
Who is that bad boy?

"I am so happy. We all are in the same class. Let's go!" Noah shouts happily getting out of the admission room with their schedule. Lauren and Zoey nod their head smiling at him. "Then let's head to the class. We are gonna be late. It's almost time for the class." Zoey says running towards a direction while the other two who remained back eye each other then dashed into the direction Zoey ran following her.

Zoey stops in front of a room and checks its number with the one she had in her schedule. As it matches Zoey turns around facing Lauren and Noah with a proud smile and points it with her index finger grinning ear to ear. The other two chuckle praising her. Soon they make their way inside and take a seat at the very end of the class because it was pretty much full.

"I am so excited about today!" Noah exclaims happily. "Why?" Zoey questions while Lauren cocks her brow at him curious about his words. "Because I feel like my dream come true. I had wished to study at this university and graduate with a good result and get a job in-"

"Okay. Okay. We got it. Don't need to explain too much. We will get to that in future." Zoey cuts off Noah from continuing his future plans and he pouts with a displeased look while The two girls burst out laughing. "Zoey. You are so mean." Noah scoff chuckling at his new friends. "Yea Zoey so-so mean," Lauren speaks mocking Noah and Noah pokes her at the side with his elbow making Lauren winch in pain but still She snorts having difficulty in controlling her laugh.

Soon the murmur of the students come to a halt as the door to the room opens revealing a male in his late fifties with a file in his hand. All the students greet him as he walks to the front and places his belongings on the desk standing in front of him. He looks up and glances at all the faces present in the room. He signs eyeing the watch in his hand. He then grabs the file and glances up at the mass.

"So. I hope you all will work harder and achieve the goal you all made being here. And Also a memorable year, as this is the last year for you all."

"Yes, professor." The mass says together.

"And I can see a few of the new faces here. Welcome to our university. We welcome you all with much gratitude. I hope you have a memorable year." The professor says with a small smile. He then walks in the front of the middle row with his hands at the back.

"So, Today I would like to briefly explain about th-"

The door to the room opens with a loud bang and a figure enters the room. NOw all the eye were on the intruder who stood with his hands on his hips and a smirk plastered on his face. The professor signs shaking his head no in annoyance and displeasure. He gestures the boy to take his seat. The boy then walks to the back of the class and takes a sit.

"He sat behind us. " Noah speaks as in a whisper so that the boy would not listen to him talking about him. "Don't mind him. "Lauren says with a neutral face. "But I think he is like a bad boy here. Look at the others. Some are eyeing him and some are avoiding him. He must be popular here." Zoey continues as Noah nods his head. Lauren rolls her eyes at them who couldn't stop themselves from talking about that rude boy. "Just. Stop. Okay?" She says gritting her teeth making the other shut their mouth immediately and glance at each other chuckling.

"Hey... Just focus. What happens to your dream Noah?" Lauren speaks again just loud enough for them to hear. Noah mumbles a sorry and focuses on the professor who had already began his class. "But still... I am curious about that boy."

"Same. " Zoey says agreeing with Noah who was smiling like an idiot nodding his head. "Then just go and take a seat with him and ask him 'Hey... I am curious about you can you tell me about yourself ' and your curiosity with be fulfilled. And I can study here. Okay?" Lauren says and rolls her eye looking straight at the front to the professor.

"What happened to her?" Zoey whispers to Noah while Noah shrugs off with a confused look on his face. "I think she hates him. But why? We just saw him." Zoey continues but this time stops whispering as they receive a glare from Lauren.

"Just. Stop. We don't need to know about someone who is not related to us. Just focus. Will you two?"

They both gulp and nod their head looking at the front.


"I am sorry."

Jamie kept passing by the people apologizing and bumping into them as she was too lost in her own thoughts to care where she was going. She signs running her hand through her short hair. She keeps walking at a pace that she could trip any time soon if she is not aware of her surrounding.

As she turned around a corner at the end of the hall she bumped onto someone. It was sudden that she was caught off guard and she fell on her butt. "Ouch!!" She shrieks massaging her hurting butt. She whines and looks up to see a startled figure on the floor doing the same as her - massaging his own butt. He too looks at Jamie with an awkward smile. He soon stands up dusting off his pants and all towards Jamie who still was cursing her life on the floor. He extends his hand in front of her and she looks up at him taken back. She gulps blinking her eyes and glancing between his hand and him.

He smiles sweetly at her and she slowly raises her hand up to grab him but he extends further grabbing her hand and pulling her up on her feet. As she stands up she releases her hand from his hold. "I am sorry. " Jamie says scratching the back of her head embarrassed off the fall. As she knew she was the reason for his fall as well. He chuckles running his hand through his hair. "No, It's okay. I am at fault too. I should have watched my way." He says and Jamie awkwardly laughs at him.

"You are Ethan's secretary right?" He questions with a small smile on his face. "No. A devil's secretary." Jamie says with her gritted teeth but she closes her mouth once she realizes what she just said in front of the man. He chuckles at her statement. "Are you sure?" He teases her making her turn beet red because of the sudden embarrassment. "Uh... You are Boss's friend... right?" She questions and he nods his head. "Yes, I am."

"Please don't tell him I said that. Please, He will kill me." She says with her pleading eyes but filled with anger and hatred. She observes him who was smiling at her. "Okay, I won't. By the ay I am Liam." He says extending his hand for a handshake that she receives with a smile. "Jamie. And I know your name. Sir." He shakes his hand in front of her face. "Don't call me sir. Just call me Liam."


"No buts, okay? So friends?" Jamie nods her head with a bright smile. "So? What were you doing here, Jamie." Liam questions but Jamie freeze conflicting what to answer. "Uh... nothing. Just." She says avoiding eye contact but Liam raises his right brow observing her. "What? Is it because of Ethan?" He questions.

"No. No. It's nothing." She says trying to seem normal but her body betrayed her. She keeps fidgeting with her fingers avoiding his eyes, looking everywhere but him. "I can see its nothing. " Liam says with a mocking smile while Jame awkwardly smiles massaging her neck. "Yeah."

"Let's go and talk, Shall we?"

It's a bit discouraging to not have anyone leaving their view and opinion for me and this story to keep going. I just hope you are enjoying it. If you can then please support me. I will do my best to create better stories and scenes. Thank you :)

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