
Chapter 2: Mysterious hero part 4

"OK," so-hee says proudly "i've taught you everything you need to know in order to thoroughly win this competition with only your mental energy, you remember the 3 techniques i've taught you right? What are they?"

Si-u Promptly replies "burst- using my mentality to quickly enhance my physical prowess by disabling the natural limiters that the body has, peer- a way to heighten my awareness in combat once again using my mentality and lastly fool's paradise - making illusions that can deceive a near ki-master realm practitioner, right?"

"Yes and you must remember while you're there to never forget your goals," So-hee started "you can't hurt your opponents, any animosity will siverly decrease the chance of them letting the divine wind clan go and you'll be under the watchful eyes of many high level practitioners so i can't lend you my cultivation like last time."

"I got it." si-u smiles then "like this i'll avoid any fatal damage." within the blink of an eye he'd moved more than thirty feet then back, his afterimage flickering through the spaces between the trees as he'd moved before coming back to the small clearing.

"Ok you can handle the basics of burst, it doesn't mean you're invincible ok? always keep your guard up and you wits about you." so-hee paused before continuing "you do remember your other goal right?"

Si-u too a breath and sat there on a large rock by the opening of the large overrun buildings entrance, the vines there were so thick that they seemed like the building had large green bulging veins that poked from the walls in some areas leading to the spot where it held up the remains of the broken wall close to where he currently sat. This had been his home for the last six months and now that he knew how to protect himself properly he felt more thankful to so-hee. "The breathing technique you had me practice these last few months which suppressed my mentality and slows my movements. You want me to fight while doing that, to prepare me for the moment i break through directly to the ki master realm."

"Yes." so-hee confirmed "it'll be hard but i know you can do it and if it gets dangerous i'll help you find a way out, anyway as a last test i want you to defeat this shadow."

So-hee had often used ki shadows to help him train, humanoid figures made entirely of materialized ki intent that possesses only rage. They were incredibly swift and strong but si-u had faced many and though this one was bigger he had total confidence that he could defeat it easily.

He had faced many and even learned to fight them blindfolded. This one was no problem no matter how big it was.

He looked up at the tall humanoid figure which seemed to be made of solidified black billowing smoke. A guttural growl rang low and as much as si-u would have liked he just never got used to it.

He calmed his mind and inhaled sharply activating 'peer' then taking his stance, an offencive one where he placed his arms out his palms relaxed and facing to his torso, his right hand closer to his body and slightly lower than the other before lowering his center of gravity.

With this he stood ready to attack, counter or defend. The towering figure gazed down at him its head leaned to the side observing the position si-u had taken.

"Not gonna make the first move?" si-u asked before disappearing then appearing behind the shadow at close range, the gravel crunching underfoot "Then i'll do the honours! huh? nothing?"

The shadow now stood beside him observing him still " it's fast- ugh!" he found himself launched backward into the wall which crumbled. After the dust began to settle si-u slowly made his way from the rubble and coughed a few times. " its fast, i didn't even see what hit me."

"Keep your guard up its not done yet!" so-hee stated just in time for si-u to barely dodge the shadow's next attack by rolling to the side then using burst again as it appeared right beside him with another devastating blow only this time he managed to counter.

"Hmph!" si-u's punch sunk deep into the shadow's side under its massive arm, the monstrous creature turned to look at him once more before disappearing as the ki from it seemed to unravel.

"Very good you're improving, just remember to expect the unexpected or you'll pay dearly for it, humans are disgraceful creatures that use underhanded tactics the moment they think they're gonna lose." So-hee started "so don't lower your guard no matter what."

"Got it!" Si-u replied with a smile as he pulled the strap to his vambrace tighter readying himself for the fights that were to come. He no doubt felt stronger than before and now that he'd fought the shadow all traces of hesitation left him.

"Welcome to the tournament of geniuses!!!" An enthusiastic announcer stated to the unsuspecting audience. Pulling the attention of a large number of people, so much in fact that the seats around the arena couldn't hold them all. People from many different ethnic groups and clans, many who trained different arts also those wishing to achieve any form of enlightenment in order to further their own cultivation. Finally, atop the stands on a special balcony sat the tournament's overseer as well sat the heads for several of the great families, the Descending Heavenly Dragon family's seat to the right of the overseer.

The contestants had already all moved to the arena per the request of the announcer, Si-u being the last of them to step unto the platform.

"wow a kid? and you're not even at the spirit forming stage? Come on tell this big sister what colony you came from." One of the contestants asked him obviously playing with 12 year old si-u all the while ignoring the announcer as she poked his cheek.

"I'm si-u, 12 years old and i hope senior sister will take care of me," si-u replied playfully while giving her a light smile.

The girl stopped smiling "hey you're not thinking of participating are you?"

"First match!" the announcer stated enthusiastically. "Si-u of the divine winds vs mei-yunxi of the sound.

Quickly the others were led from the arena leaving only mei-yunxi and si-u.

"The rules are simple," The tournament over seer states loudly from the balcony "defeat your opponent by whatever means necessary . Weapons allowed."

With that the announcer yelled "FIGHT!!!!"

Next chapter