
•~•Chapter 124•~•

Virgil chooses a fallen log for them to sit on when they get deep enough, holding Hayden's hand tight to help him get over the fallen and rotting branches.

"I'm sorry I kept something so important to you." Virgil begins when they were both seated, voice ringing with sincerity. "You had every right to snap at me…"

Hayden grabs his face at this, expression upset. "Maybe but I had no right to take the decision out of your hands…" he moves away at this, retracting his hands. "We should have talked it out…"

Virgil shrugs. "I was a scaredy cat who refused to face the issue, you're taking all the blame again, it's as much of my fault as well."

Hayden moves closer and drops his head on his mate's shoulder, taking a deep breath. "Baby?" He calls softly, watching the sunlight play in the quiet forest, his sharp ears picking out the tinkling creek in the distance.


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