

With a sudden, explosive gesture, Felix slammed his palms together, releasing the Avaricious Maelstrom at the Clockwork tower!

A massive swirling vortex of crimson energy erupted, spiraling outwards with ferocious speed and intensity, threatening to devour anything in sight!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

The maelstrom was a terrifying sight to behold, having a center with a deep shade of blood red that seemed to throb with hunger.

Meanwhile, the outer edges were tainted with darker hues of evil energy. As the vortex expanded, the symbols of Wrath and Greed fueled it, causing its corruptive power to intensify with each rotation!

This was Felix's first sin-symbolic technique that had evil energy added to the mix. He had created it while he was in the eternal kingdom amongst the original twenty techniques.

He never found a great time to use it since evil energy was quite useless against unigins. But, in the quantum realm?


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