can't keep it a secret. I know you have Moyu and Tianyi to help you, but you also have me now, Jiren. You don't have to keep everything to yourself." 

After having lunch together at home and tucking Leyan in her crib as she took her afternoon nap, Zhang Jiren found his wife feeding the divorce papers to the paper shredder one by one inside the study room. He wasn't sure how to take this sudden change in their relationship. 

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