
3. Reign

"Sol get ur hooker ass movin we anit gots all day."

"MICAH God! Can't a girl get a moment to herself to think?"

"Hoe you have had decades to your self thinkin time to starts livin the rest of us just get to sit back and watch while you beens drownin time to start floatin hunny go get ur beautiful self some fresh hunk filled air"

One of the reasons I keep him around his personality is so straight forward he tells me everything I need to hear with a no filter. Like most souls he doesn't remember his death or most of his life we are working on it he gets bits and pieces nothing substantial. In all reality I don't want him to cause he will move on and I will have no one to kick my ass into gear and just make me laugh.

"I Heard that!!!"

" Come on Aurora you know he's the only thing that has made us laugh since mommy and daddy died."

"Yes your right let get this day started"

Walking up to the old stone building that looked more like a castle then a college a shiver went down my spine I shook it off and walked inside. My first class focused on early American history I took my seat towards the back top row close to the exit door. You can never be to careful always have an exit plan"

One of the last students to walk in was a tall slender girl dressed in your classic hippie attire she had dark brown hair pulled back in a loose braid with soft features green eyes pink cheeks from running. She looked around the room until her eyes stopped on me with a big smile she walked right up and sat next to me.

"Hi I'm Reignbeaux"

I just stared her aura was powerful but light at the same time like a ball of sun shine ready to Burst. It took Aurora yelling at me to say something before I snapped out of my trance

"Sorry hello I'm Solaris."

"Solaris? Interesting at least I wont be the only one with an unusual name."

"You can just call me Sol."

"Kay you can call me Reign

After a introduction the professor walked in he couldn't of been older then his mid 30s. Tall and slender his light brown hair a mess atop his head. Glasses that fit his rectangular face perfectly. He had an age of wisdom about him like he had been around for centuries. To tell you the truth he looked bored.

"My name is Archer Ziel you can call me Professor Zeil and we will start are lessons with a bit of local history Same of which you all may know a little about The Salem Witch Trials."

I hear a huff coming from Reign next to me

"Witches! none of those poor woman they burned and tortured were witches they was the lovers mid wives and spouses of men who grew tired of them. Women the real witches turned attention to so they could save there selves and kin."

"Ah miss Reignbeaux I presume. I have been told of your strong feeling on specific subjects. You have very strong opinions even if you have no proof to back up your clams. This lesson is simply based on local history and I will teach it as such. Even if your statements holds turn. If like to discuss my lesson plans any further met me after class"

Well besides the first class the rest of the day was uneventful Reign happened to be in a few more of my classes she took a set next to me in each. Just as professor Zeil had said she had an opinion on every subject I found it a bit exhausting but intriguing you couldn't help but watch and listen she was captivating. We talked a bit after we finished our classes she wanted to go to a club during the weekend. I accepted before I even thought about it I have never been to a club but I was trying to live a human life and that's what college girls did right. Before we parted she made mention to my charm bracelet asked if I knew the meaning of the symbols.

"All I Know is it meant for protection. My mother gave it to me."

"Was your mother a supernatural?"

"Excuse me a what."

"Was your mother a witch your aura screams power but it's muted like it's been covered up and pushing at a thin veil to get out. So what are you? Your bracelet is what's shielding you isn't it the symbols look ancient."

"She was many things but not a witch, I'm sorry please excuse me I have to go."

Here I go again running. What else could I do she was asking things I wasn't willing to answer I just met her.

"That girl has no couth. I like her."

"Are you kidding Aurora she's more out there then Micah."

"Yes but she's alive and I'm pretty sure she is a real witch It wouldn't hurt to have one on our side Sol "

"Yes, yes your probably right but let's get to know her a little better before we go telling all our secrets shall we."

I was half way home before I realized I left everything my bag my books My bracelet. I can't believe I can't fuckin believe it I left it I freaked when Reign asked me about my mother I shoved everything in my bag and just took off. But I left the bracelet how did I do that I don't even remember taking it off but I had to of I have a faded memory of Reign holding it. With out thinking I was running back to the school Aurora took control no human could see us with how fast we moved. As I entered the school Aurora was on high alert the hair on The back of my neck was standing up. With all the panic I didn't realize how late it got the school was empty.

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