Alas, before Felix, Asna, and the rest could feel a tint of happiness at his victory, a deep sigh came from high above.
"So be it."
The instant this sentence registered in everyone's minds, the feeling of happiness died out instantly and their hearts turned cold all of a sudden.
Their reaction was an understatement as their widened pupils reflected a scene that was enough to stop commoners' hearts at first glance.
From the same heavens, descended another palm that was a hundred times the size of the initial golden palm, dwarfing it and everything else in its vicinity!!!
It was so massive that the clouds were forced to part ways and the wind seemed like it was trying to hold the hand of a god, but to no avail.
Its descent was slow yet inexorable, a golden avalanche in the void of space, casting a shadow that spoke of finality and judgment.
This is the end of Part One, and download Webnovel app to continue: