
Daddies Battle Program Part 3


The crowd exploded in cheers. Any fight from Logan in the 'past' was exciting however they felt as if this was the best. All of them were either his fans or he was their hero. He was the best to their 'knowledge' for a reason and although everyone likes fights with magic and skills, they all thought a good old match showcasing combat ability's was better.

-In a conference room full of people with a TV showing Logan-

"If your hearing my voice, then lucky you. I have had fun. You have made me have fun. In return, I will give you a technique that has many uses and application. If perfected, it can be used with any weapon. I have perfected it, so I'll show you it with my body. It's name is God's Orbit." Logan said in a calm voice.

"Finally! He's going to show us something!" One of the men with a suit on said in an excited voice.

The Logan blurred on screen and before they could even see what had happened, Logan appeared in the middle with the copier kneeling in front of him.

"What... just happened?" Everyone was at a loss for words. Many rubbed their eyes or gave themselves a pinch to see if they were dreaming. Many of them were masters in their own right, however even with their many life or death battles and war experiences, they had never experienced anything close to this.

"Mr. Caibrin, didn't your computer analysis say his normal body was only as strong as 5 men put together?" One of the men in a suit asked. The man had white hair and looked about the same age as Logan's grandpa.

Mr. Caibrin, also known as Logan's bio dad by Logan, was a lean but muscular man at the head of the table. He had a tablet in his hand and he was looking at Logan's slow motion replay of God's Orbit. He had a big smile on his face as he looked at the screen, "Yes! His body as of right now is just about 5 times stronger than any apex human. He is a real treasure! In this test he can't use anything but his body and techniques, however if you look here," He said as he brought up Logan's slow-mo on to the big TV, " His technique didn't only amplify his speed, it also increased his perception of time, meaning his brain and body could move with more precision and refined basics. Also do any of you see something else that's intriguing?"

A beautiful woman in he assumed 40's spoke with astonishment, "He is only using basic moves?! Mr. Caibrin, are you saying he can use other body techniques inside of the technique he provided to us?!"

Mr. Caibrin's smile widened. He was different than them. Not only was he a domain master, but he was also a scientist. When Logan said he was only going to use basic moves, he was disappointed. However after seeing him use these basic moves, he had realized how much information he could get out of it.

Logan's techniques right now were tailored to his body, however they were not limited to only his power level. Having personal experience at being extremely or even all powerful, even learning the basics from Logan could make a person many times more skillful.

In fact, many of the masters in the room, only having watched Logan in slow-mo were getting small hints in enlightenment. Some were even itching to test what they had learned so much, they were shaking in excitement.

As of now Logan was being played at a very slow speed, however when Mr. Caibrin decided to speed it up to what it would look like if Logan was moving at a normal persons speed, many of the masters had shivers down their spines. None of them could comprehend much of anything, as even when they could see it happen, it was simply out of this world.

Well... it literally was.

"If any of you haven't gotten the jist of how good this is for you then let me break it down for you." Mr. Caibrin pointed at Logan on the screen, "My analysis technology is the best to exist so far. The young man's basic moves only took 3 seconds to comprehend... To comprehend the secret technique that boy just used my program says it will take 3 days! 3! DAYS!!! Even the best secret technique I have put in has only taken at most 1 hour!!!"

Calming back down, Mr. Caibrin sighed saying, "The technique my system is comprehending is only using basic moves. If the boy had used any advanced moves I don't think the system would be done in time for the official launch date."


-Back with Logan-

Logan was standing in front of the copy who was kneeling on the ground. The audience was going crazy, however Logan had noticed that the sound was fading. And eventually it stopped.

Logan's surroundings had stopped and frozen in space. Then, black text appeared.

~User has finished his designated assignment in an unexpected time frame. User has finished in 10 minutes and the estimated time was 1 hour. User now has 50 minutes to do what he wants. User, please state where you would like to be sent.~

"Hmm, I like the sky, so send me to the clouds!" Logan said in an even voice.

~ User has picked 'relaxing on a cloud'. What degree of relaxation does user want to experience?~

"What are the options?" Logan raised an eyebrow.

~ User may choose one of the following, however can change it at any time:

-air mattress

-pillow top

-water bed

-memory foam

-extreme memory foam



-massage <M/F>

-floating massage <M/F>

-floating muscle relaxer massage <M/F>

-floating nuru massage <M/F>

-Floating nuru and more massage <M/F>

-massage: Anything user wants <M/F>


(AN: no one needs to worry, there will be no sex, however their will be teasing with clothes on. This is just for a break. This NPC may also be in God's Domain.)

Looking at all the options, Logan coughed when he got to the bottom. He was tempted to pick one, but with his unbreakable will, steeled himself and picked floating muscle relaxer massage. He also picked F for female massager.

Suddenly the room changed and Logan was floating in mid air with an 'out of this world' beautiful lady holding a clipboard. She was clothed in white, however the creator must have been horny because she wasn't wearing much.

