
Class A-1

Kyle Broflovski, A.K.A. Heatstroke is a fire blaster. He has an incredible amount of heat constantly flowing through his body at all times. He can bring a flame to any part of his body whenever he desires. Due to his power he has become extremely cocky and confident he can outsmart his opponent and also win in every fight he comes across. However, he has a bit of a short temper causing him to get blind sighted by rage. This being his biggest weakness. Due to the past with the constant names and labels he was constantly called flaming. The name pissed him off to no end. Just the name triggers him so much he explodes with flames. He was so fucking tired of people comparing him to a flaming gay guy. He was happy that name eventually brushed off in high school after he beat the shit out of a student when one day he snapped from the word. He's the smartest in Class A-1 and usually is the quickest at coming up with a strategy to winning a fight. He once was a sweet, innocent A+ student in fourth grade but he changed to a cocky guy that is completely full of himself ever since Cartman left the group and went missing. Kyle's weakness is hypothermia. It would take a lot for him to freeze due to his heat in his body but if his power was somehow stolen, he would surely die.

Spencer A.K.A. Night Stalker is a teleporter. His teleportation allows him to move between different dimensions leaving a faint mist that dissipates shortly after. Due to him being a teleporter he has extremely quick reflexes. He's best known for being untouchable at times. He doesn't speak unless spoken to as he is slightly shy. With woman however, he's more than slightly shy, it takes a lot for him to open up to one. Just being in the presence of a girl can make him to seem withdrawn. When he does speak up, he keeps it brief and gets straight to the point. Once he opens up he can talk for hours. However, that side of him is very rarely seen as he only opened up to one person. That being his closest friend Kyle. Spencer's weakness is not having line of sight to teleport. If something is blocking his vision, he could teleport but with no way of knowing where he's going he could end up with a part of his body stuck in a solid object while killing him.

Wendy Testaburger A.K.A. Spider Gal is a gifted girl as she has multiple abilities. Super strength, incredible sense of hearing and reflexes, flight, ability to climb walls, venom blast, superhuman speed, flexibility and durability. She learned martial arts as her father wanted her to be able to defend herself in case anything happened to her powers. She's extremely friendly and kindhearted leading her to date Stan Marsh who showed nothing but kindness toward her since the day they met in fourth grade. Wendy is immune against bug spray but her weakness that she has only come across once is Ethyl Chloride pesticide. The chemical was created by experimenters known as Weapon X. A small amount can drain all her powers as a dangerous amount can easily kill her.

Tweek Tweak A.K.A. Wonder Storm is a not so typical elimentalist as he can only create lightning. Tweek's dad owns a coffee shop on campus as he goes every day to recharge his ability. Any form of energy he has in his body he uses toward his ability. Coffee sparking up his energy level causes a heavy amount of power coursing through his veins. Tweek hasn't changed much since fourth grade as he is still obsessed with coffee but at times gets extremely worked up just by the sight or thought of his partner getting hurt, that partner being Craig. The two had been dating since fourth grade and haven't let anything get in their way from being happy with one another. They know it shows a weakness but they both don't care as their love for one another is too strong. A more physical weakness would be if he ran out of coffee and he used all his power carelessly. Playing the cards just right while using his partner as one of his visible weaknesses. He could easily get blind sighted and use all his power to the point he is completely drained in power. Without his coffee or any energy boost he would pass out while becoming extremely vulnerable to the enemy.

Bebe Stevens A.K.A. The Enchantress is a sorcerer as she carries around a book she called 'The Book of Spells'. She has many different spells in her grimware as she uses sleep, heal, charm, and Arcane Force. With her arcane force she creates a glowing purple orb that she's fires at an opponent. When the attack physically hits an opponent it pushes them back and knocks the wind out of them. Depending on how much power she puts behind the orb, the force can feel like a gentle shove causing someone to simply regain their balance or it can be similar to getting hit by a truck knocking them back a few feet and completely to the ground. She's very sweet but to an extent as she can be a bit of a bitch at time she needs to be. One of the things she love doing is doodling in her spell book as she is trying to improve on her strength everyday it seems. Because of her obsession with her grimware she couldn't seem to stay in a relationship as the others wouldn't seem at all interested in her work. The longest term partner she had was Clyde. Their relationship was toxic at times as they never seemed to be on the same page. They didn't have same interests and they honestly only dated out of lust it seemed. It was very common that they were either separated or back together. Her weakness is as simple as someone stealing her grimware. She can't use any spells if she isn't in possession of her book of spells. Without her grimware she can only use her basic moves but nothing very useful in a fight.

