
35. Copy Cat

"My love come we must leave Azrael's waiting for us."

"Are you sure Lucifer that this will work if we don't win the consciousness will be…"

He cut me off holding his finer to my lips cupping my face and places a kiss on forehead it helped to calm my nerves.

"It doesn't matter we fight now for our right to choose if father's precious mortals can then we to should. You both taught me that showed me I wasn't alone in this that many of my brothers and sisters felt the same. So the three of us together forever and always."

"Yes Lucifer forever and always we will all protect each other."

With both hands he took my face into a kiss I was frozen a moment then returned his passion I have wanted this to scared to act on it but wasn't this what we was fighting for to be able to love freely to make our own story not father's plan but our own whatever that maybe.

"Then let's go forever awaits."

We walk out hand in hand till we meet Azrael he takes my other and we continue in line with our brothers and sisters. Standing opposite Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael and many others of our family. It pained me what was about to happen, but it's the only way to gain our freedom. It's the only way we can be together it's all we ever wanted no more running no more hiding. Now we have Lucifer he's changed our life and we changed his.

I woke up screaming pain shooting in my side. When I opened my eyes I See Ezra wrapping a bandage around my ribs. I look around and don't see Azrael anywhere. Oh no he has to be okay.

"AZRAEL where is he please don't tell me he."

"Don't be stupid he's fine you would feel it if he was gone well maybe not you might have died to. It was a good thing you passed out when you did your face looked as bad as his it was like you both took each other's damage his head started bleeding like yours. Then just like that he started to heal and so did you. It was weird he went out to hunt said he needed to get back his strength for you both Alistair went with him."

"Dose he hate me how mad is he.?"

"Hate you why would he hate you?"

"Because I almost killed him."

"No Luna he feels just as terrible as you maybe more. You will see when they return it should be any minute now. Oh he left this for you."

She handed me a small glass filled with a red familiar liquid. It was his I could smell it I sucked it down like someone who was stranded in the desert just got water. Never in my life did I think I would be drinking blood it grossed me out but not his it's became normal I almost crave it as much as I crave him.

Was that dream I had a memory was there something going on with me and Lucifer. Azrael said I would understand what he meant by owing him once I remembered more. It still isn't clear just more questions. So I sat in bed waiting for Azrael to return. I tried to contact Aurora and she just shrugged me off I get the sence she is made at for what happened. We both said not to hold back but the look in Azrael's eyes truly scared me he did warn me once that he was more animal then man.

"Ezra you mentioned that there was another binding placed on me is there anything else you can tell me about it maybe a way to break it."

"I'm sorry Luna I'm not sure it took a lot out of me last time I did manage to get a symbol from it something angelic I haven't had a chance to show Azrael yet do you know how to read the language?"

"No I haven't but if you draw it I will show him later I feel like we have a few things to discuss."

Just then I heard Azrael and Alistair outside. I brace my self for the anger Azrael is about to point in my direction. When they walk in the door both smiling it vanished the second they looked at me.

"Alistair darling I know you just got back but I could use a walk I've been in this cabin a little to long."

Ezra was trying to give us some time alone, but he protested then she promised to make the walk worth his while I watched them leave. Azrael never took his eyes off me I felt unease looking at him no expression just blank like stone. I waited for something anything any kind of movement yelling hitting throwing crying all he did was stand there unmoving. I made my self get up from the bed the pain in my side almost gone slowly I ventured to him he was unchanged. Once in front of him the only thing that moved was his eyes because he had to look down at me.

"Azrael say something do something be mad me scream at me leave me just don't ignore me I'm so sorry I didn't mean to hurt you that way. But you scared me I didn't know what to do."

He flinched when I said the word scared. Finally some kind of movement.

"How frightened were you Solaris?"

"I don't know! I didn't know if you would stop the look in your eyes I have never seen anything like that before I am sorry I almost killed you. I didn't know if you would be okay I know your immortal but It looked so bad I'm so sorry."

"Us. I almost killed us."

"No I was the one who let loose a bomb I knew what could happen I can never control it."

"No I meant to push you I wanted to see what your abilities could do but in the process I didn't realize I had to push you so hard I lost my self I couldn't stop I was trying to kill you."

"From what Ezra said it would of killed us both."

I walked over to the counter and grab a knife I stood in front of him. Looked in his eye and sliced my hand. He hissed we looked down as a cut appeared on his palm.

"What dose that mean Azrael whatever happens to one of us happens to the other?"

He nodded and the cuts in our hands healed at the same time.

"Natures way of balance I assume. Like I said before the more blood we share and the more we connect with one another the more powerful we become I just can't be as reckless."

"So if I do this.."

I placed my hand on his chest and dug my nails in Drawing blood I received a light groan. Then a burning lingered on my chest the same three lines appeared on me. I licked away the sweetness from his chest. His hand tangled in my hair lifted my head away from his chest giving him access to mine. Copying my actions the scratches already healed we proceed to kiss. Slowly moving our way to the bed this would be the First time we actually had sex in a bed. This time felt different we took our time feeling touching undressing. It was more than just fucking it was everything like when we first did this the blood sharing he glowed with light I could literally feel his heart beating at the same rate as mine our body moving in perfect harmony. It sounded cliché it might have been but we really became one in that moment.

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