
Gut wrenching cries.

"No! No! Please don't do this!" I scream as my door is forced open and a hand grabs on to my jacket. I'm pulled out by strong force and slammed onto the floor. The rain pelts my face hard and I struggle to make out the shapes in front of me. I lie on my back, tears rolling down my face.

One of the masked men is holding the gun directly in my face, his entire stance screaming danger. The other begins to raid Ivory's car, working fast. The street is deserted, the weather keeping people away and inside their homes, safe.

"Who are you? Just take the car! I don't care! Please don't hurt me." I whimper. The masked man doesn't talk or speak a single word, he tilts his head at me mockingly, the barrel of the gun growing closer to my face. I hold my hands up in surrender, the rain continuing to soak my face and body. From inside the car, I can hear Tobias still screaming my name, his voice lined with complete terror.

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