Even with all this temptation Logan still had a calm mind and body. He had met many more times beautiful women in his past lives, especially in the cultivation worlds. He was not moved by her assets and devilish body. The lady looked real, however he doubted that was the case.

When the lady saw how Logan just kept floating their after looking at her, she was shocked to the core. She was the one who had serviced all of the previous people who had gotten in the relaxing space. Even though she was a digital person, her creator had said that she was the first who had almost everything a human had.

Looking closer at Logan, she noticed that Logan was also extremely handsome. The lady was very confused why he was so young, when everyone she had seen so far was much older.

Then when she was about to move forward to introduce herself she finally noticed something that had never happened before. She had clothes on. CLOTHES!!! This was the actual first set of clothes she was allowed to wear for a client.

Checking the clipboard, the lady noticed that the massage wasn't the normal Nuru and more massage. After standing their wide eyed a couple of seconds she remembered that Logan was still waiting and finally introduced herself. (He's not insensitive.)

"Hello Mr. Logan, my name is Sierra and I will be taking care of you." Sierra said in a sultry voice.

"Cool, well, it said I only have 50 minutes. Would it be okay to start?" Logan said in a calm voice.

"Yes, well... Mr. Logan, did you pick the wrong choice for which massage you wanted? It says you picked floating muscle relaxer massage. Some guess's have made mistakes before so I just wanted to check." Sierra hesitated.

Logan furrowed his brows and said in an annoyed voice, "No, their was no mistake. I chose the right option."

Sierra looked at Logan weirdly, "Then... are you sure you want me to be female?"

Logan's face darkened considerably as he shivered, "Ehem! Yes, I am very sure that you should be female... Look lady, I didn't want to say this, but I don't want to have sex until I find the right woman, and I don't care if this is in VR."

Squinting her eyes, Sierra felt like Logan was challenging her. She may be only a program, but she felt she could definitely make it feel real. All of the men before Logan were always looking to have sex. I mean everyone before Logan had also just had the fight of their lives. Some were even so exhausted they had her do all the work.

At this point it was basically in her roots that she would have sex every time. She liked it. She liked making her target make faces and have pleasure. She was born to pretty much massage and make love.

Unfortunately for her, the system restricted her in this mode. The most she could do was a nuru massage with a swimsuit on. The system would only allow them to make love if Logan switched the mode. However she could control the sizes of her body. If the target even liked non-human stuff, she could change her looks. This was her domain. Her space. She was used to getting what she wanted and she wanted to conquer Logan.

Logan, thinking that what he said would be a major turn-off, relaxed his mind and body waiting for Sierra to start. This would turn out to be Logan's tribulation of will.

When she started Logan could feel the effects as he started to feel like he was melting. Even if it was just a muscle massage, he felt all of his body relax and it felt like their was no pressure on his spine or bones.

Suddenly, Logan felt Sierra's hands get dangerously close to his little brother, however before he could tell her to focus on his muscles he felt 2 soft balls cover his face. Startled, Logan tried to get up however he found that his muscles were so relaxed he couldn't move properly any more.

Sierra, seeing that her plan worked perfectly, started to smother Logan with her snow white bunnies. While she did this, she continually relaxed Logan's muscles, preventing his movement. To be extra cautious, Sierra had even relaxed his face muscles beforehand in order to prevent him from leaving the massaging space. Sierra now had complete control of Logan.

Moving above Logan, Sierra sat on top of his little brother. She then started moving her hips back and forth however Logan stayed strong and didn't react to Sierra's teasing. Unfortunately for Logan he could no longer control his body and even with his unyielding will, Logan's sleeping little brother started to wake up and although he was unwilling to continue, the system was only voice reactive.

Fortunately, this was the limit of what Sierra could do, so for the rest of the 40 something minute, Logan just had to endure.

[40 minutes later]

Sierra was grim. She had failed to tempt Logan. She felt like her birth right was taken away. Sierra has tried all her methods to stimulate Logan, and although he was stimulated, anytime she would ask if he would change the mode, he tried to escape to a non massage option.

Now their was only 5 minutes remaining and Logan saw how she had almost given up. Logan she's a tear at how happy he was to have experienced so much to be able to resist the urges.

When only one minute was left, Sierra finally sighed and gave up. She stopped massaging Logan and let him recover. Then she finally disappeared back to her resting place.

Huuuuu Hooooo!

Logan made a long sigh. He had finally succeeded. His torture had ended. He was free again. Finally free. He had felt when Sierra turned desperate at the 10 minute mark, she had taken her clip board and turned a dial up to max, and Logan's pleasure had skyrocketed. He was just about to burst when she finally stopped.

Now Logan could truly relax, even if it was only for a minute.

Creation is hard, adding this to your library is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Wow! It’s almost like I forgot this was a combat Fan-Fic!

Part 4 next.

Hippo9999creators' thoughts
Next chapter