Craig Tucker A.K.A. Super Punch is a brutalist. His incredibly strength has given him an extremely cocky personality. Due to his ability it is difficult to defeat him as he never seems to stop getting back on his feet as he has strong durability. This stoic hero is known for not giving hardly any emotion on the battle field. The only time he would show any type of emotion is if his boyfriend gets hurt in anyway. The two boys become blind sighted when either one gets hurt. They are both each others weakness, that's a given. His weakness is rage. Find the right topic and Craig will blow up on an opponent. He may seem stoic and unbreakable but curtain things can make his rage go up to dangerous levels as he would be a danger to his teammates and himself. The more power he uses in a short amount of time the more his body becomes fatigue as he would become too overwhelmed while eventually his body would crush as it can't handle the strain. This can easily kill him if he isn't careful enough.

Kenny McCormick A.K.A. Mysterion is a martial artist with a hidden secret no one seems to know of. His hidden ability is immortality. However, no one believes him. He tried back in fourth grade to prove he wasn't crazy but after awhile he gave up. He is known for being the biggest play boy in town as he read porn magazines for a hobby since fourth grade. He's very straightforward with his flattery with woman even though most the time he would get slapped in the face due to his crude, blunt manner. He's not one for getting embarrassed easy as nothing seems to bother him. Being around his sister however is the only time he ever shows the different side of him no one else gets to see. He's very protective and watches what he says around her as she is his world. He's saved her too many times to count as South Park is crazy at times. He is secretly known as her guardian angel as she is his weakness. A more physical weakness would be when he dies he doesn't have control when he respawns. It could be the next morning, the next night or even a few hours. He's in constant fear as he seems to be a death magnet and would be the reason why all his teammates could easily die themselves for good.

Stan Marsh A.K.A. Toolshed is a gadgeteer and has mental powers over every type of tool. He also has the ability to heal if absolutely necessary. He's not one for showing much interest in anything as he usually plays the bored act while being on his phone half the time. Unless something sparks his attention he doesn't really add on in a conversation. However he feels obligated to speak with his best friend Kyle and his girlfriend Wendy as they are the two most important people in his life as they both as his weakness. A more physical weakness would be ice or water or an insane amount of heat on him as his tools would become useless.

Clyde Donovan A.K.A. Mosquito is a vampire that didn't want to be labeled as one. He feeds on the blood of his foes as it heals him completely and gives him a boost of energy. When he grow hungry for blood his eyes glow red as he sometimes loses all willpower to control his urges to suck anyone's blood. A simple way of making his urges fade is to calm him down. He can send mosquitoes to his enemy causing them to get easily distracted and irritation due to the bites. He can also fly as he has wings but they are very fragile, causing water to be his weakness. He has major self esteem issues and lack of confidence as he was constantly shut down by many woman in the past and his friends always give him shit. He doesn't like showing how it actually effects his confidence boost as he seems he isn't good enough at times. Being with a gorgeous girl like Bebe was his boost he needed but it seemed every time they split it crushed him harder than the time before. He digs himself deeper and deeper into a hidden depression as he feels he's useless at time. To hide these bad feelings from his friends he plays the act of a jouster as it seems to work to an extent.

Mr. Garrison A.K.A. The Puppet Master is a body manipulator as he can control anyone he comes in contact with as long as he asks his puppet to give a command. He claims the puppet has the powers when really he's in denial that he possesses the power himself. His power is quite powerful as he had many years to improve. His limit is taking full control of 3 people at once. He can control a whole room for the duration for a single command. He is surrounded by many camera's just to make sure he doesn't do anything unethical. The principle made it clear if they saw him using his ability in the wrong, depending on what he did he could be thrown in jail. Mr. Garrison has no desires to manipulate others unless their safety requires it. He might not show it but he truly does care for his students. Who said a teacher can't be hard sometimes. After all he does want to make sure his students are ready for this cruel world they live in. His biggest weakness would be foreign exchange students as he would be fired right away as he would tell them to leave and go back to their country as he refuses to teach in a different language. A more physic weakness would be a telapath who would get in his head to tell him to use his ability for bad. He's easy to manipulate as he gets blind sighted at times.

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