
Making It Up To Her

More time past when the party started becoming more like a party. The night sky was beginning to show while Kyle was setting up the bonfire. Wendy and Bebe set up the table with drinks to sit a little closer to the chairs. After everything was set up people were still trying to go out of their way and interact with Token in anyway. The sun was setting when the majority of the group was either drinking or talking. Someone who normally drank seemed to have no interest. That was, until his friends caught him.

"Hey Spence, come here and have a drink." Kyle said with a full cup in his hand.

"Yeah, get away from the beautiful ink monster and spend some time with us." Craig chirped in as he took a big swig from his cup.

Spencer grew flustered as he tried channeling them out.

"Awwww.... He's ignoring us. He'd rather be with this girlfriend." Kenny cooed while sitting with Craig and Kyle.

Spencer's face heated up as he flipped Kenny off. Craig let out a loud laugh as Kenny pretended he was offended. "Oww, that hit me hard." He mocked.

"Seriously, dude get over here and spend some time with us." Kyle said.

Spencer groaned as he realized they wouldn't quit bugging him. Looking back at Jess, she was watching fairly amused by the whole situation.

"Uhh, I'm going to go with them so they stop harassing us. Is that okay?" He asked as he didn't want to seem rude.

Jess smiled as she simply nodded. Spencer gave a small smile himself as he got up from his seat to walk to his friends. Looking back he gave a small wave. She happily returned the gesture.

Token was speaking with Clyde and Muriel when he noticed Jess was finally sitting alone. He noticed how she looked bored as she was playing with her hand. Seeing it form into an inky blob, then harden, then go back to her normal state. 'Hmm... now's probably the best time to thank her.' "Hey guys, I think I'm going to talk to Jess for a second."

"Oh okay." Clyde said while taking a sip of his drink, then turned his attention to Muriel.

As Token walked over to Jess he looked back at Clyde as he noticed something. 'Looks like he found someone new. I'm happy it's not Bebe for once. Muriel seems really happy. I haven't seen her smile fade away once. I hope she's good to him. He needs someone to make him happy.' While approaching Jess he spoke up to grab her attention. "Uhh hey, I was wondering if we could talk for a second?"

Jess looked up from her hand. When she realized it was Token, she smiled as she nodded. Token being the gentlemen he is, offered her a hand to help her on her feet. Jess looked at his hand confused as she didn't quite understand what he wanted. She slowly held her hand out. When she grabbed his hand she began shaking it. Token laughed out loud as he wasn't expecting that. Jess become more confused as she was worried she did something wrong. "Can I help you up off your seat?" He asked trying to watch what he said so he didn't embarrass her. Jess's face showed a pink tint in her cheeks as she slowly nodded. Token smiled as he helped her on her feet. "Can we go somewhere else, somewhere a little more quiet?" He asked. Jess looked over at him as she nodded. The two walked away from the fire pit as several eyes fell on them.

"Oh shit, Token left with the ink girl." Stan said while finishing his drink.

"And Spence looks like he's about to kill him." Craig added.

"Now now Spencer, we just got him back, wait for tomorrow and you can kick his ass. You know since he's probably going to bang her tonight." Kenny said while laughing as he had too many to drink already as he chose the Maker's Mark again.

Spencer glared at Kenny as he began punching his arm repeatedly.

"Oww, oww, oww.. I don't deserve this abuse!!" Kenny yelled out while holding his arms up in defense.

"Wow someone's not happy." Kyle said while looking at his friend.

Spencer remained quiet as he watched the two walk off in the distance. Anger grew inside him. 'Why the fuck did I listen to them. I wanted some alone time with her this evening. Why does Token get to swoop in and take her?'


Token and Jess kept walking until they went deep into the woods. Jess looked around as she took all her surroundings in. Her mouth gaped open as she saw birds, squirrels and other creatures roaming the woods. Token noticed how she was amazed by the view. He smiled as he stopped in his tracks. Jess stopped as she looked over at him. "I wanted to say thank you. There's nothing I can say to thank you enough. I feel like there's nothing I can do to make up for you saving my life. I was living in an endless hell. I didn't know how much longer I could hold myself together. I.... don't know what else I can say." Token stopped himself as he was stuck on his own words. Jess was speechless as she didn't know what to say or do. Thinking back on the movie her and Muriel watched last night, she didn't know if this was the right or wrong way of saying your welcome. She slowly walked up to him. Token was taken back, not understanding what she was doing as she didn't seem to stop. Suddenly Token felt his heart flutter as he felt her softly hug him as if he was a fragile egg. Token's mouth gaped open as he was completely shocked. A smile formed on his face as he returned the hug. At that moment they heard a soft growl near them. The two pulled away from the hug as their eyes fell on the source of noise. They both froze as they saw a pair of eyes behind a tree. Token's heart sank out of his chest as he felt as his body was made of lead. The creature slowly crept it's way to the two as Token realized it was a mountain lion. His breath hitched as he was in so much fear that he seemed he couldn't move an inch. That's when the cougar charged and pounced at the two with it's big paws out ready to kill. Token couldn't think as all he could do was hold up his hands as he tried grabbing the cougar with his shadow but the cat was much faster. Token let out a powerful scream as he closed his eyes waiting for death. When he realized he was still alive he opened his eyes. They shot open when he noticed Jess was now in front of him while on her back as the creature was mauling her chest and tearing a huge gaping whole in her neck. "JESS!!" Token yelled out as he was afraid this would somehow kill her.

He held his hands out as he grabbed the cougar with his shadow in a tight embrace. Jess was panting as the cougar stopped attacking her due to his shadow. Without hesitation she hugged the giant cat. Token grew worried as he didn't understand what she was doing. Suddenly she began sinking into the ground. Token's mouth gaped as he let go of the lion, seeing it was being slowly absorbed in a black inky goo. The cat was unable to move as small noises came out of it's mouth. Token could hear angry muffled cat noises. Suddenly he saw an arrow appear on Jess's arm that was still holding the cat. Token's heart began to accelerate as he realized they weren't alone in the woods. Hearing a thud behind him, he quickly turned around to come face to face with a familiar goddess in his eyes. "N-Nicole?"

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