
The Agreement

A phone sounded in a dark small room. A deep scratchy sigh echoed the smoke filled hallway as a man got up to answer the phone.

"Who is dis? If you have da audacity to call, you have a death wish." The man said as he pulled the cigarette from his mouth as he blew smoke. "Hello, this is Gospel. Is this The Mole? " The voice on the other line asked. The man scuffed as he took another drag from his cigarette. "Let me ask you one thing Gospel. Do you want to die?" The man asked as he blew the smoke from his nose. The line grew silent for a second. "No sir, I'm just following orders." The man took the cigarette out of his mouth again as he smashed the remaining on the wall next to the phone box. "If this is the Manipulator your speaking of we don't want anything to deal with dat prick!" The man growled. "Please hear me out. He just wants you to break all of our men out of the prison. Nothing more, nothing less." The man tilted his head to hold the phone against his shoulder as he grabbed another cigarette from his pack. Grabbing his lighter from his pocket, he lit the cigarette. Taking a long drag he exhaled deeply. "What's in it for us?" The man asked in a scratchy, nasty tone. "The boss said anything you desire." A loud laugh erupted in the quiet room. "Yeah fuck that, that fucking prick is full of 'sheet'!" The man finally stopped laughing as he noticed the other remained quiet. "What do you desire?" A devilish smile formed on the man's face. "I want meet God and kill him myself. Think that can happen? No, that's what I thought!? Your wasting our fucking time puppet boy!" The man growled as he was about to hang up. "Is it money you want?!?!" He heard as the phone was away from his ear. Feeling more obligated he put the phone back to his ear. "How much?" He asked as he took another drag. "We can do 50K." Gospel said obviously seeming desperate. "Hmm, can we kill?" The man asked as he blew the smoke. "Yes, go ahead and kill as many as you want just not our men." A crocked smile crawled on the man's face. "You got yourself a deal, puppet boy. We are we breaking everyone out?" The other was quiet for a second. "If you can prepare for tonight. Shit will hit the fan when night time hits." The voice on the line said. The man leaned against the wall with the cigarette hanging from his mouth. "All we do is break them out. A few people die here and there and that's it right?" The man asked making sure what the task was before agreeing. "Yes, nothing more. We will handle the heroes." The man let out a hackle as he began coughing from his pour lungs. "Gilgamesh will want to help kill the heroes. You know that." He said while looking down the hallways where his boss's room was. "I know but the Manipulator is doing that for us." The man scuffed. "That piece of sheet gets to have all the fun? What if a hero dies or possibly two? What's the harm in us killing some ourselves?" Without warning the other line ended. The man growled in frustration as he slammed the home phone back in the box. "What a fucking prick!" The man walked away while sitting back down at his desk. Papers were scattered everywhere with other assignments. '50K, and that's to break out the whole prison. An easy job for ME but... They have to understand. All the officers WILL die. Not by me, but from my boss. If those pricks have a problem with him wanting to find some heroes and kill them himself, they will have to deal with the fact he is something they are not. He calls himself a God but I call him MY superior. His natural urge to seek and kill as it is his main drive. This will be right up his alley. Now I just have to come up with how I'll tell him.'


"Y/N! Where are you?!" Muriel hollered as she walked on the sidewalk aimlessly. Tears fell from her face as she was beginning to worry her friend ran away for good. Muriel didn't know what do do as she collapsed on her knees while crying in her hands. "Muriel?" A familiar voice said as she could hear a door close nearby. Muriel looked up from her hands and she saw Clyde walking up to her from a house she wasn't familiar with.

"What's wrong?" He asked while holding his hand out.

She sniveled as she wiped her face. "Y/N ran away. I can't find her. I don't know what to do." She cried out while covering her face with her hands.

"Hey, come inside maybe I can help but I need to hear the whole story."


"She actually hit Molly?!"

"Yeah but her hands were on fire. I don't understand what is happening. Why is this all falling on my shoulders? Shay hasn't done anything to help and I feel like I'm alone. I can't do this alone. Jess is gone, Shay is broken to the point where he didn't even check on the girls screaming downstairs. Molly is recovering and eventually has to find a different form. Y/N ran away and I don't even know where to look. I... I don't know what to do. I feel so broken." Muriel chocked up as she began crying in her hands.

Clyde didn't know what to say as he thought back to the conversation his group had when Muriel's left the night Jess died. His breath quickened seeing the pain in his teammates eyes as they all grew a liking to Jess. The one who clearly had the closest connection with her was Spencer, as he was the first one that left Bebe's back yard without a word said.


