Soon, Felix used his envy laws to mimic the appearence of the picked race with some personal modification.
Cling! Cling!
The celestial chains immediately tightened around Felix and introduced him to a world of pain after he tried to use his laws again!
Felix gritted his teeth, fought the pain, and continued designing his appearence.
"Do you need any help?" Apollo offered with a sympathetic look.
He had once experienced those chains and knew full well that Felix wasn't faking his agony.
"No..." Felix uttered with great difficulty.
'It must be eating him inside to feel this weak and hopeless.' Thor sighed.
'He has gotten accustomed to being at the top. To have such a fall, would ruin any warrior's mentality.' Fenrir approved.
The tenants were correct in their assumption...Felix despised the sensation of weakness to the core as it made him feel like he was under the whims of everyone.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: