
Don't Forsake Me...


Then, it exploded into a gaping spatial hole with the sucking power of a black hole, dragging within it everything and anything in sight!


Dankin screamed with a mortified expression as his entire body got snatched by the portal before he could use his phasing ability!

The same fate happened to Commander Bia and Sera, merging with the chaos of books, rubble, and wood, until only their dreadful eyes were seen.

Whoosh! Whoosh!...

"Ahhhhhhhh!!"..."Noooo!!!"..."What the hell is this!!!"

Meanwhile, Tempus Vey, Virona, and the other squads spread out in the library weren't spared either.

The portal's sucking power was immense to the point the library's walls and glass ceiling started coming off and rushing to join the massive queue of rubble!


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