Spencer threw all the unnecessary papers on the floor while he went through the remaining five on the desk. He scattered the five as he circles the main details to help Shay to get a better understanding on the perfect drawing of Jess, when he was more calm and relaxed. Spencer sighed as he looked back at Shay still sleeping. Spencer's heart ached as he looked back at the drawings. His mind began to wonder back on the last time he spoke to her.

~~~~Flash Back~~~~

Seeing Shay walk out the door. Spencer looked over at Jess with his cheeks still burning with Shay's comment. 'you too.' Spencer let at a long sigh as he took a moment to admire Jess as she was eating the ice cream while smiling. "Do you like it?" Spencer asked as he walked up the table. She nodded as she put another spoon full in her mouth. "So, is there anything else you wanted to try?" Spencer asked as he pulled the chair next to her. She looked over at him as she set the spoon on the table. She nodded as she swallowed the ice cream in her mouth. "What is it?" She looked away as if she was shy.

"I....wanted to try something I saw in a movie I watched with Muriel."

"What happened in the film?"

"Well, Muriel said it was called a romantic film. She kinda explained to me how some people kiss one another it's supposed to feel amazing but I... I don't have a heart so.. I wanted to see if it actually does feel as amazing as others say it is." She said while looked up at Spencer shyly.

Spencer's face grew hot as he couldn't seem to speak. Jess looked away as she became embarrassed. "Y-You don't have to.. it was just a thought." She stuttered out as she put her hands together as she was beginning to wish she didn't ask something so crazy from the demon. It took a lot of courage for the demon to place his hand on her face. He caressed her cheek as he tilted her head to face him. Jess looked over at Spencer with surprise in her eyes. Time seemed to slow down as Spencer leaned in to the ink girl's lips. His heart fluttered as he gently placed his lips on hers. Jess's eyes widened as she felt the same feeling she had when she looked in his eyes but something different this time. She felt butterflies escaping her stomach as if she actually had a stomach and a heart. She could feel the amulet growing warm and it seemed to give her all these feelings and emotions. The feeling was indescribable as she wanted the feeling to never go away. She felt his lips leave hers as her body didn't seem to stop burning. A short breath escaped her lips as she looked up in Spencer's eyes. Spencer looked deep in her eyes as his lips were still gaped. Jess's chest throbbed in pain as she never felt this good her whole life. She wanted more of this amazing feeling. Without thinking she threw herself at the demon. Spencer was taken back by surprise as his chair almost fell backwards. The two melted in the kiss as this time it was more passionate. Suddenly the two pulled away as they heard screaming and yelling coming from outside. They both looked at each other as they quickly ran to the door. Spencer opened the door slightly to check out the situation. His eyes widened when he saw all his friends on the ground while Shay and Muriel were running to their aid. Spencer looked back at Jess. She looked at him was worry in her eyes. He walked up to the shorter ink girl as he wrapped his arms around her. "They are in danger. We need to help them. What do you say we resume where we left off when we are done with this?" He asked with sudden confidence. Jess's mouth gaped as she was utterly shocked.


Spencer placed his hand on her cheek. "Oh course, how can I not want to when I have such a beautiful goddess in my arms?" The comment made Jess's cheeks glow red as Spencer snuck a kiss on her forehead. "Do me a favor and close your eyes. I'm going to teleport to Shay and Bebe to help them." Jess didn't refuse as she closed her eyes. Spencer kicked the door open as he saw a black dom around is friends. "Let's show these fuckers who they decided to mess with." Spencer said before he teleported inside the black dom.

~~~~End of Flash Back~~~~~~

Spencer didn't realized a few tears fell from his eyes on the table. He lightly sniveled as he wiped the tears away. "Spencer, are you okay?" Spencer tensed as he looked behind him seeing Shay sitting on his bed while rubbing his eyes. "Shay, I didn't know you were awake." He said feeling embarrassed he might have heard him crying. Shay approached next to Spencer as he looked down at the five remaining drawings.

"Whoa, you spent a lot of time on this." Shay said as he saw all the side notes Spencer wrote next to each circled section.

"I just thought I could help the best I could."

Shay set the papers down as he sat on his desk. "You like her, don't you?" He asked while crossing his arms.

Spencer tensed as his face grew hot. He didn't look at Shay as he simply nodded. Shay sighed as he closed his eyes. "I'll see how quickly I can get her back but...I'm worried she won't be the same. Without the amulet drawing I can't make her the same. My book is destroyed and everything about her that was in the book is gone. I don't know if we can get her to be the same as she once was." Shay said as he opened his eyes while staring at the floor.

"What would you say if I had the amulet drawing?" Spencer asked.

Shay's heart jolted as his head spiked to Spencer. "What?! You have the drawing?"

"Right before you checked on me and Jess the night we lost her, I saw the drawing lying on the table. I realized I needed to hide it. It is in a recipe box at Bebe's house."

Shay was left speechless as he didn't know why but he did. He threw himself at Spencer in a powerful hug. Spencer was taken off guard by the sudden action. "Thank you so much. You have no idea how thankful I am you thought ahead. I'd be happy to trust you to keep her safe when I bring her back to life."

Spencer let out a small smile as he returned the hug. "You can trust me. I'll make sure she's safe." Spencer said as he looked at the drawings realized she was something else in his eyes. She was never a monster in his eyes because she is the woman he fell in love with. He will do whatever it takes to help Shay bring her back to life. When that day comes, Spencer won't ever let anything happen to her.

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