
The Struggle is Real

Friday came in a breeze. They were scheduled to leave in the morning for their Golden Week Camp in Tokyo. Unfortunately for the Hiro, Gaito, Kouen and Kouha, they were left behind by their teammates who already left for the camp. They had detention – and it's their last day today. They have to finish tidying up their school's recycling area – where they were tasked to segregate the things that are recyclable from those that can be classified as total wastes. Nara is known for it's cleanliness and orderliness, so it isn't strange for the people there to be very particular when it comes to recycling.

Whatever the case, the four seriously hated being left behind, especially that in the morning the first thing to happen in the afternoon was a practice game against one of the invited teams. Hiro was thinking what if they get to pick Itachiyama for their first game? And he wouldn't be there to play? That would be such an incredible waste.

For the first time in a long time, the four of them worked harmoniously and wordlessly to finish their punishment in the soonest possible time. It seems that the other three wanted to be there too for the game in the afternoon. Before 11am, they were already finished, and they smelled like they haven't gotten a bath in weeks. They were in a junk area, after all.

'I need a bath.' All of them were thinking the same thing. But at the same time too, 'If I will do that, these three will go ahead, not caring at all about how they smell.'

Their manager, Hijikata Kayo, prepared them Shinkansen tickets so that they can just commute on their way to Tokyo to catch up with them since the rest of the team will be travelling by bus courtesy of the school. They can only imagine being inside the Shinkansen, along with other commuters and tourists.

"Let's wear two jackets." Kouen said, to which the rest of them agreed upon. They just peeled off their working clothes and bunched up their jackets in their attempt to hide their smell, thinking that they can just take a shower once they arrive in Itachiyama. Hiro remembered that the ace of that team is the biggest germaphobe he's ever known, so if they actually end up in a game later, that Sakusa will probably stay away from his germs.

When they were done, they went to the train station and boarded the Shinkansen heading to Tokyo. Using the knowledge of Hiro, who went to Itachiyama when he was still in middle school, they navigated their way in the capital to find location of the training camp.

After a few awkward, smelly, hours in the train and them using Hiro's hazy memory of the place, finally, they found the 'Royal Oaks' that were lining the gate of the famous Tokyo powerhouse school. They were drenched in sweat by the time they found themselves in front of their destination.

Hiro haven't set foot in this school for years. He looked around – the day was strangely chilly, despite the summer season. Must be Tokyo's abnormal humidity. The occasional breeze every now and then caused the browning leaves to rustle in the trees overhead. His eyes examined his surroundings, adamant to take everything in.

Itachiyama Gakuen.

They will be hosting this year's Tokyo away camp / games for the Golden Week where six schools from different regions in Japan were invited to participate.

The guard who was manning the entrance looked at them curiously. "Do you have any business here?" Said the man in a grumpy tone.

"We're also invited for the camp held inside – sir." It was Hiro who responded in behalf of their group. The guard furrowed his brows at them and motioned for them to register first in the logbook. Then from the distance, they heard a familiar voice calling out to them.

"Ginoza-san! Hiyorin-san! Arakata-san!" It was their assistant manager, Kamiya Megumi. "I'm glad you all made it here safely!" She ran towards them in greeting. Then she turned his attention to the guard. "Guard-san, these four are members of our school's team who was also invited in this camp, will you please allow them entry?"

Her polite tone made the guard consider, and not anymore give them any hassle in entering the school's premises. "Ah, finally." The four of them breathed the air around Itachiyama, and followed Megumi's lead towards the gym where the camp was being held.

Hiro heaved a sigh as he stared at the familiar crest of the academy. Its almost nostalgic. Then, as if on cue, a voice he remembers so well disturbed the quiet of his reminiscing.

"Oya, look who's here? If it isn't the annoying blocker from Nara?"

Hiro knew it was meant for him, and as usual, the man's voice pisses him off, but the sound of his irksome pestering still managed to draw a reply from him. "Ah, I assume a benchwarmer like you really have no manners in giving proper greetings, am I right?"

A vein popped from the guy's head but he smirked nonetheless at Hiro' flawless comeback. "Nah. I got the starting position now, Hiro, bakayaro."

"How's it going, Shinya?" Hiro felt elated at that thought of exchanging blows with his team during the camp. That bastard's been his teammate for a very long time. Strange, when you become friends with your rivals, that you constantly want to beat them up just for self-satisfaction.

"Save the verbal exchange for later. Prove your worth in the court." All of them turned around and saw the face of Sukiyata Maki. Apparently, he too was waiting for his teammates in the entrance of the gym. Shinya fled from the scene and returned to the gym without saying another word to his previous teammate.

"Anyone else here yet?" Kouha asked to the captain.

"Thought you'll arrive late, but this is good. Only us Kansai and Chubu people have arrived. Teams from Kyushuu, Tohoku and Chugoku are still on their way. Let's head inside then." The captain said as he motioned for them to follow him.

This is it, Golden Week Camp, here we go.

Wait for a while - next chapter in another hour or so. Thanks!

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