
Chapter Fifty Five.

"How is school going?" Brody asks me, pulling himself onto the sofa and settling back against the cushions. I take a seat opposite him, wary of the fact that I have to put space between us. For my own state of mind, I don't think I'm fully ready yet to be close to him all the time.

"It's going good, I'm a little nervous about exams but I've been studying all the time." I explain, fiddling with a loose string on my pyjama shorts. I glance up at Brody from under my lashes to find his eyes set on my legs. He notices me looking and tears his eyes away, clearing his throat sheepishly.

"You'll do fine, you've always aced school."

"I know, I'm a little worried about my career after school. I have no idea what path I want to go down." I mumbled truthfully, the thought still niggling away in my head. The uncertainty on my future was beginning to irk me but I know I still have plenty of time left.

"Give it time Bella, things will naturally fall into place."

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