
30. In His Eyes

I started to see flashes of forest it was like watching an old picture film. I focused hard on it a familiar feeling of paws hitting the ground snout out sniffing the air. It was a wolf running but not me the paws were black not white it had to be Azrael but the energy was different a little darker powerful, His wolf Anubis in control and on the hunt. I miss the feeling of Aurora letting her free having someone to always talk to. I'm missing the biggest part of myself I needed to get her back. My thoughts returned to the seen the wolf taking down a large mule deer his jaw clamping down on it's throat. I felt the bones break and pop the blood fill his mouth even smelled it's divine scent. Then the sound of sticks breaking from behind him stopped him dead he sprang around letting out a fierce growl.

"Calm down big bad wolf I'm only here to talk."

It was a woman she was tall and slender dressed casually in jeans and tan shirt light brown hair and dark blue eyes. How did she get way out here in the middle of no where and happened upon a giant black wolf.

"I want to warn you about your little playmate she going to destroy everything. You can't complete the bond with her it will kill everyone you included."

He bared his fangs the roar that escaped him scared the crap out if me but the women didn't even flinch.

"You have already haven't you. The prophecy! If anyone knows it's true meaning it's you. Why would you do it. You wont be able to hide her forever you may not be killable but she is. But now who knows we could take you both out by killing one. Besides you owe me a life taking out my best bounty hunter"

He launched at her and she disappeared. Where the hell did she go. It was like when Reign communicated with me but no pain In truth I wouldn't know I was looking through Azrael's eyes if he was in pain he wouldn't show it anyways. Dose that mean that women was a witch why would she want me dead?

I broke the connection bringing myself back to my own reality. Well I'll take that as a new trick from this mate bond. I sat up and started pacing the cabin he needed to get back here now. What did she mean he knew the prophecy and that we should of never completed the bond. Was she the one working with Balthazar, and the witch that attacked me, and what about Reign and my bracelet most importantly Aurora. He said he knew a witch he trusted maybe he could get ahold of her get a different point of view and some answers. I could hear noises coming from outside opened the back to door to see Azrael with the spoils of his hunt hanging in front of a little shed I didn't notice before. I didn't wait I just started blabbing questions at him one after the other before he could even answer.

"Who was that woman Azrael?

What prophecy was she talking about? Why does she want me dead? How did she find you? Why did she not want us to complete the bond?" I said it all in one breath and had a big in take of air to fill me lungs again. How is he still naked I can't talk to him like his I won't be able to stop my self from jumping him. I turned back into the house and grabbed the shorts ran them back out to him.

"Calm yourself little wolf. How do you know about that?"

"I saw it was like I was watching through your eyes."

"It's only the beginning the things we will be able to do through each other. Don't worry she has no idea where we are this place is warded. She was a witch I'm sure the one who sent that one from the other day."

He stopped put on the shorts and continued.

"Let me see your ring."

I looked at him puzzled and handed it to him

"Remember when I told you this was a god stone and there's a prophecy. But the one in this stone is ours and is in God's own words not just some crap someone made up or seen in a dream this is the real deal and can only be read by the one it's about."

"Is it just about me or is it about us?"

"Us everyone really."

"So you can read it what's it say Azrael why are these witches after us why do they want me dead?"

"Look see for yourself."

I took it back from him and really looked at it. Always it remembered me of the night sky but now giving it my full focus I could see what looked like a galaxy spinning. And beyond that words started to appear as if they was being inscribed before my eyes. At first it appeared In that weird angelic language I couldn't read then it turned to English.

Bonding of light, bonding of dark, two apart life will begin death will end together as one will bring the rise of the morning star, magic gone life an end creator a new.

"What the fuck dose that mean why is it always a riddle just tell me what it means."

"It means little wolf that apart we are God's pons here for his bidding with no choice forced to stay away from each other but together we are powerful together no one can rule us and we can gain an old friend in the process. And a chance to rule our selves."

"No one can keep us apart it can't happen now no matter how hard they try. What old friend and what would we rule over?"

"Have any of your memories came back you?"

"A few I guess I had a dream about that battle you told me about, and one about how I told Lucifer he had a choice, and one about my mother but it wasn't me in the dream. I mean it was me a different me I guess they have all been like that."

"Good that's good we will get you remembering. The more that comes back to you the more I can make the prophecy make sense."

"Okay still doesn't explain why those witches wanted to kill me."

"They don't want you to remember or to come into your power It would mean the end fir them."

"There's more to it. Azrael tell me please don't hold things back from me."

"I won't to but you need to get your memories back and we need to get your wolf back."

He was telling me the truth I could feel it but he was still holding something back and it frightened him.

"What are you scared of Azrael?"

"Solaris the only thing I can be afraid of is losing you."

He walked over and started kissing me I wrapped my arms around him I didn't care that he was covered in fresh kill my body begged me for him but I knew once we started we wouldn't stop. To my frustrations a voice came from behind.

"Well it's nice to things going well between the two of you."

It was Alistair and he had a girl with him I turned and stared just a little to long at them.

"Luna this my mate Ezra."

He gestured to the girl next to him she was tiny the top of her head just meeting his shoulders. Wide eyes chocolate brown, heart shaped face pointed nose olive toned skin her hair was to her shoulders cut perfectly straight and a midnight blue color her frame was petite she was the cutest thing I ever seen. But a power came off her in waves she was a witch.

"It's a pleasure to meet you Ezra."

I stated reaching to shack her hand, she just bowed in response it took be back a min Alistair saving the moment.

"She's here to help you with you wolf, Luna."

"That's fantastic Alistair maybe the lady's should go inside get to know one another and we'll finish cleaning the deer and we can all eat a full meal later."

I kissed Azrael one last time before I nodded and lead Ezra into the cabin. We sat down at the table in the kitchen area when she looked at me happy as ever, I don't know why it bothered me.

"My Luna shall we begin I would like to get a read on you before we try to fix whatever the issue might be."

I nodded and she grabbed both my hands and closed her eyes. Started chanting in what sounded like Latin I think.

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