
Project X Victims

Thomas A.K.A. Nightmare is a fear generator. He has created weapons and gear most suitable for his ability. His ability can make anyone around him in a 10 meter radius hallucinate. However the hallucinations are based off of the targets biggest fear. He unfortunately has no control over who is affected by his ability. He wears a gas mask so he isn't affected by his toxic gas he can throw. The gas gives a wider radius with much more allusion in the targets. The target is extremely vulnerable as they can not tell what is real and what is in their imagination. Thomas is no hero nor villain as he is someone who goes with the flow. He is one for remembering faces, especially if they get on his bad side. He is not a friendly guy when he is angry in any way. He is scary at times with a cocky and obnoxious personality as his ability is extremely powerful and fully effective to anyone without protection over their face. Without a gas mask or anything covering the mouth or nose the target will be affected. For those who aren't affected Thomas has a back up solution. He has a syringe with the compressed gas formed into a liquid. However, this method can cause the target's body to go into shock as they are unable to move until the liquid passes through their body. Thomas hasn't come across anyone that has outsmarted him or defeated him until he came across Stain. Stain delivered Thomas to the Project X building. Thomas made a vow that he would show no mercy and no mistakes as he is determined to find Stain and kill him along with the Manipulator.

Dillion A.K.A. Guardian is a protector. His creates protective aura around anyone in a 10 mater radius. The more people affected by the ability the faster his ability gets drained. He is always with Thomas as their abilities work amazing together. Thomas can not control who is affected while Dillion can protect anyone from Thomas's ability and gas. His aura is so strong it can physically protect the target from any attack. He is the tank for others as his biggest job is to protect anyone. His ability doesn't only consist of protecting with a powerful shell based aura but he can also sense the targets emotion and power they behold. He can sense who is the villain while the other is a victim. He isn't labeled as a hero but he does see the wrong in the crooks and villains actions as he wants to help in a time of need but has no interest in being labeled as a hero. He enjoys no fame and attention as the typical hero has ALL the fame and glory. Him and Thomas have no interest in being famous or interacting with civilians. Also they know heroes have specific rules at times. They don't go by and rule except 'fight until someone dies.' Him and Thomas go after crooks and bad guys but they aren't pretty about it. If the target doesn't run away from the hallucination then Thomas would go for the kill. If they could label themselves in any way they would be known as anti-heroes.

Bella A.K.A. Phantom is a soul divider. She loves to sing, dance and play her violin but she also loves the sight of blood and death. She plays off as a sweet innocent civilian with a violin and sings. She seems like an easy target when really she is quite the opposite. She is extremely quick and durable as she can move as a speed others can't keep up with. She uses her ability by a simple touch but to make her soul divider work she slams the palm of her hand against the targets chest at full power. She can also kick if she isn't in the right range to swing with her hand. She sings a song as she always enjoys taunting her new 'toys'. She is one who can see the dead. They are all the lost souls that didn't make it to heaven nor hell. When she walks down the street people either attack her or turn and run away as she is a typical girl from a classic horror film as she sings and dances down the street with no care in the world as she is surrounded by long lost souls.

Blake A.K.A. Death Strike is a regenerator with incredible speed and flexible. Once injured with ANY injury his body quickly heals within a few seconds, depending on the injury itself. He is has a smart mouth as he always seems to be in trouble. He has no care in the world as he seems to be immortal completely. He may seem extremely powerful and unstoppable as well but someone who beat him at his own game didn't have the time to understand what he was even capable of. Gregory, or Gilgamesh split Blake's body in half completely. Blake was so traumatized that he was defeated. His body was in complete shock as they three thought he was dead from the blow. Blake was found by scientist seeing him slowly pulling himself back together. In his holding cell he would always think to himself of the day he would kill Gilgamesh himself. He knows how the three don't know of his ability so as the months went by he would come up with how he would get his revenge once he would escape somehow.

Project 216 A.K.A. Glitch is a fazer. She can faze through any object, even a human. She can glitch herself out of sticky situations but she can also defend herself in a way she would rather not. She hates the idea of killing a human but if she needs to she won't hesitate. She is technically a hologram but she somehow can touch and grab anything. She is a big sweet heart as she only wants one thing. She has always wanted a guardian in any way shape or form. She was an easy target when she was captured for being experimented on. She went in the building seeing how several white clocked men were coming in and out of the building. A scientist lured the girl in a cell with the power draining necklace. She was clueless and had no idea what was happening but fazed right out of the situation. The scientists spent days to weeks figuring out what she didn't like. She only realized she was surrounded by bad men when they strapped her in an electric chair. When activated she couldn't faze out of the chair. The voltage pain got to her in a way she couldn't focus on her fazing ability. The scientists grew irritated with her as she was a tricky project. One scientist however stuck out as he seemed to be the only one to constantly check on her. Something about her made him feel differently then with the other projects. She was innocent, she was very willing to do anything the scientists asked of her as she clearly didn't understand bad people from the good. This specific scientist kept a sharp eye on her as he didn't enjoy the pain and distress she was constantly in.